At the last critical moment, Elijah rushed in. With a bang, the glass was broken by him. Bailu raised her head. Elijah had hidden her behind him. He dodged and looked around. He didn't find his sister. They sure enough... Something happened!

Elijah saved Bailu. After all, he was much stronger than a werewolf like Jackson. In a few seconds, Elijah rushed out with Bailu first. He patted Bailu on the back. She looked terrible. The whole face was smoked to a little blood!

Bailu held Elijah, and her hand was still soft on her belly. Fortunately, they didn't have any big problems.

Elijah looked at Bailu covering her stomach and coughed desperately. She almost couldn't breathe just now. She couldn't help getting more and more nervous. Elijah still knew Celeste's character. It wouldn't be so simple. Where did Rebecca go?

What Elijah told Rebecca usually doesn't go wrong. This time, he has appeared for so long, and the whole house is on fire. In this state, Rebecca hasn't appeared yet. There is only one terrible possibility left, that is, his sister doesn't want to appear, but she is trapped.

Yes, Rebecca, she can't show up at all!

Elijah clasped Bai Lu's wrist. What happened when he was away? What happened? Didn't she stay with Rebecca all the time?

What about the existence and taste of those werewolves?

Bailu raised her head. She looked at Elijah a little sorry. This time, she was not thoughtful and gave Celeste an opportunity. There were some mercenary fools among them. The wolves were used by the damn witch!

Elijah's sharp eyes swept around. Now that Bailu is safe, he is going to save his sister now.

Bailu was helped by Elijah to a safe place. The spell has gradually dissipated some power because of Elijah's arrival. Jackson is trapped in it and is still struggling desperately. Unfortunately, no one pays attention to him now.

Bailu narrowly escaped death. After relaxing, she focused more on the little meat / Dumpling. Elijah now focused more on his sister. He grabbed Bailu's wrist. At this time, he had lost his usual gentle body paste, "tell me, where's Rebecca? You should be together... "

"I... I don't know, Elijah. I'm sorry. She went out with one of them. Yes, a werewolf," said Bailu. Her face suddenly changed. She remembered the desperate Jackson who wanted to leave to find Elijah. "Wait a minute, he may know the whereabouts of Rebecca, Elijah helped me save my friend. He's still in there. "

Elijah frowned. He knew what was in the house, a werewolf, a male werewolf!

To tell the truth, both Elijah and Klaus don't like Bailu's redundant relationship with the werewolf family. After all, from the standpoint, they have always been sworn enemies!

Unfortunately, Elijah could only hold his fist and tell himself that their safety was important. Now, it was not time to care about his position. He nodded to Bailu, disappeared, and flashed into the house again. He resolutely went to save Jackson.

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