Xia Yu has always been obsessed with Lin Fangliang, even if Lin Fangliang and Xie brother are married, Xia Yu still can not forget for a long time, the increasing yearning forcing Xia Yu is unbearable, especially when I heard that Xie brother gave Lin Fangliang two births. After the child, he felt distressed and unbearable. The man he loved most and others had children.

Xia Yu often finds it hard to control her emotions at home, and Xia Ama is aware of it. Xia Yu is afraid that things will go wrong, so she goes out for a walk whenever she feels sad. When Li Changfeng meets him, it is just one of Xia Yu's usual states. .

Xia Yu wanted to see Lin Fangliang, this idea took root in his heart and sprouted.

Since Xia Yu’s elder brother Xia Feng is a scholar, Xia Yu has also heard many so-called Jianghu stories from Xia Feng, knowing that a brother had pretended to be a man, so Xia Yu followed the law and pretended to be an escape from famine. The young man in the town entered the teahouse in the town as a small servant, and every day he just passed by outside the teahouse just to see Lin Fangliang.

Xia Yu felt the more difficult to extricate herself every time she saw it, so she lingered in returning home and did not say hello to her family.

However, Xia Yu returned to the village anyway.

On the third day after Li Xiaoer came to Xu’s house, Xu Qing said that Xia Feng brought Xia Yu back from the villagers who bought things from his home. Li Zheng’s family only said that Xia Yu had gone to his uncle’s house. If I said more, the case was also eliminated in the yamen.

And just two months before Xu Qing was pregnant, and the day before Tuantuan's first birthday, Xia Yu married to Anle Village. The villagers more or less understood the reason why Xia Yu married so quickly, but they didn't have much gossip.

When the child is one year old, the busiest time is Chou Zhou.

Xu Qing set up a large table in the middle of the courtyard with a layer of red cloth. On the red cloth were the seals, Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism scriptures, pen, ink, paper, inkstone, abacus, and coins. , Account books, jewelry, flowers, rouge, food, toys.

If the child first grasps the seal, it means that when he grows up, he must take advantage of the gods and the official luck; if he grasps the stationery first, it is said that he will be eager to learn when he grows up, and there must be a beautiful article, which will eventually lead to the three yuan and the third; Grasp the abacus first, then it is said that in the future, when he grows up to be good at financial management, he will become Tao Zhu's career.

Conversely, if the child first grabs food and toys, he can’t denounce it as “delicious” or “playful” on the spot, and it must be said that “after the child grows up, he must have a mouthful and be good at'timely pleasure'. ."

In short, catching the week is also the elders who have high hopes for the children's future. At the first year of life, they wish the children a lot.

Tuantuan is now able to walk tremblingly on his own for two steps. Today, she wore a small Fuxi dress and was hugged by Li Changfeng on the big table.

Brother Xie, Brother Li, Brother Xie, and even Old Doctor Li, Old Husband Li and others all came and looked around the big table.

Tuantuan stood for a while, took a few short legs and walked a few steps, frowning, and then lying on the table under everyone's eyelids, not forgetting to raise his head and grin at Xu Qing and Li Changfeng.

"Quick, Tuantuan, climb forward."

Xu Qing pointed at the things on the table and asked Tuantuan to move forward.

Tuantuan pouted her little mouth, and her little **** arched up in front of those things.

"Flower! Flower! Ah! Flower!"

Seeing the flowers on the table, Tuantuan immediately turned to Xu Qingnai and yelled milkily, not forgetting to point at the flowers, fearing that Xu Qing would not be able to see them.

"This kid is so cute!"

"Isn't it, I'm quite filial, Aqing, do you like flowers on weekdays?"

Listening to the laughter of relatives and friends around, Xu Qing was a little embarrassed and not angry, but softly said to Tuantuan who had been looking at him: "Hey, you don’t want flowers now. You pick one you like, OK? ?"

Tuantuan couldn’t understand what his Ah Ma was talking about, but he still understood what Xu Qing meant when he didn’t want flowers. He turned his head and looked at the things on the table. He stretched his hand to the inkstone, the abacus next to it!

"Good, good! Our small group will be terrible in the future, be a shopkeeper!" Uncle Xie first opened his throat and exclaimed.

"Good son!" Lin Fangliang also followed, but as soon as he finished speaking, Li Changfeng glanced at him. Lin Fangliang immediately said, "Good father's good son!"

After watching the Tuan Tuan Tuan Zhou, everyone retired after eating the banquet. Little brother Li was the last person to see the youngest Li, so he went straight away after eating. The family husband Lin took the two children and Xie Ama and they returned. Xie's house, after the house was cleaned up, only husband Li and old doctor Li were still in Xu's house.

Boss Li's family wanted to leave, and there were two children in the family, but with the look of "I have something to say" on the face of Older Li's husband, he couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

Since the matter of Chen Qicheng's kiss, Old Man Li and Old Man Li have waited for so long without seeing Li Changfeng and Xu Qing personally come to the door to "confess their mistakes", so they came to the Xu family by their first birthday.

"Second, you will go back tomorrow." Old man Li looked at Li Changfeng and said directly.

"Not going back."

Li Changfeng had a slightly tough tone.

"I'm not dead yet! You have to go back to me!" Old man Li furiously said.

Li Changfeng raised his eyelids and looked at the angry old man Li, "It's no use going back, but it will stimulate the third child to want to split up, or let's try."

"You! You!"

The youngest member of Li marathed to live with the old man Li, "He is right, maybe the youngest will be even more angry when he sees him! Go back."

"Huh!" Old man Li thought for a while, still obeyed Li Yao's words, and left angrily.

"Second, second brother, let's go first, don't think too much about it," Boss Li said dryly, and followed him.

Xu Qing and Li Changfeng did not go out to send them off, until they were all out of the courtyard, Li Changfeng suddenly said: "Daughter-in-law, I'm sorry, there are still Tuan Tuan."

Xu Qing held Li Changfeng's slightly cool hand, "What's the matter? If you think about it, we have an abacus. Be happy."

Li Changfeng closed his eyes, "Okay."

The next day Xu Qing and Li Changfeng didn't go back to the old yard of Li's family. They didn't go back until the Chinese New Year.

Xu Qing opened his eyes and blinked slightly sour eyes. Yesterday was the night watch. He wanted to finish it, but he fell asleep.

No one was around, only the sound of Tuan Tuan outside.

Xu Qing propped up for three months, put on a cotton jacket, got off the ground, and shook his dizzy head.

Tuantuan was eating the small meat dumplings that Li Changfeng had wrapped for him. His small mouth was full of greasy, and his cheeks kept moving. The face that was originally round was now even more round.

"Ah, ah!"

Tuantuan started yelling as soon as he saw Xu Qing, who had just gotten up with messy hair.

"A good boy can't speak while eating." Xu Qing touched Tuantuan's head and said softly.


Tuantuan ate the meat dumplings that Li Changfeng had fed, and looked at Xu Qing with those round eyes.

Li Changfeng wiped Tuantuan's mouth and gave Xu Qing the boiled soup, "You can just drink it, or it should be cold."

"Wait a moment, I'll wash it," Xu Qing did not take it, but washed away with a little sleepiness.

As soon as I leave the house, what catches my eyes is a piece of white, it is snowing, and the paved is not thin.

Xu Qing exhaled, sneezed, rubbed his hands, and after a quick wash, he went back to the room and closed the door.

"Huhu! Ah, huhu!" Tuantuan said immediately, looking at Xu Qing's cold look.

"Don't huhu, Ah Mo is cold." Tuan Tuan said Huhu meant to kiss.

Tuantuan heard Xu Qing say that he was cold, so he didn’t ask for it. Instead, he played with his little toys obediently. He didn’t understand the meaning of cold before, so Li Changfeng stretched out his big cold hand and ravaged Tuantuan’s face. A big shadow was left in Tuantuan's heart.

Xu Qing drank the soup and ate some breakfast prepared by Li Changfeng. When he was 80% full, he stopped his chopsticks. Eating is only second in the years, and there are many other things to eat.

During the Chinese New Year, Li Changfeng deliberately bought a lot of goods from the town. Not only people in the village, but also people from outside the village, as long as they feel closer to the town, they are willing to come over and buy it, but Xu Qing and Li Changfeng made some money.

"What did brother say?"

Xu Qing sat next to Tuantuan and asked Li Changfeng.

"Don't go back," Li Changfeng just went to the town yesterday to buy some new year goods. He happened to meet Li Xiaoer, so he chatted a few words. Li Xiaoer didn't want to go home again. Before he was pregnant, he was afraid. I don't think about going back to the old yard of Li's house.

"We don’t have to go back. The third child is probably going to make trouble. When we go back, we will also ask for trouble. Yesterday, my eldest brother happened to buy Chinese New Year goods. My brother and I bought some things and asked him to take it back. "Although Li Changfeng doesn't want to get involved with Old Li's courtyard, he still has to take a walk.

"Then the relationship is good, and you can stay at home and think whatever you want."

Xu Qing stood up and prepared to go back to sleep, but was stopped by Li Changfeng, "Don't go to bed, it's not good to sleep too much, let's go, go to Xie Ama's house and go around."

"Yes, let's go."

Xu Qing also knew this reason, so he took two umbrellas and went out with Li Changfeng hugging Tuantuan.

It was a bit heavy under the snow. Li Changfeng was holding Tuantuan. Xu Qing held an umbrella for Li Changfeng himself. Seeing that there was a lot of snow on the ground, Li Changfeng took the umbrella Xu Qing held for him and Tuantuan. He held it by himself and asked Xu Qing to put his hand on his arm to prevent it from falling.

Xie's two children were sleeping, and seeing Tuantuan coming, Xie took it and teased them.

"It's cold today, why don't you bring more clothes?" Brother Xie said when Xu Qing saw that Xu Qing was wearing a little less.

"It's not cold, I can't move if I wear too much." Xu Qing also moved his arm deliberately to let Brother Xie see his flexibility.

"I was careless, not next time," Li Changfeng also felt that Xu Qing was wearing a little less, frowning. He was a little anxious when he went out just now, but he didn't pay attention.

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