Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 136: 136 Are you short of running errands and doing miscellaneous children (1 more)

  Chapter 136 136 Is there a lack of running errands and miscellaneous children? (1 more)

  "The clothes should be good for sale, right? What are you worried about?" Jiang Mu was puzzled. In 1988, these daily necessities should be very popular, and they shouldn't be difficult to sell.

  Wen Ru spread out on the seat of the car, "That partner also fooled me like that. Originally I thought so, but do you know how much the inventory is?"

  She sat up, "I think there are not only seven or eight thousand pieces, but most of them are winter coats, spring and autumn coats, and summer skirts and half sleeves, but only a small part."

  "Tell me, how short is the winter in the Shanghai stock market? Who would spend so much money on winter cashmere coats? Spring thick coats? Besides, it is summer. Look at the weather outside. It's almost too hot!"

   "There are so many stocks that were accumulated last year. If the stocks are not sold, the factory will have no money to produce new clothes, workers will not be paid, and the factory may go bankrupt."

  Wen Ru was sluggish, "The surname Zhang is not pleasing to my eyes. He is jealous that I bought three pieces of land. He can't get any benefit. He was trained by other partners, so he wanted to retaliate against me!"

She gritted her teeth with hate, "The surname Zhang, in order to retaliate against me, this time he also laid down his blood, and handed over the largest garment factory in his hand to me to manage. What is it to give me a chance for this junior to exercise? It sounds better."

"I was so angry that he deliberately cheated me. It was obvious that the factory was at a loss in his hands. Now he handed the factory to me, and he said that it was a high-sounding opportunity. Why should I give me a chance to exercise? Is he in a scapegoat?"

"Such a mess was thrown to me. If I don’t manage well and the factory goes bankrupt, it’s because I’m young and inexperienced, and it’s destroyed the factory. The other partners in the company will definitely have opinions on me. Maybe, still I will be allowed to compensate for these losses alone, and I will not be allowed to participate in the management of the company."

  Wen Ru said angrily.

   "Didn't you always dislike things like shopping malls? Don't manage these things in the company, wouldn't you please?" Jiang Mu asked.

Wen Ru was anxious, "How can it be the same? I don't like it. That's my business! If others don't let me do it, then it's questioning me! Obviously things have nothing to do with me, it's the ghost of the surname Zhang, why? Give me a scapegoat?"

   Jiang Mu put his chin in one hand, his apricot eyes narrowed, and he smiled like a cat, “As expected, you are a sibling, I found that you are exactly like the young master when you are in a hurry, so cute.”

  Wen Ru said earnestly, “We are brothers and sisters, and we are connected by blood. Based on our genetic genes, we are somewhat similar in some respects, which is normal.”

  Jiang Mu's mouth twitched. How did she forget that Sister Wen is an engineering girl who does academic research. This joke is not suitable for her.

"But to be honest, you really don’t accept small banquets? Small banquets are really talented in the antique industry. My second uncle said that small banquets are more suitable for this business than him. It’s just that he is still young and has insufficient experience. He is so arrogant that he makes mistakes. He is so smart. You won't lose money if you accept him."

  Wen Ru, who cheats his brother every day, is still very good at planning for his brother.

   Jiang Mu's expression stiffened, what the **** was it to accept him? She is not a queen, she accepts concubines!

   "But I really don't have much to teach him. I also learned about things in the antique industry from my grandfather when I was a child. Really speaking, I might not have as much knowledge as Wen Yan."

   Jiang Mu is not humble, Wen Yan is really great. He is only 16 years old and can decide what to accept, which shows that he has met the requirements of the shopkeeper.

  "You don’t need to teach him anything, just let him run errands for you? It’s the summer vacation soon. You definitely can’t stay free, can you do something? You don’t need to use your hands for nothing!"

  Wen Ru continued to persuade.

   Jiang Mu sympathized with the young master for a second, this is really a sister!

   "It depends on the situation at that time." Wen Ru said so, and she couldn't directly refuse. After all, she also needs free labor.

  The purpose is achieved, and after suffering again, Wen Ru is finally more comfortable.

  Wen Ru did not leave immediately, carrying some supplements from home, and went to see Zhao Yue together.

  The ward is very lively, with a lot of people, and the beds are basically full. With the guests coming to visit, the ward is crowded.

  Zhao Yue is in good spirits, and she is also very happy to chat with Wenru. Wenru is studying in the capital, and Zhao Yue has been in the capital for so many years, the two have no trouble talking.

"Aunt Zhao, my dad also has a heart problem. I also had an operation in the past few months. I know there is a special medicine. When I ask the doctor, if I can take it, let Mu Mu bring it over next time. My dad took more than one. Months, the effect is pretty good."

  Wenru said with a smile.

   "Thank you very much. Mu Mu has been worrying about my body. If I can recover and leave the hospital soon, she can rest assured soon." Zhao Yue did not resign politely, but agreed.

   Jiang Mu was also very happy, "What kind of special medicine? Do you know the name? I will ask the doctor now."

   "The person from country M will wait until I bring the medicine over to the doctor tomorrow. I'm afraid I can't explain it clearly." Wen Ru said.

  "Yes, yes, it must be prudent, it must be prudent. How much is the medicine, I will give you directly, you must keep this, brother, and settle the account." Jiang Mu said early, foreign medicine is definitely not cheap.

  They really have a good relationship. She doesn't want to mix in some messy things, which will affect the relationship between them.

   "Don't worry, I will make a note for you at that time." Wen Ru didn't insist, anyway, Jiang Mu didn't know how much the medicine was. She said as much as she wanted.

   "You go back to the factory to discuss with the accountant, take a look at your inventory, if packaged and sold, how much is appropriate?" Jiang Mu said.

  Wen Ru's eyes lit up, "Mu Mu, do you have a way to help me sell all the inventory?"

   Jiang Mu smiled unpredictably, "You go back to discuss it first, and you will tell me immediately if there is a result."

   "Then what?" Wen Ru asked.

   "Then we will continue to talk." Jiang Mu replied.

   "...Wait for me! There must be results tomorrow morning! Please get the medicine back together."

After Wen Ru left, Wen Liyan asked suddenly, "Do you want to pack the inventory?"

   Jiang Mu was surprised, "How do you know?" She didn't seem to say anything, right?

  Wen Liyan's black eyes flashed with a smile, "Feeling."

  "Are we so spiritual?" Jiang Mu felt a little bit magical, so she said a few words, and he knew what she was thinking.

  Wen Liyan's heart beats chaotically, the tips of his ears are a little suspiciously red, and his black eyes are radiant.

  Zhao Yue was also surprised, "Mu Mu, do you want to sell clothes?"

   Jiang Mu explained, “I have such an idea, isn’t this summer vacation? I’m idle and idle.”

  Zhao Yue frowned, “It’s so hot outside here, and the business of setting up stalls shouldn’t be very good, and it’s too hard.” She is very experienced in setting up stalls.

  Jiang Mu smiled, "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely not set up a stall in this hot weather. Sooner or later, I just need to put it on both ends."

   "Then you must use money to buy goods? I asked grandpa, we can't ask for your money." Sun Quan and Sun Hongfen walked in with a few aluminum lunch boxes. It was dinner for a few people.

Seeing his serious appearance, Jiang Mu felt a little funny, "Why can't you ask for it? The things are yours, and the money you sell is naturally yours. Besides, I didn't do it for nothing. The money I owed you before was written off. Is it good?"

   "Wait, Mu Mu, why is it written off? That's 3,000 yuan, you have to pay back your grandma." Zhao Yue said solemnly.

   Jiang Mu looked at Wen Liyan: You didn’t tell my mom?

  Wen Liyan: No.

Sun Quan immediately explained, “Aunt Zhao, that’s not the case. It was Brother Mu who found a few manuscripts from his grandfather’s pile of old books and sold the money. She gave us all the money. She didn’t ask for anything. I said that the 3,000 yuan I borrowed before was written off."

  The ward has a lot of people, and he didn't say how much money, because he was afraid of causing red eyes.

"Isn't that what it should be? It was originally your grandfather's thing, and the money will naturally be given to you." Zhao Yue doesn't think there is any problem in this, "but Mumu, it is natural and righteous to pay the debt, how can you do it? The debt is written off? That’s not right."

   "Girl, your mother is right. If you owe it, you should pay it back. You just opened up your mouth when you helped someone sell something. That's not okay." A clinical patient who was about the same age as Zhao Yue said suddenly.

"I heard that your academic performance is very good, and you also took the second place in the city. Girl, it’s not good to have good grades, and you have to keep up with your ethics. Otherwise, no matter how good your grades are, there will be problems with your ethics in the future. There will be promise."

The woman continued to preach, "My son is different. Although his grades are not as good as you, he is a three-good student every year. Looking at you like this, he should never have a three-good student, right? I tell you, you can’t do this of."

  She turned her head to look at Zhao Yue, “Sister Zhao, educating children can’t just look at their grades, and don’t care about everything else. This is no good.”

    Daily ticket request la la la~



  (End of this chapter)

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