Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 142: 142 It's Disgusting (1 more)

  Chapter 142 142 is really disgusting (1 more)

  Although the accountant and sales director were disappointed, after all, they were brought by the director himself. The two of them took them to the warehouse patiently.

  Jiang Mu actually didn't have much research on clothing. However, in 1988, the quality of clothing was the most important thing everyone paid attention to. As for style and design, it was only considered by wealthy people.

   Jiang Mu walked over, the clothes were obviously taken care of, and the classification was done properly.

  It is indeed the same as Wenru said, the winter clothes stand for the vast majority, but the quality is really not.

"Mu Mu, Sister Wen won't cheat you. Although these are the stocks left over from last year, they are very well preserved, without moths and mildew. During this time, we have ironed them. There are no wrinkles."

   Wenru said.

   "I can see it. It has been handled carefully. Sister Wen, the director of your garment factory is also doing a good job." Jiang Mu said with a smile.

  Wen Ru sighed, "What's so great? If it weren't for you to help me, I might be in debt tomorrow, and the factory workers are blocking the door. You don't know how bad the surname Zhang is!"

   "The wages of the workers have been detained for half a year, and the factory's books are all debts, which saved a few hundred dollars. I really don't know where the surname Zhang got all the money from the factory!"

   Jiang Mu touched a leather jacket, pretending to be casual and said, “It’s not easy, check the accounts. The accounting is not here, don’t you know if you ask?”

  Qian Minfu said immediately, “I only arrived at the factory this year, and I didn’t do the first half of the year. I really don’t know the original account.”

   "Just look at the account book if you don't know it, you are a professional accounting student?" Jiang Mu glanced at the corner of his eyes, his eyes smiling, gentle and close, without any offensiveness, and it is easy for people to take off guard.

   "Yes, graduated from technical secondary school." Qian Minfu was very proud.

"Yeah, awesome! Talent, talent! Sister Wen, how did you get such a talented person? After graduating from a technical secondary school, the state should cover the distribution? Talent like you should go to the bank. That's an iron job. "

   Jiang Mu praised.

  Qian Minfu smiled, "My home is in the Shanghai stock market, and the food service unit is out of town, so I didn’t go. I think our garment factory has a better future than the bank. If we do it well, we don’t have to make less money."

   Jiang Mu was slightly surprised, "I have an idea."

  "Want to know where the money in the factory went, check the previous accounts, even if it is a fraudulent account, this professional will definitely be able to find out." She looked at Wen Ru and said.

   "This is natural. The surname Zhang is cheating me, and my aunt will not let Baikeng!" Wen Ru said this, bringing out a wave of gangsterism.

   "Yes, factory manager, I support you! Find evidence, but you can cut him hard!" Sales Director Ding boldly said.

  The case has been solved. It is no wonder that Wen Ru has recently said that there is a shareholder Beiweier, because there is a sales director from the northeast.

  "Director! Director! Director Zhang is here!" The worker watching the warehouse ran over and said hurriedly.

   "Director Zhang? Why didn't I know that our garment factory has another director?" Wen Ru asked.

  The worker immediately changed his words, "It's the former factory manager, the former factory manager."

   "Wen Ru, how are you feeling lately? Have you gotten started with things in the factory?" Zhang Kailai asked with a smile, and he looked like an elder.

   "Dragging your old Hongfu, I have been busy with my feet on the ground recently, and I can't even sleep well. What do you think?" Wen Ru sneered.

  I didn’t care when I came here, and he patiently persuaded, “Wen Ru, opening a factory is not a simple matter. This is different from your school. Managing a factory is much harder than you go to school to solve problems.”

   "Listen to Uncle's advice, you are not suitable for business. Since Mr. Wen has already returned to the company, you should go back to school and study hard. Don't mix things with the company. You are more suitable for studying."

Wen Ru was so angry, and he was not polite, "Since Uncle Zhang thought so, why did I leave the clothing factory to take care of me? What did you say to give young people a chance to hone? Isn't it a difference between the outside and the inside? ?"

Zhang Kailai sighed and said earnestly, "I know your character too well. If you don't let you try, will you give up? Only if you have experienced the difficulties of managing the factory yourself can you realize what you are more suitable for. "

"You should know now how difficult it is to manage a huge factory? The livelihoods of many workers are in your hands. You are burdened with the burden of dozens of families. A mistake in decision-making may be It has made it difficult for dozens of families to survive. Can you handle such pressure?"

   asked with a look of concern.

  Wenru swallowed her saliva. She had never even considered this before. When she imagined the possibility of opening it up, Wenru felt heavy in her heart.

Zhang Kailai smiled kindly, like an elder who loves the younger generation, "Wen Ru, you see that you have taken over the factory for more than half a month, and you haven't even opened a job. Moreover, the factory still has foreign debts. I advise you to sell the factory. At least the foreign debt can be repaid, and there is money to pay the workers."

  Wen Ru looked sideways, "Sell the factory?"

"Yes, this is your best choice right now. You must have realized that you are not managing the factory material, otherwise it will not have been started for so many days, and the inventory has not been sold. Get rid of the factory as soon as possible so you can go back to school."

  Open up to suggest.

  Wen Ru's eyes turned slightly, and he deliberately asked, "Even if you want to sell, someone has to take over, and this business can be negotiated!"

Zhang Kailai was overjoyed. Huang Mao’s girl is Huang Mao’s girl. If she encounters some difficulties, she will be in a mess. "Don’t worry about this. Uncle has already helped you find a buyer. The other party is interested in the clothing business. He originally wanted to buy from other clothing factories. , I made him change his mind because I said badly. This time, my uncle is doing it for you, but he's going to give up his old face!"

  Wen Ru grinds his teeth hard and has seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people! You even said it was for her? The face is so thick that it is comparable to a city wall.

   "Okay, 1 million, even the equipment and workers, as well as the inventory, are sold to him." Wen Ru said.

The smile on his opened face stagnated, "How is this possible? Wen Ru, you are too ignorant. The clothing business does make money, but our factory has no profit this year, and there are foreign debts, and the workers' wages have not been paid. Yeah! 200,000 is already the highest price the other party has offered for the face of my old friend."

   "Uncle Zhang, you are bullying me when I am young, and I want to buy my clothing factory for 200,000 yuan. How much benefit will the other party give you and how much rebate?" Wen Ru turned his face directly.

  (End of this chapter)

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