Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 147: 147 Why do you treat me this way (1)

  Chapter 147 147 Why do you treat me this way (1)

  "Everyone, today’s gifting activity is over, but don’t worry, tomorrow is the rest day, please be early, still in this place, the rules are as usual, it is still limited, everyone is first come first served."

  As soon as Jiang Mu said this, it comforted everyone. Although it was a bit regretful, everyone was comforted to hear that there will be tomorrow.

  The stall was easy to clean up, but all of them were tired and paralyzed. Everyone found a place to sit down and didn't want to move.

  It was Xiao Zhao who moved fast, packed up her things, and left immediately. She was affected and did not delay walking at all.

  In fact, there were not many pagers left. Jiang Mu checked the number with the other party to stop vomiting, and let the other party return to the company.

  The van of the garment factory was left by Jiang Mu and dragged people to a shantytown. When passing by the farmers market, she bought pork, ribs, grass carp, various fruits and vegetables, milk, red dates and eggs.

  Everyone in the family needs to replenish their body, and they must eat nutrition.

In the past few days, the two elderly people from the Sun family have been cooking and delivering food. They don’t know how they are eating at home. The two elderly people have saved a lifetime. Jiang Mu is worried that they will eat at home and are reluctant to eat good food. With the help of the van, I bought a lot of them.

Wen Yan and several people once again became the little brothers carrying vegetables, followed by Jiang Mu, Hou Liangliang carried meat and spare ribs, Sun Quan carried a bag of 50 catties of rice, Wen Yan carried a carton of eggs, and Hou Liangliang carried it alone. I took two boxes of milk. As for Wen Liyan, he carried a grass carp. Jiang Mu carried all the vegetables and milky pink dates and other health supplements.

  This farmer’s market is very big. The five people were already tired this afternoon, but now they are carrying and carrying it, which is simply an unbearable weight of life.

  The first thing I can't stand is the little young master who has been pampered since childhood, holding a heavy forehead carton box, and dare not neglect at all, for fear that one of them will be broken by accident, and his arms will be sour.

   "Jiang Mu, why did Wen Liyan carry a fish? We all carried so heavy?" Seeing Wen Liyan walking lightly, not half tired, Wen Yan felt that it was unfair.

   "Because you are my apprentice, as an apprentice, shouldn't you share your worries for the master?" Jiang Mu said casually.

  Wearing the feast, regretting once again, why did you bet with Jiang Mu in the first place?

   "What about Sun Quan and Hou Liangliang? Why do they take so heavy?" Wen Yan pulled the two into the water.

  Who knows, before Jiang Mu could speak, he heard Hou Liangliang say, “I work for Brother Mu, and Brother Mu pays my wages, I naturally want to work.”

   "Is it heavy? I don't think it is heavy." Sun Quan glanced at the carton box Wen Yan was holding, and was surprised, "Do you think you hold it very heavy?"

  Hou Liangliang was also shocked, "I don’t feel heavy carrying two cartons of milk. You only have 100 eggs, don’t you think it’s heavy?"

Wen Yan looked at the things the two people were holding, and then at the cardboard box he was holding, feeling the shock and surprise of the two of them. Are you funny, enduring the aching arm, he showed one Bright smile, "Not heavy! Not heavy at all! Very light!"

  Sun Quan nodded, and turned the rice on his shoulder, "That's right, how heavy can a few eggs be."

  Want to cry without tears, and gritted his teeth to hold on to his smile, "Compared with you, it's really not sinking."

  Hou Liangliang also leaned over, "Except for Brother Yan and Mu's family, you are the lightest. If this is too heavy, we can change it."

  Wen Yan smiled brightly, "No, the car is in front."

   Jiang Mu held back his laugh, watching the banquet where his arms started to tremble, the young master is really strong, this small arms and legs, exercise too little, it seems that in the future, such things, let him do more.

  As she was thinking, the bag she was carrying in one hand was taken away. She tilted her head and looked over, "It's not heavy, I can mention it."

  "Stop talking, doesn't your throat hurt?" Wen Liyan frowned, "Since it's not heavy, the same goes for me."

  Jiang Mu was surprised, how did he know that her throat hurts? She was all alone in the hawking this afternoon. She shouted all afternoon, and she didn't want to talk anymore because of the pain.

  Wen Liyan took out a pill and handed it to her lips, "Hold it, it feels better."

   Jiang Mu opened his mouth, his mouth was refreshing, and he felt a lot better. It should be something like throat lozenges, "When did you buy it?"

  "When you bought ribs." Wen Liyan said, his frowning brows still remained undisturbed, "Speak less."

   Jiang Mu shrugged his shoulders and shut up.

  A few people returned to the car and put their things in the car and piled them up. Wen Yan was really tired and paralyzed. He felt that he was struggling to raise both arms, and he didn't even bother to talk.

After Sun Quan and Hou Liangliang had a rest, they were still very energetic.

   twittering non-stop, talking all the way to the shanty town.

  When a few people came back, they happened to ran into the compensation payment from the developer for the relocation. The whole shanty town was very lively here. Every household happily took the money and signed.

Many people have never seen so much money in their entire lives. Although they say that they have to move out within the prescribed time after taking the money, they can go directly to a nearby village and buy a house base with such a large amount of money. To build a new house, the remaining money is enough whether it is for a small business or contracting a few plots of land to continue growing vegetables and selling vegetables.

The neighbors in the shantytown here are very grateful to Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu asked for such a high compensation, and they all remembered it.

  They all knew about Zhao Yue’s hospitalization for surgery. Now that they got the money, everyone was relaxed. They bought some cakes, canned food, fruits, eggs and other commonly used items and sent them to Zhao Yue’s home. Sun Zhengde and Sun Hongfen were busy getting things organized.

   Jiang Mu came back and just hit this scene.

   "Mu Mu, you came back just right, come here and write down the courtesy account, I am illiterate, you write it down and give it to her when you visit your mother at night." Sun Hongfen said.

   Jiang Mu looked at the piles on the table, a little confused, just because Wang’s daughter-in-law came over with a basket of goose eggs, “Mu Mu, how is your mother’s recovery?”

  "Very good, the doctor said that he can be discharged from the hospital and go home to recuperate in half a month." Jiang Mu said with a smile.

   "That's good, you see your Uncle Wang goes to the factory every day to work. There are children in my family who can’t walk away, and we don’t have any good things in our family. You can help your mother with these goose eggs."

   "Thank you auntie." Jiang Mu said, looking at the big oval goose egg, she finally understood where these things came from.

Sun Hongfen smiled and said, "Everyone, thank you and your mother. These are all sent by the liberation of the neighbors. This is our rule here. If someone in a family is seriously ill, familiar or close, they will Bring some things and bring them here, all of which must be written down, and they will be repaid in the future."

  Jiang Mu doesn't understand these rules, but since there are so many people giving things, everyone should completely accept her mother, and don't care if she is a divorced person, her mother must be happy to know.

   "Grandma, you said, Wen Liyan, remember, let's move down the things we bought first." Jiang Mu immediately arranged the task.

   "Brother Mu, where do you put these foods?" Hou Liangliang asked.

  Everything is left in the yard, and the van has been driven out.

   "Mu Mu, you bought these? What do you buy so much for? How much does it cost?" Sun Hongfen couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw it.

  "Grandma, life is good now. Of course, we must eat good food to make up our body. You, grandpa and mother need to make up our bodies. The three of us are growing up, and we also need a balanced nutrition."

   Jiang Mu said with a smile.

"You dead girl, there are so many good things in the family. I don't know how to respect your elders. Did your mother teach you that way? No wonder the old Jiang family doesn't want you. Even the elders don't know how to respect you. Who wants to raise you two white-eyed wolves? !"

  Qian Cuifang entered the yard and saw that it was fish and meat again, and a bag of rice. She was so greedy that her eyes were red, and she wanted to move all of them back home.

   "Jiang Mu, you shouldn't be a girl! Your grandma has worked so hard to raise your mother, how can you be so grateful? You send these things to your grandma's house, and respect and honor your grandma."

  Li Lan looked at the things lying on the floor and was greedy. Their family hadn’t opened meat for a long time. When these things arrived home, she immediately stewed them all to help her son.

    How many updates do you want today?



  (End of this chapter)

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