Chapter 152 152 Guards Sales (1)

   Jiang Mu looked at the two of them, "There is only one left."

Feng Jun of Fang Daqing, look at me, and I will look at you. The two of them lined up for the whole morning and chatted while queuing. There is only one left.

   "Old Fang, take it, you can't go home empty-handed after waiting for such a long time?"

   "Give it to you, this is my base camp. You will not be able to line up here anymore. You can't get nothing at all?"

The two of them were giving in, and a head came out behind them, "Since you don’t want it, then give it to me. Look at the two people who don’t seem to lack pagers. I’ve wanted a pager for a long time, but it’s too expensive. I’ve saved money for a long time, but I’m reluctant to buy it."

  Fang Daqing and Feng Jun looked at each other with a smile, and generously gave it to others. They weren't here for pagers.

  "Little comrade, we have met again. You made such a big move this time. There are not many customers in our department store anymore!" Fang Daqing quipped.

  Jiang Mu naturally knew this person, "Uncle joked. This is just a momentary effort. There was no one in the department store just now. Now it is not necessarily."

  As she watched, she heard that all the clothes were sold out, and the people who were still waiting in the line had dispersed in frustration. Basically, everyone went to the mall. Whether it was shopping or not, the mall was air-conditioned.

  It’s such a hot day. I have been in line for most of the day, but I didn’t get a pager. Wouldn’t I let people enter the mall to cool off?

Fang Daqing naturally knows this. He smiled undiminished, "Little comrade, look at the door of our department store. Since you started setting up street stalls here last year, more people came here this year. Now you are here. What are you doing here to send a pager? If someone learns something after two days, they will come and give this or that, will they not attract all the popularity of our mall?"

   "It's impossible." Jiang Mu said decisively, making the two of them very puzzled.


  Fang Daqing actually wanted to tease Jiang Mu. He didn't really take this seriously, but they were quite curious to get such an answer.

  "Because the empty glove white wolf can't be done by anyone." Jiang Mu's confident and proud face was even more proud in his expression.

  “I can’t figure out the key, it’s just a gift, so no one should do it. After all, it’s a money-losing business; second, I figured out the key, and there are not so many eligible products.”

   Jiang Mu thought of this at the very beginning.

   "So, I'm very curious, how much money can you make in such a big show?" Fang Daqing asked puzzledly.

   "Not much, just work-study, earn a tuition fee." Jiang Mu is very low-key.

  It was the leader of the business hall who was cleaning up the stall and was almost choked by saliva. With 10,000 pagers, the monthly fee for each person was 85 yuan, and it would take her two months to open her mouth, that is 170 yuan!

  170 yuan per person, 10,000 people——

  The leader can't even think about it, even if there is a pager fee, but this girl definitely makes a lot of money!

  However, he didn't have any eyes on the money. He completed a large order of 10,000 users. This time, the outstanding leader and advanced collective must be him, and he didn't run away.

   "Boss Jiang, happy cooperation." Now he didn't dare to look down upon Jiang Mu at all. When he left, he said goodbye to his peers.

   Jiang Mu shook his little white hand, smiling brightly, "I will have a chance to cooperate again in the future."

   "That is, that is."

  The two exchanged a few words, and the leader left with the staff of the business hall.

  Fang Daqing and Feng Jun saw clearly that the other party left the money box. The two looked at each other and immediately understood the doorway.

  "What do you earn is the entry fee?" Feng Jun said.

  Jiang Mu smiled, "It was my classmate who made the axe."

  I am a big boss who specializes in economics and finance. She has reduced her talents. This big boss who started the Shanghai stock market, no one will not know this boss when it comes to the stock market.

  Feng Junzhi smiled kindly, "Little comrade, you don't want to be a fool, I can think of such a good way to make money! Little comrade, what do you think of the Shanghai stock market economy?"

  Jiang Mu was stunned, how could this big guy ask her a question like a student? This kind of level that has been involved in major national events is basically something that has some experience, at least it is something that college students only talk about. Now I even ask someone like her who hasn't even attended high school?

  "I just ask casually. The last time I saw you selling gloves here, the planned economy and market economy you said made sense." Feng Jun saw her doubts and said with a smile.

   Jiang Mu is ashamed, this is something that will be known to future generations!

She showed a cute smile, "It's just what I saw by listening to the radio and reading the newspaper, not what I thought. As for the economy of the Shanghai stock market, as long as the country let go, the creative power of the masses is unlimited. The ability to make a fortune and get rich Too much!"

   "However, in case the country does not have unified control and price chaos, social order will definitely be chaotic." Fang Daqing said.

   Jiang Mu smiled indifferently, "Uncle, you have to believe in the power of the market. The market has the function of adjusting prices."

  “In other words, the masses are not fools. If there are cheap ones, they won’t buy expensive ones. The expensive ones must also be expensive. The masses who pursue quality will have the people who pursue price.”

   "No matter what, merchants are not fools. No matter how cheap they are, they will make money. If they can't make money in this business, they will definitely change their careers, and they won't sit and wait for death."

"Anymore, don't there still be countries? For market countries, you can not let go and tighten the most important industries. For other countries that do not threaten national security and national development, let them go a little bit and experiment a little bit. The most important thing is to make the people rich first."

  Jiang Mu's understatement, to the point that it was similar to the focus of these meetings, Feng Jun was shocked, and the focus of this year's conference was to vigorously develop the economy.

  "Little comrade, is this all your own thoughts?" Feng Jun's words were full of shock.

  Jiang Mu didn’t want to be too high-profile. She just wanted to make a fortune in a muffled voice, “How is that possible? Just listen to school teachers chatting back and forth, and some adults chatting.”

   "Then you are also great. You can think of a way to make money like this at a young age." Feng Jun is very happy that the future of the country belongs to these young people.

   "It's really amazing." Fang Daqing also praised.

   "If you have money, will you buy treasury bonds?" Feng Jun asked subconsciously.

  Jiang Mu for a moment, 1988, government bonds, government bonds in circulation! ?

  How did she forget this! ! !

    There is no power outage today~~~

     This is to make up for yesterday’s update~



  (End of this chapter)

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