Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 155: 155 This Unlucky Child (4)

  Chapter 155 155 This unlucky child (4)

   "Yes, why not?" Jiang Mu took the rubber band and **** the 10,000 in his hand.

   "Then you just said that?" Hou Liangliang only felt that his brain was not enough.

   "What did I say? Didn't I make it clear, I just said that I can't sell it anymore. They are so knowledgeable and should be able to sell it." Jiang Mu blinked and said innocently.

  Hou Liangliang is really hard to say in a word. That's what you say, but your expression is not like that! He thinks his brain is going to be bald!

  Jiang Mu is not too funny, so he will accept it as soon as he sees it. His father is still here.

She explained, “Why are we selling so fast? Where did I make the money? You know, you also know how much the monthly cost of a pager into a house is. After 10,000, ignoring how many people can afford such a large monthly expenditure?"

"Be sure to buy the pager as soon as it comes out. Those who are poor can afford the entry fee. Our batch has won a lot. Ignoring the rich, there are indeed many people, but the pager is Everyone uses one thing, no matter how rich they are, they won’t buy a lot of them and go home."

   Jiang Muji continued to prompt, “The most important thing is to go, we gave a pager for 800 yuan a day, 800 yuan for real money, who do you think will buy it?”

   Hou Liangliang only then understood, and said with a smile, "So we have mixed up the market for a while. In a period of time, no one will buy pagers with real money?"

   Jiang Mu nodded, "That's what it means."

   "Then you still say you can sell it?" Hou Liangliang asked again.

   "Naturally it can be sold, it depends on the method." Jiang Mu's apricot eyes narrowed slightly, his eyebrows widened, and his smile was bright.

  "What way?" Hou Liangliang was curious.

   "Think for yourself! Don't ask anything, use your brain, think hard, and find the answer!" Jiang Mu said.

  Hou Liangliang continued to count the money aggrievedly. He found that Brother Mu had broken his studies. Recently, he always asked him to think. God knows, what he hates most is thinking.

  The balance is settled, Jiang Mu and Hou Liangliang’s backpacks are empty, and there is also a cash box, which is also empty.

  Hou Zhenhua felt that he was so smooth this time, so he became the sales champion?

  Obviously he did nothing.

  It’s too easy to win.

  Hou Zhenhua felt that the most right thing he did was to send his unconscious son to Red Star Middle School, met Jiang Mu, and became classmates and friends with her.

  His son’s grades were taken away, and his business was also helped. She is really a nobleman in their family.

  Hou Zhenhua wanted to take a few children to have a good meal, and rewarded them. As soon as the conversation started, he was rejected by his son. He was so angry that he wanted to plug this stinky boy back into a new birth and reborn again!

   "At noon, you are not hungry, and others are not hungry yet? These are all your classmates, what happened to dad, please have a meal?" Hou Zhenhua said irritably.

   "I am really hungry, but what's delicious when we go to the restaurant? We are going to Sun Quan's house in a while. Grandma Sun has already made food for us, and we are waiting for us to go back to eat."

  Hou Liangliang said with a look of aftertaste.

  Hou Zhenhua really did not expect that one day, he would be rejected when he went out of the restaurant.

  He personally sent a few people out of the company, and also stuffed Hou Liangliang with money. It was his own son. For him, stuffing money was a way of expressing love.

  Hou Zhenhua didn't let them leave like this, but took Jiang Mu and deposited part of the huge sum of money on his body. It was not safe to take the province with him. A few children went to his company with such a large sum of money on their backs. Nothing happened on the way, and it was so incredibly fragrant.

  After coming out of the bank, Jiang Mu and the others were groaning with hunger.

  The business was all done, a few people went straight back home, and they ate a large table of dishes made by Sun Hongfen. They were really clean, without any exaggerated ingredients, and even the side dishes were eaten cleanly.

   Pick up the table and clean the bowl to save trouble.

   Jiang Mu had planned to settle the balance of Wenru’s clothes, but he ate too much and didn’t want to move. He just wanted to lie on the bed and make a salted fish.

  She did not expect that Wen Ru would come in person, which saved her.

   "Mu Mu! You are amazing! I admire you to death!" As soon as Wen Ru entered the house, he hugged Jiang Mu excitedly.

   Jiang Mu, who was sitting on the side of the bed, was suddenly thrown over. He finally got up and lay down on the big bed again. Jiang Mu didn't want to move anymore.

   "Sister Wen, I have eaten too much and can't get up anymore." Jiang Mu looked at the roof, shamelessly motionless.

  Wen Ru looked at and poked her white face, "I think you are tired, not eating too much. Where is it so easy to do business? It is even harder to make money."

Jiang Mu rubbed his stomach, "Fortunately, everyone can help, otherwise, how can the matter end so easily?" She tilted her head and said with a smile, "Fortunately, you send the young master over, otherwise we will be the only ones. Tired and paralyzed, but now he is probably tired too, so he should have a good rest when he goes back."

Wen Ru smiled and said, "He is a boy, he should exercise. The business in the family will be handed over to him in the future. If he really can't stand it anymore, he will speak. Besides, even you are a girl. Persevering, he guesses there is no problem."

Jiang Mu squinted his eyes and smiled, "The young master is too strong. I can stick to it because I keep exercising every day. If my physical fitness is good, he may not be the same. It is probably being strong. You will bring him back later. , Let him have a good rest."

  Wen Ru was thoughtful, and stood up abruptly, "This kid just lacks lessons!"

   "Sister Wen——" Jiang Mu shouted, but the person had already ran out.

    good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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