Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 160: 160 Sudden Disaster (3)

  Chapter 160 The sudden disaster (3)

  "Excuse me, is Zhao Baobao's home? We now suspect that he is related to a smuggling case, please follow us back to the bureau." The police headed said seriously.

  The cigarette between Zhao Baobao's fingers fell on the carpet and burned a black hole.

  "Police officer, are you mistaken? Our head is a serious business, how could smuggling? It's impossible." Song Jia turned pale with fright, clutching the police's arms, already starting to speak incoherently.

   "Police officer, I am not smuggling, I am Daoteng Electric, I am a serious businessman." Zhao Baobao also panicked, looking at the handcuffs on his wrists, and kept repeating, "I don't have one, I don't have one, I don't have one."

  "Remember what you said back to the bureau!" The two police officers violently forced Zhao Baobao out of the house.

  Jiang Mu suddenly grabbed a person's arm and asked in a low voice, "Brother Dali, what's the matter?"

   "The bureau arrested a group of smugglers and smuggled cigarettes. The circumstances were serious. During the interrogation, it was discovered that your third uncle was also one of this group."

Jiang Mu frowned, "He won't do this kind of thing. Not only did he miss a penny this time in the transport, he also picked up a lot. Just now my third aunt told me about this. I Believe that my third uncle can't do such things, you have to find out."

   "Don't worry, I will pay attention." Zhang Dali didn't say much, and it's not the time when he can say more in the current situation.

  Zhao Baobao was taken away by the police.

  Song Jia sat slumped on the ground and murmured, "What should I do? What should I do? What should I do now?"

  Zhao Huan's face turned pale, sitting on the sofa motionless, Liushen has no master, and doesn't know what to do.

  Only Jiang Mu remained sane. She walked up to Song Jia, squatted down, pressed her shoulders with both hands, and forced her to stare into her eyes, "Is the third uncle involved in smuggling?"

  Song Jia looked at her blankly, apparently still not reacting.

   "Smuggling is a big deal! If you are caught at this stage, it is a felony and you must go to jail!" Jiang Mu said solemnly, "Is the third uncle involved in smuggling?"

  As soon as he heard the words imprisoned, Song Jia was instantly enraged, and immediately recovered, and shook her head suddenly, "No, no, absolutely not! If your third uncle is really involved in smuggling, how can you lose money?"

"You don’t know. This time, the friends who did the same business with your third uncle all made a lot of money. They called your third uncle to show off before, and laughed at your third uncle for being timid, saying Why don't you support the courage these years, starve to death, and say that people like your third uncle can't make a lot of money!"

  Song Jia seemed to have caught some life-saving straw, and firmly held her hands, "Mu Mu, you have to believe your third uncle, he really didn't do anything!"

  Jiang Mu knows, “Don’t worry, as long as the third uncle has not done it, the police will not wrong him. What we have to do now is to release the third uncle on bail, do you know a lawyer?”

  "Lawyer? What is a lawyer?" Song Jia's mind went blank.

  Jiang Mu didn't count on her anymore. This person is now completely panicked.

   "I'll make a call to help you find your lawyer. Now you take the money, wash your face, and we will go to the police station." Jiang Mu was very calm and calm. Even Song Jia, who was flustered, gradually calmed down.


  Jiang Mu is really lucky that they have a landline at home, otherwise, today’s things are really troublesome.

  She immediately dialed Wen's phone number. It was Wen's servant who answered the call. Fortunately, Wenru was at home.

   "Lawyer? What are you looking for a lawyer for? Which one is not long-eyed to trouble you? Tell me, see if I don't teach him!" Wen Ru is like a machine gun.

   "It's not me, it's my third uncle. Something needs bail. I don't know a lawyer, so I can only ask you, what do you recommend?" Jiang Mu asked.

  Wen Ru breathed a sigh of relief, “We have lawyers who are familiar with each other in our company. Which police station we meet in front of the police station.”

   Jiang Mu reported his name, and then hung up.

  Song Jia is ready.

   "Let's go." Jiang Mu said.

   "I will go too!" Zhao Huan, who had been in a daze, suddenly stood up.

  The corner of Jiang Mu's eyes glanced over.

   "I want to go too! I must go!" Zhao Huan was firm.

   "Keep up." Jiang Mu said nothing more.

When Jiang Mu took the two to the door of the police station, Wen Ru also took the lawyer.

  At this time, Zhao Baobao was in the interrogation room and had already gone through three rounds of interrogations.

Zhao Baobao looked haggard and looked very irritable, "I have already said, I don't! They smuggle tobacco, but I don't! I'm a business businessman, and I'm a maker of electrical appliances. How much do I deliver? Whoever has said the name, you can verify it."

   "You guys are all from Daoteng Electric. They smuggle tobacco. Why don't you? This is a huge profit!"

"I want to come! I am very excited. It costs more than 100,000 yuan for a trip, which is much more than I earn from doing Teng Electric. If my niece didn't warn me beforehand, I might not pay attention to it, so I would do it with everyone! But , My nephew’s daughter said, let me do my part in the electrical appliance business, don’t worry about it, if I break the law, I will definitely have to squat! So, I didn’t do it!"

  Zhao Baobao tried to explain that he is really lucky now, he has listened to Jiang Mu’s advice, otherwise, squatting for three years and five years is nothing!

In the lobby of the police station, Jiang Mu has a solemn expression. In this era, smuggling is serious in order to make money. She remembers that in the late 1980s, because of smuggling, she did not know how many people were arrested!

  That’s why she reminded Zhao Baobao to wake up. Fortunately, he listened to it, otherwise, this prison sentence would definitely be inevitable.

   "Mu Mu, don't worry, the lawyer has already gone through the procedures. As long as your third uncle has not done it, the police have no strong evidence and no suspicion of directional suspicion. There will be no problem with paying some money for bail.

   Wen Ru comforted.

  Jiang Mu pursed his lips, “Who knows what the police found, if someone deliberately framed him, and he has no evidence to prove his innocence, then it’s troublesome.”

  Wen Ru wanted to say that it was impossible, but after being dug by the surname Zhang, she seemed to have thoroughly understood what a shopping mall is like a battlefield. When she reached her lips, she was abruptly held back.

  A few people waited anxiously in the hall. Fortunately, the lawyer Wen Ru brought with him was very capable. The police had already completed the inquiry, and they readily agreed to bail.

  Zhao Baobao saw Jiang Mu as if he saw a lifesaver. He was so excited that he ran to Jiang Mu and said, "This time I really thank you, otherwise I will really go to jail!"

   Jiang Mu smiled, “Go back and rest first. You didn’t do anything by yourself, so naturally you won’t go to jail. Let’s go.”

   "No, Zhao Baobao can go, but you can't." A policeman stopped Jiang Mu.

    good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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