Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 162: 162 people Jiang Mu has the ability! (2)

  Chapter 162 162 Jiang Mu has the ability! (2)

  In the lobby of the police station, Zhao Baobao is sitting on a wooden chair with his fingers clasped and frowning, very worried.

   "Will my niece have anything to do?"

   "The police should just understand the situation. Jiang Mu is not an adult, and Miss Wen is still following. Nothing will happen," the lawyer said.

   "Since it's okay, the owner, let's go home first, and the lawyer will be here." Song Jia said tremblingly.

  "How can it work? Jiang Mu found a lawyer and released his father on bail. How can we leave now? In case something happens, there is not even a person to help?"

  Zhao Huan disagrees.

   "Yes, Huanhuan is right. We can't go first. This time we can avoid prison disaster. It depends on Mu Mu's early warning. Now that she is being questioned inside, how can we leave?"

  Zhao Baobao agrees with her daughter's ideas very much.

  Song Jia didn't dare to say anything. She had always been in a nest. In a place like a police station, she didn't even dare to argue.

However, things are the same as the lawyer said. Although Ji Yunfan thinks Jiang Mu is suspicious and thinks she may know something, Jiang Mu's explanation is also very convincing. The most important thing is that Ji Yunfan's suspicion is not convincing. , Relying on his suspicion alone, nothing can be done.

  Ji Yunfan personally sent the people out. Looking at Jiang Mu's back, he still couldn't help but asked, "Do you have any clues you can provide regarding smuggling?"

Jiang Mu stopped, turned around, squinted his eyes, and said with a smile, "I don’t need to remind the season team. This kind of transportation truck can indeed hold a lot of things in one vehicle, but other means of transportation may be one-time. I don’t bring much, but if I go back and forth several times, the effect is very significant."

  Ji Yunfan was startled, and then immediately came back to his senses, "Immediately organize manpower and go to the train station!"

   Jiang Mu smiled slightly, "The brain is still okay, and the reaction is very fast."

  Zhao Baobao is such a false alarm, and he does not envy a few colleagues who have made a lot of money. He didn't make that much money, but he didn't have to go to jail, he still made it.

  Zhao Baobao is really grateful to Jiang Mu, "Mu Mu, it's getting dark this day, San Jiu takes you out of the restaurant, thank you and Miss Wen."

  Wen Ru heard this and waved his hands again and again, "Don't thank me, I came here looking at Mu Mu's face."

Jiang Mu also smiled, “It’s fine if it’s okay. No need to thank you. We were able to succeed in the operation. You also made a lot of effort. There is no big profit for Daoteng Electric. Let’s change the job and do the transportation well. It will be the same in the future. Very profitable."

  Zhao Baobao smiled and nodded, “I’ll go back and think about it. Let’s eat first.”

   "I won't eat any more meals. My mother is still in the hospital. I will go to the hospital to eat with her." Jiang Mu said.

   "I can send Mumu to the hospital, you don't have to worry." Wen Ru said.

  Although Zhao Baobao felt it was a pity, he did not force it anymore, took his wife and children, took a taxi, and went home.

It was not until he returned home that Zhao Baobao’s panicked heart was a little calmer. He grew up so that it was the first time a police came to arrest someone and was taken into the bureau. He was almost living in the police station today. , If one fails, you may have to go to jail. Think about it and feel scared.

  Zhao Baobao poured two big mouthfuls of tea, and then calmed down, “Xiao Huan, you and Mu Mu are going to a high school, take care of her after school starts, don’t let her be bullied while studying.”

   Zhao Huan's heart is not calm yet, so he nodded subconsciously.

Song Jia was reluctant to say, "Why let Xiaohuan take care of her? Xiaohuan, I heard that there are many students with good backgrounds in key high schools. Then you have to get along with them. After graduation, you will have many friends and multiple paths. "

  After being said so, Zhao Huan came back to his senses in an instant, "Jiang Mu's academic performance is better than me, so I don't need me to take care of it at all."

   "Then you can follow her to learn more if you have nothing to do." Zhao Baobao said.

   "What to learn? What is there to learn from Jiang Mu? The owner, once caught by the police, did your brain break down?" Song Jia strongly objected.

"Students in key high schools are not only good at studying, but also from a good family background. I heard from my coworkers before that basically the children of wealthy people in the Shanghai market are in key high schools. After school starts, Xiaohuan naturally wants to talk to those with good backgrounds. What can you learn from Jiang Mu when you make friends?"

  Song Jia just doesn't like this niece who always embarrass her.

Zhao Baobao glared at her and said solemnly, "You really have long hair and short knowledge! There are so many places to learn! If you look at the situation today, she can handle things calmly, and I was frightened. You and Xiao Huan are also panicking, don't you know what to do?"

"Jiang Mu can calmly find a relationship, find a lawyer, and go directly to the police station. He is not afraid to face other criminal police captains. He is directly released on bail. Don't say Xiaohuan. You can eat more salt than Jiang Mu. There are even more rice, were you at that time Liushen Wuzhu, panicked not knowing what to do?"

  Zhao Baobao's tone was serious and serious, saying every word was a hit to the nail on the head, and he just made Song Jia's face flushed, but she just didn't like Zhao Yue and Jiang Mu.

   "That's because I have nothing to do. If I also recognize a powerful character like Miss Wen Jia, I can also find a lawyer." Song Jia was very stubborn.

"Just because Jiang Mu can make such a weighty friend, he is more capable than ordinary people. After all, he was born in Beijing. Our capital, which has been carefully raised since childhood, is better than the children raised by our elders. !"

  Zhao Baobao, regardless of his unseen daughter-in-law, turned to look at his daughter, “You and Mu Mu are sisters after all, and you are still a few months older than Mu Mu. As sisters, it is necessary to help each other at school.”

"Daddy didn't say that you are not good, you are also excellent. Dad just wants you to learn more from Jiang Mu. It depends on her not humble or arrogant attitude in doing things today. How much you learn will be helpful to you in the future. ."

  I have to say that although Zhao Baobao is arrogant, vain, and likes to show off, he is really good to his daughter and has never thought of patriarchal.

  Zhao Huan nodded, "I know."

What happened today really scared Zhao Huan. She has always been proud. She feels that she is very powerful, capable, and very self-esteem. She didn’t want her classmates to know that she was a sister who was kicked out of the house by her father. She even let Jiang Mu stay at school. Pretending to be unfamiliar with her.

  She has always looked down on Jiang Mu, who has poor academic performance. Later, Jiang Mu's grades improved. She even felt unbalanced and even tried to threaten her with a small gangster. But today's incident completely changed her view of Jiang Mu.

  Jiang Mu is really good. She has done what she can't do, whether it's grades or being in the world.

  For someone who is better than herself, and helped their family today, what right does she have to resent her?

  Zhao Huan has decided that after school starts, she must get along well with Jiang Mu, and she will no longer find faults like she did in junior high school.

  Suddenly, she thought of something.

  Jiang Mu has helped their family so much, she can’t let that poisonous snake stay by her side, God knows when that poisonous snake will bite Jiang Mu!

  (End of this chapter)

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