Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 172: 172 No one can bear such bargaining (2)

  Chapter 172 172 No one can bear such bargaining (2)

  Sun Quan scratched his head a little embarrassedly, “Brother Mu confessed that you can buy anything under 10 yuan. I can’t buy more than 10 yuan. This is my highest quota.”

  The stall owner only feels his brain hurts. What does this make him say?

  "Are you selling it?" Sun Quan asked.

  This looks like a posture that he would turn around and leave after saying that he would not sell. What else can the stall owner do? Can only be sold.

Sun Quan took out a big unity, handed it over, and bought the tooth sculpture pendant he likes. Sun Quan was overjoyed. He walked to the nearby stall and showed it to Jiang Mu as if offering a treasure, "Brother Mu, how is it? very nice?"

  Jiang Mu was looking at a box that was gray and square. Only simple lines were carved on the box. Other than that, there was no decoration.

Hearing what Sun Quan said, she glanced at the tooth sculpture pendant he held in her hand like a baby, and nodded and said, "It's pretty good-looking, let your grandma pass a red thread around your neck. It looks heroic. people."

  Sun Quan smiled and put the tooth carving into his trouser pocket, "I think so too. It cost me 10 yuan. This is the first time that I spend so much money on something that cannot be eaten or worn."

  The stall owner raised his eyelids when he heard the words, and couldn’t help feeling, where did this fool come from? A broken-tooth-carved, worthless thing, actually spent 10 yuan to buy it!

   "Brother Mu, do you like this and box?" Sun Quan asked.

   "I think it's good to pack things, you can install a headband, issue cards or something, if you don't help, you can put some books or something." Jiang Mu said, touching the box.

"Girls really have good eyesight. This is the make-up. In ancient times, women always wear such a make-up when they marry. This is the make-up used by the Qing Dynasty to marry. It is very valuable and represents identity and status." He spared no effort to praise.

Jiang Mu put down the wooden box and said, "Boss, don't you fool me when I am young? Look at this wooden box. There is not even a beautifully carved flower. You told me that this is the wedding dress of the Qing Dynasty Gege? You? Is your family so shabby?"

   "If you want to make a story, you have to make a more decent one! You can say that a big family's daughter is a girl, and it is more reliable than Gege! You really have no talent for telling stories."

  Standing owner: "……"

  He is just a street stall, making antiques, but not a storyteller, so naturally he has no talent for telling stories.

   Jiang Mu raised his chin slightly, "Let’s talk about it, how much is this wooden box?"

  The boss stretched out a slap, "50 yuan."

  Jiang Mu frowned, "Boss, you are too dark, right? You actually cost 50 yuan for a wooden box? Just a few pieces of rotten wood, I think 5 yuan is not worth it!"

  When the boss heard it, what would it do, "What is 5 yuan? This is an antique! Old object! An authentic Qing Dynasty makeup girl, 50 yuan! It must not be less than 50 yuan!"

   "10 yuan! Can't be more." Jiang Mu bargained.

  The boss's mouth twitched, and he stretched out four fingers with pain, "40 yuan!"

   Jiang Mu endured the pain, "11 yuan."

  The boss just feels toothache, "Little girl, did you bargain like this? I always drop by 10 yuan and 10 yuan. How about you, increase one by one, is there such a thing as you?"

Jiang Mu looked distressed, "Well, 20 yuan is 20 yuan, but you have to give me a head." Jiang Mu pointed to a pile of rusty things that looked like sticks or daggers. , "How about these for me?"

   "No problem." The stall owner was very enthusiastic, and put the pile of broken copper and iron directly into the box and handed it over.

Seeing the two pieces of Great Unity in his hand, the stall owner was very happy. The pile of broken copper and broken iron has been on display for two years, and no one cares about it. It also takes up space when placed here. The wooden box that arrived was changed hands for 20 yuan, this wave, I made a profit.

  At this moment, Jiang Mu is even more excited. Today's Confucius Temple is not in vain!

  Jiang Mu didn't go on shopping anymore. Several people returned to the train station and drove back to the Shanghai stock market.

  Fortunately, everything went smoothly. There were a lot of people on the train. Jiang Mu and the three of them were dressed in ordinary clothes and were completely inconspicuous on the train.

  When they arrived in Shanghai, a few people went back to ride a donkey, and then they went home. The three of them arrived home, and it was almost 10 o'clock.

  The second elder of the Sun family has been waiting with the light on, feeling very anxious, and seeing the three of them come back, they are relieved.

   "Which village did you say you went to today? You left early in the morning and only came back at this point? We are so worried. Have you eaten? Are you hungry?"

  Sun Hongfen saw that the three small ones were all right, so he was relieved.

   "Hungry, grandma, we are very hungry! Is there anything to eat?" Jiang Mu took Sun Hongfen's arm and started acting like a baby.

   "Yes, there are chicken soup and tendons in the pot, and it's still warm." Sun Hongfen went away immediately.

   "Grandpa, the few villages around us basically can't get anything. If you want to collect it in the future, you have to go farther." Jiang Mu said.

Sun Zhengde laughed, "I have been walking around the nearby villages in the past few years. Naturally, you won’t be able to collect anything. From now on, you still don’t want to go to the countryside anymore. You came back too late today, but It frightened us."

  Jiang Mu heard, how could it work, she would have to make a fortune by pounding treasury bonds!

  "Grandpa, don’t worry, we are both 16 years old and we are just going out. What can we do? Anyway, it’s also summer vacation. Give us a chance to exercise."

   "Ask your grandma and your mother, as long as they agree, I will agree." Sun Zhengde said.

   Jiang Mu's brain is running fast. To go to the hospital tomorrow, she has to find a reasonable excuse. Although her mother does not interfere with what she does, she will definitely not agree to go to other cities and carry a huge amount of money. It is too dangerous.

  The three people hurriedly ate dinner, went to bed and rested, and waited for tomorrow to do something big.

  After running around for a day, no matter how vigorous it is, it will be worn out at this time, tired and sleepy.

However, Jiang Mu was very energetic. She took out the things she took out from the Confucius Temple one by one. They were all small things. Many of them were bought at a price of two yuan. Even if they were not worth the money, they were used as a small ornament and kept. It is also good to decorate a new home.

   Jiang Mu took out the black makeup girl, the makeup girl was okay, she just looked at the pile of broken copper and rotten iron in the smashing teng, the rust was very serious, and some were even ragged.

   Jiang Mu cleaned it up very seriously, and finally cleared out a bronze dagger she had fancyed in advance.

   "So, it wasn't this wooden box that you saw at first?"

  Jiang Mu suddenly raised his head. Wen Liyan leaned against the door not knowing when, nor did he know how long he watched.

   "Yes, it was this dagger that I saw at first." Jiang Mu was wearing gloves and carefully observed the dagger in his hand under the light, and the guess in his heart became more certain.

  Wen Liyan came over, looked at the rusty blade, and reminded euphemistically, "It's rusty."

   No matter how good his brain is, he can’t see the value of a rusty dagger.

    Thanks to the fairies for their gifts and tickets, happy~

     I wish you all a Happy May Day in advance!



  (End of this chapter)

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