Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 183: 183 It's not necessarily true that I can't see you

  Chapter 183 Chapter 183

  Chujing feels a little distressed, but she also knows that her daughter should be educated, otherwise she must be crooked.

   "Xiao Ru, Xiao Yu is not sensible. Don't worry, the rumors about Jiang Mu end here. Uncle must let Xiao Yu apologize to Jiang Mu in person." Facing Wen Ru, Ji Shanhe was very kind.

  Wen Ru is not a person who doesn’t know what is good or bad. She showed the dignified energy of everyone’s ladies, and smiled slightly, “It’s no longer necessary to apologize, as long as you don’t say this, Mu Mu doesn’t know about it.”

   Mo Xue's teeth tickled with hate, and now she said that Jiang Mu didn't know about this. When she said just now, wasn't this person a righteous rebuttal?

  A farce is over. With such a trouble, it is definitely impossible for Wen Ru to leave early. He can only look at Wen Yan with envy and jealousy and wants to leave.

   However, he still did not succeed, and he was stopped again.

Chu Yang stood by the door and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you in a few years. You have achieved a lot of great achievements. The test results are really good, but I heard that you lost to a girl some time ago. Wen Yan, why do you learn more? gone back?"

Wen Yan was also not angry, "Speaking of test results, you should spend more time on your homework, but don't ask the elders to help you in college."

   is worthy of being a young master, with a big temperament. Chu Yang snorted, "I advise you to spend more time in the antique shop. Are you honored to be stepped on by a girl film?"

   "I lost to Jiang Mu because I was inferior to my skills. However, let alone me, even you, may not necessarily win her. Therefore, you are in front of me, there is nothing to be proud of."

  Wen Yan said lightly.

"It's just a girl. I have been with my grandfather since I was a child. There are countless antiques in my hands, and there are many collections at home. Moreover, my current teacher is everyone in the Forbidden City Museum. Will I lose to an inexperienced girl?" Chu Yang smiled slightly, a bookish haughty arrogant all over his body.

   "You lose to a girl because you are not good at learning and not as good as people. I am not the same as you!"

Wen Yan just gave him an understatement, "Try it if you don't believe it."

  Provocative and mocking sights met in the air, and two handsome young men stood opposite each other, and the atmosphere was stagnant, as if a war would break out if one was not careful.

   "Try, try, I don't believe it, I'm not as good as a girl!" Chu Yang was confident.

   "That's not necessarily true." Wen Ru said with a smile, with a proud look on his face, "Our family Mumu has praised even the second uncle."

   Hearing Wen Shan's name, Chu Yang was still vigilant, and Wen Shan was also a senior in his profession. Being able to be praised by such a person, in a way, also proved that this person is indeed desirable.

  Wen Yan looked at him up and down, "My master can't be challenged by anyone, and I don't know if she can't see you?"

   "What do you mean? My Chuyang's antique shop in Beijing is also famous! It is her honor to be able to discuss and exchange with her, she dare not look down on me?"

  Chuyang feels that his self-esteem is frustrated. He has always been praised by others. It is the first time that he looks down on others.

Seeing him stubbornly aggrieved, Wen Yan felt more comfortable, "What can't you dare? This line depends on ability, ability, not family history! I will ask my master to see if you can join her. Eyes, agree to discuss with you."

Wen Yan said that he left perfectly, and turned to the shanty town. He was still thinking about the bronze dagger. It was just that he went very late. Jiang Mu, Sun Quan, and Wen Liyan had already taken a ride at six o'clock in the afternoon. The train went to Anhui city.

  This time they bought a four-seater seat. Jiang Mu was leaning against the window, Wen Liyan was sitting next to her, and Sun Quan was sitting opposite by the window.

  It takes 13 hours to travel from Shanghai to Anhui. The three of them are still equipped, carrying backpacks and travel bags, preparing to spend the night on the train, and arrive in Anhui early the next morning.

   said that they were spending the night on a train, but the three of them did not dare to sleep. They carried nearly 2 million in cash. If someone took the money away while they fell asleep, where would they cry?

  Although they said that, the three of them couldn't stay awake all the time. The three decided to work in shifts, Sun Quan, Jiang Mu, and then Wen Liyan to keep one person awake. If you really encounter a thief, you can call someone in time.

  The train was blaring, the lights in the carriage had been extinguished, and the window was completely dark, and it was driving in the dark.

  The noisy sound in the carriage gradually disappeared, and Wen Liyan once again moved Jiang Mu's restless head to his shoulder, so that she could sleep more comfortably.

  At this time, according to the agreement of the three, Jiang Mu should be asked to wake up and watch the night, but seeing her sleeping soundly, the fatigue between his eyebrows did not fade, he could not bear to call her.

  Fortunately, at night, it's pretty safe.

  There are indeed a few pickpockets running around in the carriage, but their travel bags are all placed against the window, even if people outside want to steal, they can’t reach them.

   Jiang Mu didn't wake up until she was about to stop. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the morning light outside the car window. She suddenly recovered, "Why don't you call me to watch the night?"

   "See you are too sleepy." Unwilling to bear it, Wen Liyan didn't say the next two sentences.

"You will be squinting for a while. Today is going to be a busy day. What can you do if you don't have a rest?" Jiang Mu was nervous, learning what he was just now, trying to straighten his back, put his arms around his neck, and let him lean Her shoulders rested.

  Wen Liyan was only in a moment of embarrassment, and then obediently tilted his head, pillowed her shoulders, and closed his eyes to rest.

  Although he hasn't slept for nearly a night, he still can't sleep with his eyes closed. This is his habit in recent years.

  Wen Liyan thought he wanted to behave. He knew that he would definitely not be able to sleep, but there was a very faint fragrance lingering around the tip of his nose, which was unique to her.

  Such a close distance, this kind of smell, made him feel particularly at ease, and he really fell asleep like this.

"You have a good relationship with your partner. He also protected your head last night and beat the mosquitoes for you." The only seat of the four-seater was an aunt, who was watching with a smile at this time. Jiang Mu.

   "Object?" Jiang Mu's eyes twitched, "You misunderstood, this is my brother, not an object."

  Joke, she is only 16 years old, where did she come from?

  Even if you are really looking for someone, you can’t eat grass on the edge of the nest.

  The opposite of Sun Quan also twitched the corners of his mouth, whether he was better or Mu is better, and Yan is his younger brother!

  Wen Liyan, who had closed his eyes and rested, didn't know yet, he just changed from a target to a younger brother.


  At seven o'clock in the morning, the train entered the station, and the three finally arrived in Anhui City.

The overnight train left the three of them hungry. The three of them stood outside the train station with nearly 2 million in cash, watching the hustle and bustle of the crowd, and their chests were vaguely excited. I don’t know if the Treasury bills of Anhui City are not. Can surprise them?

  I don’t know if it’s worth it if they come here this time.

    I finally finished planting! ! ! !

     It’s not easy, please reply tomorrow~



  (End of this chapter)

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