Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 192: 192 Was you a koi in your last life (2)

  Chapter 192 192 Were you a koi in your last life (2)

  "Fine, take and take away." The vendor was very happy. Not many people liked the 50 cents a piece of broken porcelain. He could exchange for 200 yuan, and he also earned 50 yuan!

  Pay for the money, delivery, everything goes well, and the matter is resolved.

  Wen Liyan's chest is filled with warm happiness. This is the second time Jiang Mu has stood in front of him, helping him, protecting him, and solving his troubles.

The last time it was usury who came to ask for a debt, she took out 5,000 yuan without even blinking her brows. This time, the other party was even more overly, and her mouth was 100,000 yuan. Although the last 200 yuan solved the problem, this is her skill. .

  How can she be so good?

  Wen Liyan's black eyes flashed with tenderness, completely taking her into his eyes.

  Wearing the banquet, Chuyang, and Sun Quan returned with a rewarding experience, all of them happy.

  Looking at Jiang Mu empty-handed, Wen Yan couldn’t help but suggest, “Otherwise we’ll stay in Anhui for one night, and you haven’t bought anything yet?”

   Jiang Mu looked relieved, "No, go home, time is money!"

  Chuyang frowned, a little disappointed, "So you are defeated without a fight?"

   "Who said that? What I hate most is failure." Jiang Mu smiled brightly and turned around first.

  Five people took a taxi to the station, checked the ticket, got on the train, got off the train, and went home.

  Smoothly and smoothly, without any surprises.

  Because it was too late, a few people made an appointment to Wen Ruixiang the next day, and Wen Shan judged whoever wins.


  The three of them woke up naturally when they slept, and running back and forth in this way is also very tired.

  Sun Hongfen knew that the children in the family worked hard, and specially left Xiaolongbao and millet porridge for the three of them. The three of them wiped out all the food in the pot as if they hadn’t eaten for a few days.

  After feeding themselves, the three of them did not rush to the bank, but went to Wen Ruixiang first. When the door opened in the morning, Wen Ruixiang did not have many customers. Going at this time will not disturb Wenshan too much time.

The   national bonds can be sold before departure in the afternoon, and the two will not be delayed at all.

  On the way to Wen Ruixiang, Sun Quan couldn’t help thinking, “Brother Mu, did you waste all your time yesterday with the stall owner who touched the porcelain? Did you buy other things?”

   "No, just the blue and white porcelain that was unintentionally broken by Wen Liyan, didn't I tell you yesterday?" Jiang Mu said nonchalantly.

  "Then how do you win Chuyang? Chuyang bought a few of them, not small pieces of jade ruyi, jade pendants, and safety buckles, which are valuable things at first glance."

  Sun Quan was a little worried.

   "It seems that Chuyang is better at identifying ancient jade." Jiang Mu analyzed.

   "Yes, the young master said the same, it seems that he has a family history or something, but I heard that he has a wide range of subjects." Sun Quan replied while thinking.

   Jiang Mu didn’t worry at all, just nodded casually, and then asked, “What about you? What did you buy this time?”

Sun Quan followed Jiang Mu at first, worried that he would buy something deadly, that would be bad, and then he forgot about it when he wandered around, so he lost his joy. This time he was even more of a problem. If I didn't buy jade, I was afraid of encountering taboos.

   "I bought a wooden comb and wanted to give it to grandma. Grandma's comb has been five or six years old and has lost a lot of jagged teeth." Sun Quan said.

   "The grandmother must be happy to see it." Jiang Mu took over the smooth and delicate wooden comb, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he looked up and down Sun Quan, "How much did you pay for it?"

   "1 yuan." Sun Quan was a little bit proud, "In the beginning, the stall owner asked for 5 yuan, but I grind it down to 1 yuan. How about it, is there any improvement?"

   Jiang Mu's expression became more complicated, "Quan'er, tell Brother Mu, did you reincarnate a koi carp in your last life?"

  Sun Quan looked dazed, "What do you mean? What is koi?"

  "It means why your luck is so good? It's so good that it makes people jealous!" Jiang Mu handed the wooden comb back, "Do you think you spend all your good luck in picking up leaks?"

  Sun Quan's eyes lit up, "This comb is very valuable?"

  "Red sandalwood, buy a wooden comb, and it will be you." Jiang Mu said with emotion.

   "So, how much is it worth?" Sun Quan was concerned about this.

   "I really don't know this, you can ask Wen Wen, but even if it is not very valuable now, it will be very valuable in the future." Jiang Mu vaguely remembered that all kinds of red sandalwood objects are very valuable.

   "Then let me ask." Wen Yan smiled brightly, showing a line of white teeth.

  The car stopped, and Sun Quan immediately went down and entered Wen Ruixiang.

  The banquet has arrived, and the shadow of Chu Yang has not yet been seen.

   After greeting each other, Sun Quan pushed Tuwenyan’s arm, "You help me bring it to your second uncle, and how much is this comb worth?"

  Wen Yan glanced down, "It's about 50 yuan, not more than 80 yuan."

  Sun Quan looked at him in surprise.

"No, what is your look? You don't believe me? I tell you, I may not be as good as Jiang Mu in appraisal, but I know the various prices in the antique shop. If you don't believe me, You can ask my second uncle. The answer he gave you is definitely the same as mine."

  Wen Yan's voice was excited, and he couldn't help raising his tone. The guys in the store looked over, and even Wen Shan walked over.

"No, I'm just too shocked." Sun Quan slowed over, "I bought this wooden comb for 1 yuan, and I didn't expect it to be worth so much." His eyes turned into shallow crescents, and his body fell through. With joy.

  "Brilliant! It's not a big leak. I'm happy to see you. Are you a little bit knowledgeable?" Wen Yan couldn't help the young master proudly, vomiting.

   "How do you say it?" Wen Shan reprimanded in disapproval.

   "That's right, how do you speak? This is your little uncle, respect your teacher, haven't you learned it?" Jiang Mu said solemnly.

  Wen Yan suddenly remembered his sad generation question, this person is no good at all.

  "Master, I am your apprentice, how can you speak for others?"

  It was a bit wronged and pitiful to hear the voice.

Jiang Mu held back his smile, holding the posture of being a master, "You really can't look at people through the door, and you can't look down on people. Your little uncle may have been a koi in his life. The luck is very good, so good, he Go out three times and there will be no time to return empty-handed."

   As she said, she looked at Sun Quan and reminded, “The Yu Chan that came out of your dead man’s mouth, don’t you want to shoot it, what are you waiting for?”

"Oh, yes, yes, yes, I forgot if you don't say it!" Sun Quan immediately took out the handkerchief wrapped by one side from his pocket, then pinched the small corner with his fingertips, opened the handkerchief, and one was carved with jade. The ancient jade that looked like a cicada appeared in front of Wen Yan.

  "Young Master, how much do you think it is worth?" He put the jade pendant in Wenyan's hand very disgustingly, and then quickly withdrew his hand, as if there were some terrible germs on the jade pendant.

   Good night~



  (End of this chapter)

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