Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 194: 194 Being so arrogant is not so good (2)

  Chapter 194 194 Such arrogance is not so good (2)

   "Of course, the most repaired in the shop is the porcelain, and this is the most expensive thing." Wen Shan replied.

   "That's really going to be troublesome for the second uncle." Jiang Mu's eyes were crooked and Xiao Huya was very cute.

  Sun Quan looked at Wen Yan and then at Jiang Mu, feeling impatient, “Is it the only one who cares about how much this thing is worth?” He pointed to the pottery maid on the table and asked.

  "This is about the same price as your jade cicada, but in terms of collection value, the pottery figurines are better." Wen Shan said.

   "So Brother Mu, you gave Wen Yan a gift of more than 600,000 yuan!" Sun Quan was shocked.

   "Who made him my apprentice!" Jiang Mu said with emotion.

   "But when I read the Xiaorenshu, all my apprentices respected Master, how come you are all the other way around?" Sun Quan asked casually.

  Then Wen Yan felt even more embarrassed, and he immediately said, “Naturally, I also have an apprenticeship ceremony to give to Master. Now that I’m not ready, you don’t have to worry about it.”

  Sun Quan also felt that what he said was a bit wrong, and did not mention it again.

Wen Yan quickly changed the subject, "Master, how can you successfully pick up leaks every time? The previous snuff bottles and plain three-color, then Wang Shizhen's manuscripts, and the magic and black pottery, your skill in picking up leaks is too great! "

  As a reminder, Jiang Mu herself felt that the success rate was a bit too high. Although she had studied in depth in her previous life, she was not as good as she is now.

  Even though there are many good things in this era, it invisibly increases the chance of success in picking up misses, but, like her, she has never missed her hand, and the 100% success rate is too scary.

   Carefully recalled, it seemed that when she saw these objects, she had a strange feeling, a kind of intuition that was difficult to articulate, let her take a look at these objects, and then bought them.

  Is this a sequelae of rebirth?

  What unique feeling does she have with these old objects?

   "Master, can you talk about it? How can you succeed in picking up the omissions again and again?" Wen Yan asked curiously.

"That's just to say, my brother Mu is amazing! He has good eyesight and ability. Of course, he is accurate. It doesn't look like me. It just depends on intuition!" Sun Quan looked proud, as if he was a Jiang Mu blowing, in an admiring tone. It really didn't look at it.

  Jiang Mu came back to her senses, she actually wanted to say that she also relied on intuition, noticed these things by intuition, and then started to observe and make judgments based on the accumulated knowledge.

  However, she naturally cannot say that.

   "You go to Antique Street and Confucius Temple a few more times, you can also pick up the leaks again and again, the difference is the big leak or the small leak." Jiang Mu said.

   "Really?" Wen Yan asked in surprise.

  Jiang Mu couldn’t help but smiled, “You’re too incomprehensible about your own abilities. No matter how you say it, you’re from elementary school to college, and you’ve learned from the family. You’ve been fascinated since childhood. You’re much better than many half-hearted people.”

  "What you lack is only experience. Go several times and find the valuable one among the many objects. You can definitely do it."

  Suddenly praised Wenyan was confident, "The rest of the summer vacation, I will follow you."

   "Why?" Wen Liyan, who has been silent, said, can he reject this 100-watt light bulb?

   "I know me here in the old street. I have been dangling here since I was a child. How can I pick up the leak?" Wen Yan couldn't help it.

  "You can go to the Confucius Temple, go the same day, and you will be back the same day." Wen Liyan suggested.

"It's boring to be alone. Let's go to Anhui together. Sun Quan also likes to go shopping in the antique street. You can go together. I can also ask the driver to take us to the railway station and pick us up home." Wen Yan introduced himself to go. benefit.

"You're right, let's go together, Sun Quan just started, you can still take him." Wen Liyan immediately changed his mind, smiling at the corners of his lips, and put the two together. The rest is not him and Jiang. Are you muted!

   "Then it's set!" Wen Yan didn't see the deep meaning in his eyes, and was only happy that he could go out every day during summer vacation.

Wen Shan saw that his little nephew had so many friends of the same age around him, and everyone got along so happily. He showed a gratified smile. The nephew should be in contact with his peers. He should not come to Wen Ruixiang every time he takes a vacation and talk to them. Groups of elderly people together, there is no vitality of young people.


   "You guys arrived early, why? I didn't buy a suitable one yesterday. Come here early and find something to replace?" Chu Yang mocked as soon as he came over.

   Jiang Mu raised his wrist and pointed to the time on the dial, "You are late."

  The arrogance on Chuyang's face suddenly stiffened. His upbringing from childhood made him bow his head and apologize, "Sorry, I was so tired last night, I got up late this morning."

   "What did you do so tired last night?" Wen Yan asked subconsciously.

  Jiang Mu looked at Chu Yang strangely, "Is the nightlife so rich?"

   Suddenly came back to his senses, his face flushed, "What do you little girl know? I mean I was on the train most of the night last night, and it was too late to get home, so I was so tired that I didn't get up in the morning!"

  "Isn't this rich? One night, half of the time on the train, half of the time in bed, it is quite rich, I am not wrong, what do you do with such a big reaction?"

   Jiang Mu's white face is very innocent, but his apricot eyes flashed cunningly. He is 18 years old. Why can this person be so funny?

   Chu Yang became angry and furious, "Anyway, you will lose this time. I found a lot of things yesterday. You just talked to the stall owner, and I won this time!"

  "It’s not Chu Yang, why are you so innocent? You have said that my master has no time, no ability, even if you win, what is the light on your face, what can you be proud of?"

  Wenyan maintains Jiang Mu.

  "Isn't this an old street? You go out for a walk now, the same 40 minutes, the rules remain the same, see who picks up the biggest leak!" Chu Yang said.

   "No, I'm just as good as you." Jiang Mu said with confidence and arrogance.

   "Girl, it's not a good thing to be so mad at such a young age? Modesty and restraint are the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, you should study hard." Chu Yang mocked.

   "My brother Mu is so capable! It's not crazy." Sun Quan believed in Jiang Mu unconditionally.

"That's the mule is a horse. Pull it out for a stroll. These are all I started on the stall yesterday. Uncle Wen, you can palm your hands." Chu Yang opened his shoulder bag and took out a small Xiaoyu Ruyi handle. , A safety buckle, a round jade pendant.

   "As expected of Mr. Chulao's grandson, all of them are jade." Wen Shan praised.

  "I'm best at identifying jade. Wen Yan always said that his master is very good, with good eyesight, rich experience and great ability. Of course I have to use all my skills, otherwise how can I win her?"

  Chuyang said proudly.

    Daily tickets and small gifts~



  (End of this chapter)

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