Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 206: 206 What is the origin of these two (1)

  Chapter 206 206 What is the origin of these two families (1)

  In the early morning of August, it was dark at 4:30. The old man went to bed early and got up early, so he simply started breakfast directly.

  After Jiang Mu and his party got up, they started their daily morning exercises. Before it was over, they smelled the smell of rice and couldn't even move.

When fighting against each other, Sun Quan was even more attracted by the abnormal Fanxiang. He was distracted, and suffered a punch from Jiang Mu. He doubted his life in pain. He could only secretly sigh, Mu is brother Mu, not even the strength of his fists. It is comparable to ordinary people.

  After breakfast, the family went to the new house in a rush.

  Standing outside the community, looking at the tall and beautiful six-story buildings, the clean and flat streets, and the streets outside the community, the sturdy plane trees shield the road from the sun.

  Before entering the community, the second elder of the Sun family was amazed and liked this place very much.

  The two entered the community. The community is well planned and has a lot of greenery. The road inside the community is paved with cobblestones. There is a long wooden chair for the owners to rest a few steps away.

  Several pavilions are visible to the naked eye. There are stone tables and benches in the pavilions. Someone is playing chess there. They should be neighbors who have moved in.

  The second elder of the Sun family looked at everything around him, with satisfaction in his eyes. Compared with the shanty towns, this place is so good.

  I saw the small open space outside the house, and the satisfaction of the two elders had reached the apex. There is really no better way to plant green onions and order vegetables.

  The two old people have worked hard for most of their lives, and never dreamed that they could live in such a good house.

You don’t even need to climb the stairs on the first floor. Obviously considering that they are getting older and their legs and feet are not very good, it’s nothing to climb the stairs now, but after three or five years, it will definitely be difficult, but on the first floor, then No problem.

  When the two old people finally entered the house, they looked at the spacious, bright, clean and tidy house. They were happy to touch and see, they were extremely happy.

   "Old man, we are really enjoying the blessing. I used to think that it would be enough to cover the wind and rain. Unexpectedly, I would live in the building one day." Sun Hongfen was full of emotion.

   "No, no! If this is to let the old guys in the shantytown know, my grandson bought us a building, they must be jealous of red eyes!"

  Sun Zhengde smiled with a chrysanthemum.

  "Grandpa, grandma, this will be our home in the future. I can make money. You don’t have to go to hard work in the future. You can go around and play chess. Grandma can also sing Pingju and enjoy her old age.

  Sun Quan said seriously.

  "Good! Good!" Sun Zhengde was so excited that he could only say this one word.

"My dear grandson is capable!" Sun Hongfen was also full of emotion in his heart, thinking that when they picked up this child on the street, he was still so skinny that he almost couldn't survive. More than ten years have passed. The baby was already When I grow up, I have grown into my best appearance.

  Sun Quan was also upset. Although the house had been bought a long time ago, it felt different to really bring grandparents over.

  He stood in the middle of the two elders, with his hands on the shoulders of the two elders, and led them into the largest master bedroom, "Grandpa and grandma, the sunshine in this room is very good, from morning to night, you will live in this room."

   Then he turned and pointed to the next room, “I live next to you, and the other one is used as a study room, and I will study with Brother Mu and Yan.”

   "Well, when the furniture is delivered, I will let them arrange them according to this." Sun Hongfen said.

"No, you don't need to worry about the furniture. Brother Mu and Brother Yan will help you. You can wipe the dust after you put it away." Sun Quan didn't want the old man to work, but he really asked them to do nothing. , The two will definitely not agree, it's the easiest thing to wipe dust or something.

   "Grandma——" Jiang Mu stood on the balcony, opened the window, and waved to this side.

   "Mu Mu, you wait, I'll go over and take a look at your house." Sun Hongfen moved dexterously, not like an old man in his 50s or 60s, and went all the way to the next door vigorously.

  "Godmother, slow down." Zhao Yue greeted her quickly and helped Sun Hongfen walk in.

   Seeing Zhao Yue and Sun Hongfen happily visiting every room, planning what to put in each place, the look of excitement, Jiang Mu felt even more satisfied.

   "It's great!" She stretched her waist and said with emotion.

  The morning sun cast on her cheeks, her white face was exquisite without the slightest pores, only a few small soft hairs could be seen.

  Wen Liyan nodded and smiled, "Yes, it's pretty good."

"Brother Mu, Brother Yan, I'm leaving, and I'll leave the rest to you." Sun Quan came over and greeted him. He is going to apply for the property right certificate today, although Boss Cheng has already explained it and sent someone to help. , But he was still a little nervous.

   "No problem, you pay attention to the process. We will buy a house in the future and we will leave it to you to apply for the certificate." Jiang Mu smiled and asked.

   "Got it." Sun Quan felt that he was carrying a heavy burden, and the tension in his heart suddenly subsided. The rest is how to do this thing well.

Fang Daqing said his words, the shopping mall moved very quickly, one by one cars drove into the community, and the porters in the cars worked very hard. Knowing the price of these furniture, they were very careful when moving them. Fortunately, they were on the first floor , Save a lot of things.

  Otherwise, the weight of this solid wood furniture, if you have to climb stairs, it will be really exhausting.

   Jiang Mu went to Sun Hongfen's side. Wen Liyan was in charge of it. The two commanded the workers to move in the same way, and where to put things, it was up to them to arrange.

   Jiang Mu was thinking about getting it right in one step, otherwise, if they move afterwards, it would be too heavy and too troublesome.

Zhao Yue wanted to help several times, but Jiang Mu used the excuse of recovering from a serious illness to persuade her to leave. In the end, she could only take the second elder of the Sun family around in the community to familiarize herself with the surrounding environment and do it for her future life. ready.

  In addition to furniture, there are electrical appliances. Trucks enter the community one after another. Other residents in the community know that some people have moved in, and they come to join in the fun and welcome new neighbors.

  Looking at the pieces of furniture and electrical appliances, everyone had a basic judgment on the economic strength of these two families, and they couldn't help but wonder what the origins of these two families were.

  The top-grade mahogany furniture is moved inside as a set. Although the others are not mahogany furniture, the workmanship is superior at first glance.

  Even the two families use air conditioners. Everyone has bought electrical appliances not long after they moved in. Naturally, we all know about air conditioners. Some people bought them, while others didn’t.

  But everyone knows the price.

  The few people chatting are more enthusiastic. Sun Hongfen and Zhao Yue are both very talkative. They are very happy to chat, it is not like they just met.

   Sun Zhengde, who is not good at expressing, was also dragged by a few old people to play chess.

  When Jiang Mu was free, standing on the balcony watching this scene, he could not help but feel relaxed physically and mentally. It seems that both his mother and grandma have adapted very quickly, and it seems that the next plan can be implemented smoothly.

  (End of this chapter)

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