Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 218: 218 Calling Parents (1)

  Chapter 218 218 Calling Parents (1)

It turned out that Qin Hongfei was kicked by Jiang Mu yesterday. His knee swelled up. After seeing it in the medical care room, it was just a very ordinary injury, and he should be cured for ten days and a half month.

  However, my knee was injured and it was very inconvenient to move.

  As soon as Qin Hongfei’s mother arrived at school, she heard that her son’s leg injury was not caused by military training, but was beaten by someone. How could this matter be okay?

  Furthermore, how could a parent who can spoil such a selfish and narrow-minded son as Qin Hongfei be a good man, Tang Ruyue stood in the teacher's office, and the savage posture forced the head teacher to hand over Zhao Yue to the school.

  Fortunately, since the supermarket opened, the supermarket has installed a phone. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the teacher to contact Zhao Yue so quickly.

  Originally, Zhao Yue wanted to reorganize the supermarket today, reduce the space between the shelves, and make more room for clothes.

  The clothing business is very good, but the clothes of the Wenshi Garment Factory are only in that few styles, not too many. Zhao Yue looked for other places and bought some other styles of clothes to sell in the store.

It’s just that the remaining space is not enough. At the beginning of planning the shelves, because the store is large, there is no need to consider things like saving area. The shelves are very loose, so Zhao Yue is ready to renew Regularize it.

  Who would have thought that as soon as the workers arrived, the school called and Zhao Yue immediately put down his work and went to the school.

  When Zhao Yue came over, the atmosphere in the office was really not good.

  Tang Ruyue’s mouth never stopped. Everyone was reprimanding Jiang Mu, and her voice was heard all over the office.

   Jiang Mu stood against the wall, looking like she hadn't heard anything. It would cost a little to avoid morning exercises of five kilometers.

   "Teacher, I'm Jiang Mu's mother, what happened?" Zhao Yue's voice is gentle, and her smile is gentle. Compared with Tang Ruyue, who is yelling and spitting, it is obvious who is more popular.

   "That's right, Jiang Mu has some friction with Qin Hongfei. This is Qin Hongfei's mother." Li Ge, the head teacher, introduced.

  Zhao Yue naturally also saw Tang Ruyue standing in the office. With her chubby figure, it is really difficult for people to pay attention, but, how does this person look familiar?

"You educated your children like this. Look at my son's leg. It hurts so much that he was kicked like this and swollen with such a big bag! Even with the classmates bullying, your daughter is too overbearing! Xiao Fei is us. Three generations of the Qin family have a single pass. If there is something good or bad, can you pay it?"

   Tang Ruyue opened a series of reprimands, arrogant and arrogant.

  "Mu Mu is very obedient and obedient. If it wasn't for what your son did, Mu Mu wouldn't kick him casually. With so many classmates, why would my daughter kick your son if someone else didn't kick him?"

  Zhao Yue still smiles, but Zhao Yue, who has a career, is no longer the soft bun who was bullied.

  What’s more, this matter was designed for Jiang Mu, her most important daughter, although she still had a smile on her face, but her momentum was not weak at all, she was really better than Tang Ruyue, but she did not arouse the teacher's disgust.

"What do you mean by this? You mean that my son was kicked out? Teacher, listen, do you say that?" Tang Ruyue wanted to pull the head teacher into the water. The head teacher was very dissatisfied with her behavior. How could it be on her side at this time.

"I've already asked the question clearly. Jiang Mu performed well during the military training. The instructor was very satisfied. Qin Hongfei could not adhere to the subjects of the military training. Because the instructor compared Jiang Mu, he had some opinions on Jiang Mu. During the break, Qin Hongfei and Jiang Mu After arguing and even beating, Jiang Mu fought back in order to protect his classmates."

  The head teacher had already figured out the matter as early as the quarrel.

   "Our family, Xiao Fei, didn't beat people for no reason. Jiang Mu must have said something nasty. He couldn't listen before he did it. It was Jiang Mu's fault."

  Tang Ruyue is a son who firmly defends her, and her momentum is undiminished.

   "Qin Hongfei was not hitting Jiang Mu. It was another girl in the class, Zhao Huan. Jiang Mu fought back to protect her classmates." The head teacher said in a cold voice.

   Tang Ruyue was speechless for a while.

"Mother Qin, although she said that this incident was not Mu Mu's fault, but after all, Qin was injured, and I will bear the money for the medicine. However, it is not a good habit to do things if they don't agree with each other. Today is fortunate in our family Mu reacted quickly. Without Mu Mu, Qin would really hit a girl, and the result would not be as peaceful as it is now."

  Zhao Yue said coldly, she had seen Sansao’s temperament, if she really hurt Zhao Huan, it would be not normal for the two to meet each other.

   "The injury is hurt. Xiao Fei is a single pass of our Qin family for three generations. We spent a lot of money to send our children to school, but we didn't let him come over and be wronged! It's just a girl, and whether our family Xiao Fei is worthy of money?"

  Tang Ruyue was unusually arrogant, "Even if it is really hurt, our Qin family can afford medical expenses! After all, it's just a girl, what's so nervous?"

  She glanced at Zhao Yue and mocked, "That is to say, a woman like you who can't give birth to a son and is kicked out of the house by a man treats a girl as a treasure!"

"You men don't want you anymore, so you can live a peaceful life with a drag oil bottle, and still show off in front of me, dressed like a dog, is not a son who can't give birth to a son, and was driven out by a man. Poor worm of the house!"

  Zhao Yue remembered, she finally knew why she felt that Tang Ruyue was familiar. The woman who led her son to occupy her position was also named Tang. Apart from the figure, the two people looked very similar.

She snorted, "I really can’t compare to my sister’s means. I can’t walk when I see a man. I know that Jiang Tao is already married, has a wife and children, and I eagerly moved up. The mistress is very glorious and proud. ?"

  "Who is to blame if you can't give birth to a son yourself? You say you have failed too much. The man you can't hold on takes the initiative to join my sister. My sister can give birth to the eldest son of the Jiang family. That is my sister's ability!"

   Tang Ruyue is not ashamed, but rather proud, looking at Zhao Yue with pride.

  "My brother-in-law is very good to my sister. You can choose any jewelry. Every day, you can taste the mountains and the sea. There is a small car to pick you up. My sister doesn't have to do anything. Just take care of the children. Every day is the life of the rich wife."

   "If you were born with a son instead of a girl, this kind of life is yours. It's a pity, who makes your stomach disappointed!"

  Tang Ruyue raised her chin, so her eyes barely grew to his forehead.

"Your daughter hurt my son today. Do you think you can just pay for the medical bills? Jiang Mu must apologize to my son and then transfer the shift. I can't let this uncultivated wild girl and my precious son be in the same class. !"

  (End of this chapter)

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