Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 222: 222 Furious Beast, Escape

  Chapter 222 222 The fierce beast is here, run away

  The bicycle was stopped.

  Jiang Mu looked at a group of messy people, including students in school uniforms, young social youths who had burned their hair into instant noodles, and a flower-arm tattoo with a cigarette in his mouth.

  However, they are not very old.

  Standing behind Qin Hongfei one by one, the momentum is so great that it means a bit of social enthusiasm.

  Curly was still very interested. He came for the game console, but after just coming over, he could have a handheld game console worth 500 yuan, and he rushed over excitedly.

  It’s just that after seeing the appearance of the person being dimensioned, he really has an urge to cry.

  Damn, is Qin Hongfei's brain flooded? He dares to provoke this fierce beast!

  Is it bad to be alive? Why can't you think so?

   Curly greeted the few people he had brought with him secretly, preparing to leave secretly.

  Joke, this one has seen blood and killed people. No matter how many people here, it is useless. Initiating the ruthless Wen Liyan, these people are not enough to watch.

   "Jiang Mu, you honestly apologize to me today, stand here and don't move, let me calm down, the period between us will be cancelled, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

  Qin Hongfei triumphantly said ruthlessly.

   Jiang Mu raised the corner of his eyes slightly, and said sarcastically, "Did you get kicked by the donkey in your head, or was it flooded? Standing still and letting you hit? What good thing do you want?"

"Also, if you want revenge, you can do it yourself if you have the patience, and rely on your own ability. If I can't beat me, I will go back and practice hard, threatening me not to move me, but anyone with a bit of brain will not say such things? "

   "I think I was stung by a mosquito, and my brain was poisoned?" Jiang Mu didn't want to talk to this person at all. It was a waste of time to talk to this kind of people who lacked the root of the brain.

Qin Hongfei, who had been bitten by mosquitoes and itchy all over Qin Hongfei's heart, reached its climax with annoyance, "Toast and not eat or fine wine, this is what you asked for!"

   "Hehe, I'm so scared." Jiang Mu was expressionless.

Qin Hongfei trembled with anger. He pointed at Wen Liyan and Sun Quan who were beside Jiang Mu and said cruelly, "You two should not be friends with this kind of person. If you leave now, this matter has nothing to do with you, neither of you. Will be implicated by this person!"

   "What the hell! Fight if you want, I'm afraid you won't succeed?" Sun Quan is on fire. Isn't it true that I have never seen someone more shameless and shameless than this person, and even find someone to surround the girl!

  "Give you a chance. If you leave now, I will treat this matter as having nothing to do with you, and you will not be implicated. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

   Jiang Mu crossed his ten fingers, turned and turned at will, making a creaking sound, and Xingyan's pouting smile made people feel cold, and he returned his words intact.

   "Boldly speaking, these are my friends, they came here today to help me, do you think you can scare them with a few words? Are your brain flooded or kicked by a donkey?"

  Qin Hongfei is triumphant, and also returns with colors.

   "Don't get me wrong, I just came here to take a look at the scenery. I'm not a group with them. You fight with them. Don't get hurt by accident!"

   Curly curiosity stood up immediately, the first one to show his identity, and then took the seven or eight people who followed him, turned and walked away quickly, not knowing what beasts were chasing behind him!

  Qin Hongfei hasn't reacted yet, the scenery? Come here to see the scenery? It's getting dark, what's the beautiful scenery here?

  Does the street light look good, or the trash can on the side of the road?

   "Don't get me wrong, I just watched the crowds here, and came to watch the excitement. This is your business and I was involved." The tattooed man also took his two younger brothers away.

   "I came to pick up my sister from school, and this point is still up, I'll go to the school to take a look." The instant noodles went faster.

  The rest of the little gangsters thought about it and began to make excuses.

  In a short while, people who came to eat, buy fruit, press the road, or even come to visit the high school teacher, such unreliable reasons, were all said, and then left.

  It's like explaining to someone on purpose. After the explanation, I just run away, for fear of who will be settled.

  At this time, what game consoles and what Qin Hongfei are all behind, life is precious!

  Qin Hongfei hasn't figured out what happened, which caused him to skip a class to contact the people who were waiting. Most of them left, mostly young people in society.

  There were also a few students who looked at the situation as if it were wrong, and didn't even give a reason. They really thought they were just passing by, and it had nothing to do with this.

  Seeing that the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, Qin Hongfei has no time to think about why, and exasperatedly shouted, "Come back! You all come back to me! Don't you want game consoles anymore?"

  The answer to him is that everyone is more flustered. A joke, although the game console is fun, it is not fatal! Wen Liyan went crazy, but he wanted to see blood!

  Wen Liyan's black eyes flickered slightly, it is considered that these people are acquainted.

  Jiang Mu was just talking about it. To put it bluntly, it was just to **** off Qin Hongfei. He was addicted to the mouth, but he never thought that it was really useful, and the effect was not ordinary.

  "Follow me for whatever you are still doing! Everyone has two game consoles!" Qin Hongfei said angrily.

  The remaining people who don’t know why rushed directly, the reputation of the two game consoles is still very loud and very appealing.

  Everyone's loyalty is high, and all they think about are game consoles.

  But, when they really rushed up, they knew why those people left in a hurry!

  Damn, are these people really students? Why is one fist heavier than one?

  Don’t you say you are a high school student?

  What did you grow up with? A kick is so heavy!

Jiang Mu and Sun Quan were both trained by Wen Liyan. When the three of them practiced on weekdays, they were all practical. Faced with a group of primary school chickens, let alone the three of them, just one person is not enough to fight. .

  Sun Quan and Wen Liyan consciously left Qin Hongfei to Jiang Mo, with grudges and grievances.

  Qin Hongfei had no room to resist. Under Jiang Mu's punches and kicks, he was already bitten by mosquitoes, hurting and hurting him, making him grinning.

five minutes later.

  The original arrogant crowd has been beaten to the ground.

  Jiang Mu stood in front of Qin Hongfei and gave him a condescending look. “It’s too naive to be used in these small actions in the future! It’s too time-consuming. Today is a small lesson for you.”

   "If, if there is another next time," Jiang Mu looked away from Qin Hongfei and looked around the people who were beaten down, "It's not as simple as it is now!"

  The people lying on the ground covered their stomachs, covered their stomachs, and covered their legs, covering their legs. Is this really simple?

  They are already vomiting blood in pain, OK?

  How easy is that?

  Are you hospitalized?

   or disabled?

  No matter what it is, everyone has a decision in their hearts, and these three can't mess with it.

  No matter it is a few game consoles, you can't mess with it!

  The three of them rode their bicycles home again, Qin Hongfei's resentful eyes had turned into sharp swords, and he couldn't wait to stare out a hole in Jiang Mu's back.

  This matter will definitely not be over!

  (End of this chapter)

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