Chapter 228 Chapter 228

  Jiang Mu ignored the daily conflict between the two, looking at the sign of the Qin's Antique Shop in front of him, in the scorching sun, the atmosphere was simple.

  The shop is very lively, it can be seen that there are many customers, and the business should be very good.

  Jiang Mu walked in directly, good guy, it turned out to be a foreign friend, and there was a translator next to him, this configuration, this posture, at first glance, it is not an ordinary person!

   "Brother Mu, what are you looking at so fascinated?" Sun Quan asked suspiciously.

   "Fat sheep." Jiang Mu said with a smile, his eyebrows curled slightly.

  "Sheep? Where did the sheep come from?" Sun Quan felt a row of question marks popping up in his mind.

  The corner of Jiang Mu's eyes swept over, "The fat and rich sheep will be sent to the door for slaughter."

   Hou Liangliang's mind turned fast, "You mean that this one he is looking at now is a fake?"

   "I don't know this, and I didn't get started and see for myself." Jiang Mu explained.

   "Then you still said that the fat sheep can be slaughtered?" Hou Liangliang asked puzzledly.

"Since he enters this store, as long as he wants to buy it, he will definitely be slaughtered. The eyes of these shopkeepers are poisoned. The people in the country are all set, and they are said to be a foreigner. That is not how much money it costs. How much is it?"

   Jiang Mu said.

"No wonder there is a saying in the antique shop that it will not open for three years and eat for three years. It is a symbolic sympathy for this foreigner. If he went to Wen Ruixiang, the result would definitely not be like this. I can only say that he is too lucky. ."

  Sun Quan said with emotion.

His chrysanthemum was exchanged for Hou Liangliang’s big eyes, "Come on, no luck, this foreigner is either the translator or the taxi driver who brought him here. There must be cooperation with this store!"

  Sun Quan was shocked, "That's all right?"

   "What's wrong, this is the way to do business, Quan'er, you still have to learn a lot." Hou Liangliang said earnestly while touching his head.

  However, Sun Quan’s hair was too hard and short, and it was a bit tangled in the palm of his hand.

  After Sun Quan was succeeded for a while, he tilted his head and avoided his hands, frowned and said, "Don’t use your hands and feet, in public, what is it like!"

  He glanced at the foreigner again, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "This is too miserable, I was united to say."

   "No, no, he is not miserable, on the contrary, his luck is very good." Jiang Mu said suddenly.

  "What do you mean? What's so good about this? Good luck after being cheated?" Sun Quan thought he might no longer know what the three words good luck mean.

"When you meet me, this wave will definitely not be pitted, do you think he has good luck?" Jiang Mu suddenly smiled, revealing his little white tiger teeth, clearly a cute and invincible smile, Hou Liangliang abruptly took a half step back .

   "What do you want to do?" Sun Quan's feeling was not as sensitive as his, he just looked at Jiang Mu calmly and asked.

   "Naturally stepped forward and told him the truth, so that he would not be deceived. I am so kind and don't see anyone being deceived." Jiang Mu sighed by the way.

   is full of narcissism, it is estimated that the face is similar to the bark of the tree.

   "No, your method is too straightforward? We are in someone's turf, so you are not afraid of being beaten? Cutting off wealth is like killing a parent!"

  Sun Quan persuaded him not to worry.

Even Hou Liangliang, who has always watched the excitement, can’t help but persuade this time, “Quan’er is right. You’d better change it. If you step forward and mess up this business, I don’t think we will be able to do it today. I went out of this gate without incident."

   "Don't worry, they dare not." Jiang Mu looked at the two amusedly.

   "Why are you so sure? What if?" Sun Quan was still worried.

   "If the people in the store really do, then you two must protect yourself, but I really hope that there will be such an accident."

   Jiang Mu walked over with a smile on his face.

  Hou Liangliang and Sun Quan looked at each other, this is a big deal!

"One hundred thousand US dollars, this is a serious blue and white Yuan blue and white, very precious and rare porcelain, which is very rare in the world. This porcelain bowl is intact and there is no damage at all. It is really difficult. To be honest, such a blue and white Yuan blue and white is not at all. Worry about selling. This price cannot be lowered."

  At first glance, the shopkeeper was able to speak, at least after the foreign friends listened to the translation, they nodded again and again, it seemed that they had been persuaded.

   "Okay, 100,000 dollars."

  The shopkeeper's heart is excited, this business has been completed, that is his performance!

  Good performance, the boss will definitely reuse him more. If he opens a branch for Ali, he may still have the opportunity to be transferred to be a store manager.

  The shopkeeper’s eyes were almost growing into the foreigner’s suitcase, but at this moment, he heard a crisp sound.

   "Should I buy a counterfeit for $100,000? Will the price be too high? Can a counterfeit be so expensive?"

   Jiang Mu speaks English, foreigners can understand, and the translation can understand, but the shopkeeper and other people can’t understand it.

  The shopkeeper was still looking forward to doing this business, and saw that the foreigner who had agreed and started to pay immediately stopped the action and had a heated discussion with the later girl.

  The shopkeeper was anxious to hear, and quickly asked the interpreter, "What are they talking about?"

  The expression is not so good when the translation listens. He leads the person. He just wants to earn extra money. How can he make a Cheng Yaojin halfway?

  The shopkeeper didn’t get the answer he wanted, and his tone was even more aggressive, “Are they buying or not? What are they talking about?”

  Some expressions are difficult to explain in one word, "She said this is a fake." Of course, Jiang Mu didn't just say such a sentence, but the central meaning is this.

When the shopkeeper heard it, he immediately quit, and looked at Jiang Mu fiercely, "Where is the girl who dare to come to our antique shop? This gentleman, our Qin's antique shop is well-known in the Shanghai stock market, why? There may be fakes? Don't trust this person!"

  The translation is very colorful and immediately translated. The foreign friend looked at Jiang Mu, then looked at the shopkeeper, and said, "Take me to see."

   "Well, you can look at it as you like, we are here, not afraid to look." The shopkeeper is full of confidence.

   Then I saw foreign friends directly handing the bowl of Yuan Qinghua to Jiang Mu, which was obviously to let her help to grow eyes, and the shopkeeper was burning with anger in his heart.

   He glared at Jiang Mu fiercely, “You can eat anything, but you can’t talk nonsense. We are authentic Yuan Qinghua, which our boss personally received. There is absolutely no possibility of fakes.”

   Jiang Mu looked very carefully, “That can only mean that your boss’s eyesight is not good, or maybe he was blind when he took this bowl.”

  The shopkeeper: "..."

  (End of this chapter)

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