Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 236: 236 The Kung Fu of the Old Fox (1)

  Chapter 236 The Kung Fu of the Old Fox (1)

  Qin Zhenwu's mouth twitched. He opened an antique shop to make money. If Jiang Mu hadn't done it like this, how could their Qin antiques shop not be in the antique business at all!

  Although he saw the jade business well, he did not intend to give up the antique business.

  What he does is to make money, he does not need to have trouble with money.

If Jiang Mu hadn’t caught him by surprise, if he hadn’t been worried about smashing the Qin’s antique shop’s sign, if it hadn’t been such a big bet this time and attracted so many people’s attention, how could he have made a decision right away? Cut off the antique business directly?

  This girl got cheap and still behaved. She moved out the most valuable jade ornaments in their shop with the idea of ​​helping, and she was still talking nonsense to so many people.

  I listened to their antique shop to justify, saying that their antique shop is not selling fakes, but in fact, for some Tibetan friends in the industry, unless necessary, they should never come to their antique shop again.

  Although he has decided not to engage in the antique business from now on, there are still so many items in the store, and the warehouses have not been sorted out yet. Even if they want to change careers, these items have to be disposed of.

   However, this girl is so involved, it is estimated that it is difficult to deal with these objects.

   However, Qin Zhenwu is also a businessman who has experienced many battles, facing so many people, no matter how angry he is, his emotions can still be controlled.

  With a small smile on his face, he greeted everyone, “I thank you all. Our Qin's antique shop has only developed so well in recent years. Without your support, our Qin's antique shop would not be what it is today.”

   "Antiques are broad and profound. Someone from Qin also became a monk halfway through. Over the years, he has been picking up mistakes, passing the eye, getting deceived, and having been busy for more than ten years, I can only say that he knows what he is doing."

   "Every item in the store is carefully selected by me and the shopkeeper. However, no matter how powerful the expert is, when there will be big eyes, I don't want to let everyone suffer loss because of our big eyes."

"So, in the future, Qin's Antiques will switch to the jade business. Those who like jade and jade can come to the store. Also, starting from tomorrow, all the items in the store will be sold at a discount. Thank you all for your support for so many years! "

   Jiang Mu couldn’t help but sighed, “It’s worthy of being an old fox. It’s really powerful. When things get to this point, they can still maintain their sense, make the most appropriate judgments at the moment, and ensure the best interests in the disadvantaged.”

  Wen Shan also nodded in admiration, “It’s very powerful. The Qin family can develop so fast, thanks to Qin Zhenwu’s mind. It is estimated that he has not encountered a Waterloo like today.”

   Jiang Mu smiled brightly, “I can’t be blamed for this, I can only be blamed for his precious son, Qin Hongfei provoked me first.”

  "Then should I be fortunate to hear the banquet? I still know how to measure, although I was rebellious and self-esteem, but I will not deceive others."

  Wen Shan joked.

"How can Qin Hongfei be compared with Wen Yan? Wen Yan is indeed smart, where his grades are, and he does have the capital to be rebellious. Qin Hongfei is unlearned and knows how to fight with prestige all day long. , No. 1 in trouble! Wen Yan doesn't know how many times better than him!"

   Jiang Mu said.

  My nephew was praised, Wen Shan was naturally happy when he heard it, and directly invited Jiang Mu to Wen Ruixiang.

   And here, after Qin Zhenwu returned to the store, his face suddenly collapsed.

   "Dad, why are you so polite to that cheap girl? And let her take away a jade sculpture?" Qin Hongfei sat on the chair grimly, unaware of his dad's gloomy temperament.

  "Stand up!" Qin Zhenwu roared sharply, so scared that he immediately stood up with the table.

   "I spent so much money to send you to a key high school. That's how you rewarded me? It doesn't matter if I don't study well, what's wrong with bullying my classmates?"

  Qin Zhenwu's voice was serious and his eyes were fierce, making Qin Hongfei trembling with fright.

"Even if you are bullying, you have to keep your eyes longer! Don’t you know that some people don’t provoke you? Do you think our Qin family is the number one family in the Shanghai stock market? On the beach here, some are better than you Lao Tzu, I'm still a good person! I don't even know who can't provoke you! How stupid you say you are?"

  Qin Hongfei was very wronged, not everyone can be bullied. He knew this when he was in junior high school.

"It's not my dad. That Jiang Mu has no background. Her mother took her back to her hometown when she got divorced. She lived in the shanty town. She was very poor. Her mother didn't even have a job. She lived very tightly and could go to high school. It's not easy."

   "On this kind of person, how can I not bully?" He retorted in a low voice, unconvinced.

   "Then have you bullied someone? Did you get any advantage from her?" Qin Zhenwu asked.

  This soul asked Qin Hongfei's interest in refuting.

  Don’t talk about bullying, in this situation, he is being bullied more seriously, OK!

The military training was beaten, and he reviewed it in public. After that, he wanted to retaliate. In the end, he was bitten by a mosquito. He paid for a lot of valuable game consoles, but he still didn’t get anything cheap. The beaten went in. The hospital hurts all over.

  Think about it now, Qin Hongfei feels that he is a little too miserable.

   Finally Jiang Mu crashed into his own territory today. He thought he could finally teach her a lesson and let her know that he was not easy to mess with.

   But in the end, he was trained by his father. Jiang Mu, instead of being taught, took away the most expensive jade ornaments in their store.

  Qin Hongfei didn't want to think about it anymore, the more he thought about it, the more pitiful he felt.

   "No matter how poor the girl is now, she will definitely start her own career and accomplish a lot in the future! Today I will teach you one more truth. Among the people you can't mess with, apart from the prominent family background, there is also Jiang Mu who is especially smart."

  Qin Zhen said with heart and soul in Guoyu.

  "Then I was beaten in vain before?" Qin Hongfei blurted out subconsciously.

  But Qin Zhenwu's stern look in response to him, "That's what you deserve! You can't even beat a girl, what else can you do?"

   Jiang Mu is not an ordinary girl!

  Qin Hongfei didn't say this sentence, otherwise he would definitely be trained.

   "Because of you, our family lacks an antique shop and a way to make money. The antique shop we have opened for so many years is so gone. Are you happy?"

  Qin Zhenwu is still reprimanding.

  "Didn't you decide to do jade and jadeite business a long time ago and stop selling antiques? What does it have to do with me?" Qin Hongfei was puzzled.

  Qin Zhenwu secretly told himself that his son, born by himself, can only support his stupid brain, and he can't be angry, and he can't be angry.

  (End of this chapter)

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