Chapter 240 240 was educated (1)

  Zhao Yue didn’t have much opinion on her daughter’s learning to paint, “You can go to a better university, learn a better major, and study fine art with your grades. Don’t you feel a pity?”

  Jiang Mu is very free and easy, "What's a pity, I like to paint, there is nothing wrong with learning to paint. Maybe in the future I can open painting exhibitions."

  "Since you don’t feel regretful, then study. Your family can afford it. Is there a school you want to go to? Central Academy of Fine Arts should be the best for studying art?"

  For universities, it is Zhao Yue’s knowledge blind zone, especially art academies.

   "It's all things in the future. I haven't thought about it yet. Tsinghua University also has an art major, so I'll talk about it at that time." Jiang Mu said.

   "You are sixteen years old and you are an older child. Since it is your own decision, you have to stick to it." Zhao Yue smiled softly.

   "That is natural, I will definitely stick to it." Jiang Mu is still very confident about this.

   "Then do you want my mother to find some art teachers to teach you?"

  Although she said that she would not stop her daughter’s decision, as a mother, she would still be worried and could not help but want to help her pave the way, clear all obstacles for her, and make her future journey easier.

"No need, I'm laying the foundation now. Moreover, our school also has an art teacher. I am definitely not the only student who wants to take art specialties. The school will definitely open an art speciality class when I need a teacher. Go please."

  Zhao Yue nodded and agreed.

"Mu Mu is so good, no matter what you learn, you can learn well. Grandma believes you." Sun Hongfen clamped Jiang Mu a piece of spare ribs. "Eat more. Look at your thin ones. You can blow them down as soon as the wind blows. of."

  Jiang Mu looked at her arm. Although she was slender, she held a thin layer of muscles with very beautiful lines. This was the result of her persistent exercise during this period of time.

  However, the old man’s worries Jiang Mu received all orders, sweet and sour pork ribs, chewing very enthusiastically.

  Sun Hongfen felt very distressed when he saw this, “It must be that the school’s food is not good. You can see that Mu Mu is hungry.”

   Jiang Mu no longer knows what to say.

   Then she saw a peeled prawn, a chicken leg, a piece of beef, and a piece of egg in her bowl.

  Are from Wen Liyan, Sun Quan, Zhao Yue, and Sun Zhengde.

   Jiang Mu blinked and had to explain, “The food at school is still good. If you don’t believe me, ask Wen Liyan and Sun Quan, and I just have a meal at school in the evening.”

  Seeing Wen Liyan and Sun Quan nodding their heads, the family believed her words.

  Jiang Mu immediately changed the subject, "Mom, how is the business these days?"

Zhao Yue laughed, "It's pretty good. The styles you designed are selling well. I went to other clothing factories and bought some other styles. Now, more people come to the supermarket to buy clothes than other things. "

   "Awesome!" Jiang Mu gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation.

   "According to this development, Aunt Zhao should be able to open a branch soon." Wen Liyan also said happily.

   "I did look for the store these days. There is a storeroom in Yongan Department Store that is subletting. I was thinking about renting it and opening a branch here."

  Zhao Yue said with a smile.

"The flow of people at Yong'an Department Store is really good. When the clothing store opens there, you should not worry about customers." Jiang Mu said, "However, if you can, I think it's more cost-effective to buy it. If you rent it, if the business is good in the future, It will be very troublesome for the landlord to increase the rent or something."

  In this era, buying a house in Shanghai stock market is very cost-effective no matter where it is.

   "If it is safe, it is indeed more cost-effective to buy, but the building specifications over there are very large, basically more than 100 square meters, if you buy it now, how can it cost three to four hundred thousand."

  Zhao Yue is a little worried.

   “It’s okay, don’t I still have money in my account? It’s okay to buy a storeroom.” When the Ruyao teacup is about to be sold, her account should not be short of money in a short time.

  "How can you do that? You save the money in your account. You have already spent a lot of money to open a supermarket and clothing store. How can you use your money again when you open a branch?"

  Zhao Yue disagreed, “Although it is good to open a branch, it must be within the scope of ability. I planned to open a branch before considering that renting a house is now affordable.”

Jiang Mu put down his chopsticks, held Zhao Yue's arm intimately, and began to act like a baby, "Mom, now you can make money without losing money when you buy a house. The money is also kept in the bank. How can the interest of the bank make money from opening a clothing store!" "

  Zhao Yue pondered for a moment, and then came to relax, "You are right, anyway, these are all yours, and I will leave it to you as the dowry in the future. Mom will ask the landlord tomorrow."

Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, "Dowry? Mom, do you think too much? I'm not as old as you can be everywhere, right? Also, the clothing store is your business, so how can you give it to me? , Maybe you will meet some middle-aged beautiful uncle and have a second spring."

  Zhao Yue's face blushed, and she took the chopsticks and knocked on her forehead, "Bear boy, what nonsense?"

  Meeting and holding his forehead with both hands, "What I said is true. If I meet the right person, I don't mind you developing a second spring."

   "The more you talk, the more you lose it!" Zhao Yue lifted up his chopsticks and wanted to knock on her forehead again, but knocked on the back of both hands.

  Jiang Mu only felt a pair of hot palms covering the back of her hands. She tilted her head and looked at the owner of the big hands, and Xingyan blinked.

  It was Zhao Yue's quick response, "Xiaoyan, your child, does it hurt? Let me see."

  Wen Liyan withdrew his hand, with a small smile on his thin face, "It's okay, Aunt Zhao, you didn't use any effort just now."

   "Knowing that I will not use force, you are still stupidly blocking Mumu."

"The hands are different from the head. Even if they are stronger, hitting the hands will hurt at most. If you hit the head, you might be stupid. I wasn't very smart at first, so the paper I issued today was only for the test. It’s 90 points. If it’s not appropriate, you may not even pass the 90 points."

  Wen Liyan explained with a smile, twisting his fingertips lightly, before touching the back of Jiang Mu's hand, it was a little hot.

  The tips of his ears became even more red, but the smile on his face was very natural, and his tone of voice was not half shy or embarrassing.

  "That's because your question is too abnormal, okay? For such a complicated question, I can get 90 points and I have tried my best. Only people like you and Sun Quan who are so good at math can get a full score."

   Jiang Mu couldn't help but complain.

"How do you say it?" Zhao Yue glanced at her disapprovingly, and said seriously, "Xiaoyan is to improve your grades. He studies hard every day, and he has to bother to give you test papers. You have to know how to be grateful. ."

   Jiang Mu feels a little fresh, and this feeling of being educated seems to have not passed for a long time.

  This is her mother, who knows gratitude and has a correct outlook.

   Jiang Mu slightly tickled the corners of his lips and smiled lightly.

  "I'm still laughing. Today, my mother has to criticize you. You have to know how to be grateful, don't you know?" Zhao Yue's voice is still gentle, but her attitude is very serious.

  (End of this chapter)

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