Chapter 245 245 Seeing blood (2)

  After all, he is a person who fights all the year round, and Qin Hongfei's accuracy is not so good.

  However, Jiang Mu was taught by Wen Liyan himself, and he grew up with a wealth of practical experience.

   Body style, speed, reaction, I don't know how many grades higher than Qin Hongfei, the moment the chair flew over, amid the exclamation of everyone, she stepped sideways and avoided it.

   Coincidentally, Qin Zhenwu, Tang Ruyue and Jiang Tao happened to be beside her.

  When she hid like this, the results of the three of them were rather miserable.

  The chairs of the students were not big, and the three of them couldn't avoid them and all suffered.

Tang Ruyue was the most miserable. Both noses bleed. Jiang Tao and Qin Zhenwu subconsciously blocked them with their arms, and they stepped back a few steps. The pain was definitely painful, but the men were both good-looking, and neither of them showed it. .

Jiang Mu still saw the appearance of the two clenching their teeth, holding back a smile, with an innocent look, "This can't be blamed on me, in the face of danger, I am just a reflex, the instigator is Qin Hongfei, you can not let me pay for the medical expenses ."

  Qin Zhenwu's mouth twitched, and his face darkened, "We won't have enough money to go to the hospital."

Jiang Mu pretended to breathe a sigh of relief, and then continued, "Doing things is nothing more than a brain, and there is a tendency to violence. Boss Qin wants to protect the Qin family's business. I guess Qin Hongfei is really not good. I think you'd better have another safer one. ."

   "Anyway, you are still young. There must be many people who want to give you a good heir. Moreover, Mrs. Qin will definitely not object. After all, her sister did this. Presumably, she also agrees with this method."

  She said solemnly, her little mouth babbling non-stop.

  Tang Ruyue covered her bleeding nose with one hand, and pointed at Jiang Mu with one finger, and scolded angrily, "You bastard, shut me up, how can you interrupt the Qin family's affairs!"

   "It's just a money-losing goods, and I'm still talking about it here!"

  As soon as she finished speaking, her nosebleeds flowed down again. Today she is wearing a white puff sleeve chiffon shirt, which happens to be the kind designed by Jiang Mu. Now there are a little red blood stains, and she looks very embarrassed.

Jiang Mujiu controlled his expression, did not look at her funny face, looked at Qin Zhenwu intently and sincerely, "I think it’s better for you to go to the hospital now, and we’re going to class soon. Time is right. Money, our time is still very precious."

Director    and Li Ge just came back to their senses. They were so fascinated just now that they were watching the theater, and they even forgot that these people came to sponsor poor students.

  To blame, Jiang Mu’s combat power was too strong, and there were too many gossips in it, and they were fascinated when they heard it.

   "Everyone, the school has a school infirmary, I will take you to the school infirmary to deal with it." The director remembered her task.

Before a few people left, Jiang Mu added, "Boss Qin, I think you can consider my suggestion appropriately. You don't want your family business that has worked so hard for most of your life to be defeated in this way, right? One, it’s too late."

  "Shut up, you!" Qin Hongfei picked up a book and threw it over.

  This time he learned his lesson and noticed the other people around Jiang Mu. Even if he couldn't hit Jiang Mu, he couldn't hit other people.

  But this time Jiang Mu did not evade. Instead, he caught the heavy English book with one hand and threw it back with his backhand.


  In the middle of Qin Hongfei's nose, he couldn't stand firmly, and he fell directly, and the result was even more embarrassing than Tang Ruyue just now.

   Jiang Mu looked at him in a dazed manner. This time she really did not expect that Qin Hongfei could not hide even a book.

  Looking at the blood stains in his nose, Jiang Mu made a sincere suggestion, “Your parents just left, and you can keep up with them when you go out now. It’s better to go to the school infirmary to deal with it.”

  Qin Hongfei rubbed his handle violently, seeing the bright red blood on the back of his hand, the anger in his chest burned more intensely.

  "Jiang Mu, don't think that our Qin family will subsidize poor students! Because of you, I decided to withdraw this funding!" He glanced around the students in the classroom, and finally fell on Yu Du.

  "Don’t blame me for the students who signed up for funding. If you want to blame it, blame Jiang Mu. She let you lose the opportunity to be funded!"

  Qin Hongfei's eyes were full of malice, and invisibly, he had set up many enemies for Jiang Mu.

  You won’t make me feel better, and I won’t make you feel better!

   Jiang Mu snorted. She returned to the chair and turned an original ball pen in her hand quickly. “It’s better not to be too full. It seems that you can be the master of the Qin family?”

  Qin Hongfei became furious, "Nonsense! Of course I can call the shots. Funding for poor students is what I proposed. Do you think I can call the shots?"

   "I am the third generation of the Qin family, the only heir to the Qin family. In the future, the entire Qin family will be mine, so I can naturally call the shots!"

   Jiang Muman glanced at him carelessly, "I advise you not to be so confident, maybe when you will have another brother?"

  Qin Hongfei was panting with anger, and more nosebleeds. He didn’t know whether it was anger or fear. In the end, the head teacher Li Ge stood up and sent Qin Hongfei to the school infirmary.

  The original math class has become a self-study class.

  However, at this time, no one had the mind to go to class. In just ten minutes between classes, too many things happened and the content was too rich, and they hadn't digested it yet.

  Just as the teacher was away, everyone started talking in low voices.

  Jiang Mu didn't care about these things. What she said was the truth. Even if it was ashamed, it was Jiang Tao who was ashamed. She didn't think she had done anything wrong.

  However, she still cares about one thing.

She turned her head to look at Yu Du, who was still doing homework with her brows at first. She was completely undisturbed by outside discussions and devoted herself to making money. "You don't have to worry about funding. Qin Hongfei is used to fake tigers. Boss Qin would not agree with him. "

  Yu turned his head to look at her, "Why?"

   "Because Qin Zhenwu is smart enough, he is an old fox in the shopping mall. No one knows better than him what impact the cancellation of the subsidy for poor students will have on the Qin family at this time."

   Jiang Mu patiently explained.

  "The most important thing for businessmen is their reputation. They have long talked about things. If they suddenly regret it, everyone will think that the Qin family has no credibility. Therefore, even if Qin Hongfei doesn't think about it anymore, the subsidy for poor students will continue. Don't worry."

  I put down the pen and said, "You may have misunderstood. What I want to ask is, why do you think I am worried?"

   Jiang Mu: "..."

  How did she forget that her deskmate is a person who is keen on doing business. She began to develop the obligation to write homework in the first year of high school. He would naturally think of all she could think of.

   "You think I didn't say anything."

  I smiled, "How about that?"

    Explain that this chronology snowman has been prepared for a long time, and a lot of relevant information has been checked.

     However, there may be some omissions, I hope the little girls will forgive me~



  (End of this chapter)

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