Chapter 249 249 You like him (2)

   Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, "Mom, what are you thinking about, how is this possible?"

Zhao Yue stared at her earnestly, "You were born from me, born from my belly. I still don't know you. This is the first time I have seen you praise a peer like this. Isn't it what you like? "

   Jiang Mu wanted to cry without tears, "Mom, that was when I praised each other, you were not there."

  "I often praise Wen Liyan. The structure of his brain must be different from ordinary people like us. Where can anyone have completed all the courses in high school before attending high school?"

   "And Sun Quan, good math is enviable and hateful. It takes ordinary people a month to figure out things. With him, the results will come out in the blink of an eye."

   "There is also Wen Yan, the young master, who is very young and has a very good appraisal skills, which is better than the eyes of the old man who has been in the antique industry for more than ten years."

  Zhao Yue bent her eyebrows and smiled meaningfully, "You are so anxious to explain, are you a little guilty?"

   Jiang Mu: "..."

  This day can't pass.

  Normal parents know that their children were in love in high school, shouldn’t they be angrily reprimanded, make repeated orders, and be strictly educated?

  Where would she look like her family? Look at this look, as if she wished she had someone she likes.

   "I said about the purchase of Yu Du, and I don’t agree with what you said. It’s getting late. Go back to bed quickly. You can’t stay up late. Staying up late is not good for your health."

  Jiang Mu directly pushed Zhao Yue into the room. She didn't want her to be asked about emotional problems by her parents when she was 16 years old.

  As for the next question, she believes that Yu Du will definitely do a good job.

  I are all that kind of people, as long as he sees the slightest hope, he will rush up, grasp it firmly, and grab it into his hand.

  As soon as Jiang Mu wanted to go back to the room, Wen Liyan's bedroom door was pushed open.

  Jiang Mu blinked, "You should also go to bed quickly, don't stay up all night every day, don't you know your own body? If you are so tired, if your condition worsens, wouldn't it be the cart before the horse?"

  Wen Liyan frowned in advance, "Who is the rest?"

"I'm at the same table." Jiang Mu was a little puzzled, "What are you asking for?" Thinking of Yu Du's business, she looked at him suspiciously, "Isn't it? You have such a need? If you have one, I You can ask him to give you a 10% discount."

  Wen Liyan frowned deeper, "What needs? What 10% off?"

   "You asked Yu Du, didn't you want him to do your homework for you?" Jiang Mu asked.

  Wen Liyan's eyes twitched, “Why should I let others do my homework? I still have to sort out the tutorial book now. How can I not do my homework?”

   "Then what do you ask Yu doing?" Jiang Mu was puzzled.

  Wen Liyan's ears are a little red, "Do you like him?"

   Jiang Mu speechlessly looked at the sky, "No, mom thought about it, why do you follow along, why do I like him? No, you little kid, do you know what you like? Then just keep liking him all day long."

  Little kid Wen Liyan: "..."

   Jiang Mu put his hands in his trouser pockets, his lips filled with an open smile, he was free and easy, "Even if I like it, I won't like high school students, all of them are just kiddies and don't understand anything."

  Wen Liyan couldn't help but smile, "Don't forget, you are also a high school student, according to you, you are also a kid."

   "How can it be the same?" Jiang Mu asked with a smile.

   "Hurry up and take a rest, remember to go to the hospital tomorrow. This must never be forgotten! I heard it." Jiang Mu was serious.

   "Little housekeeper, don't worry." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Wen Liyan's lips, "Good night."

   Jiang Mu blinked. When did she have another nickname like this?

  Wen Liyan pushed her into the bedroom in a daze.

  Wen Liyan did not rest obediently, but continued to sit in front of the computer, quickly tapping the keyboard with his fingers, doing what he planned during this time.

   No dreams all night.

  The next day, as soon as it was light, Jiang Mu got up.

  Physical training can't relax for a day.

  Wait until she and Sun Quan finished running and just went home to eat, Wen Liyan was getting up at this time.

  A rare rest. Originally, Jiang Mu planned to draw design drawings of autumn and winter clothes at home. After all, autumn in the north comes early, and summer clothes will not last long.

   However, Wen Shan suddenly called and asked her to participate in the auction.

   Thinking of her Ru kiln teacup, Jiang Mu stopped drawing the design and went directly to the auction.

  Sun Quan was originally assigned by Jiang Mu to watch Wen Liyan go to the hospital for a blood transfusion, but when he heard that there was an auction, he couldn’t sit still and kept looking out the door.

  Wen Liyan saw his leaked thoughts at a glance, “You follow to see and see, this kind of auction is very rare, it’s a shame to miss it.”

   "But..." Sun Quan hesitated.

   "It's nothing, I haven't been to the hospital without anyone before. I can go to the hospital with my eyes closed."

  Wen Liyan interrupted his concerns, “Moreover, if Jiang Mu is a girl going out, it’s better to have someone who can protect her.”

  Sun Quan instantly understood, "I understand, I understand, I will pass right away, don't worry, I can definitely protect Brother Mu, and I will definitely not let Brother Mu be bullied!"

  Wen Liyan looked at his running back, his black eyes were full of envy.

  If his body can be better, if he is healthy, the person standing next to her will be him.

  Wen Liyan clenched his fists hard, his black eyes flashed with strong desire, if he had a healthy body, it would be fine.

   Looking down at his clenched fist, he was a little discouraged, and he wanted to recover. How could it be so easy?


  Here Qin Zhenwu finally returned from Myanmar. He may have made a big business. He is in a very good mood, with a smile on his face.

   Resting at home, Qin Hongfei was listless. When he saw Qin Zhenwu, his eyes lit up and his eyes were about to cramp. He desperately signaled Tang Ruyue to let her explore her breath.

  Tang Ruyue naturally understood her son’s worries. In the past few days, she had been standing at the door waiting for news almost every day. Now that she finally saw the goal, how could she do nothing.

  It’s just that she never expected that she would take the initiative to greet her. Qin Zhenwu passed by her directly and walked towards the second elder of the Qin family.

   "Don't worry, it's okay, am I not coming back here!" Qin Zhenwu comforted.

   "By the way, there will be an auction in a while, and those who are willing to move can follow along to see it and increase your knowledge." She said this in a very loud voice, and it was obviously an invitation to everyone.

   "I don't know how the Shanghai stock market is different from the Beijing auction. I must go to open my eyes and have a long experience." Suddenly, a tall girl in the crowd said with a smile.

   "Then let's go together, we can go and have a look together." Tang Ruyue proposed.

  (End of this chapter)

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