Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 255: Change a son quickly (1)

  Chapter 255 Quickly change a son (1)

   "The people in the museum are so rich and powerful, and they can offer such a sky-high price without blinking their eyes." Wen Shan said.

   "No, are museums so rich now? You can spend 100 million without blinking?" Jiang Mu was really shocked.

  "National support, national policies, and state funding. These museums are state-owned. They are very rich in funds that you can't imagine."

  Wen Shan obviously knows these things very well.

   "Is this back to the big tree to enjoy the cool?" Jiang Mu was a little envious, not right, he should be very envious of meeting.

Wen Shan smiled and said, "What are you thinking about? Not all objects can cost them money. You know the preciousness and rarity of Ru kiln. It can be said that Ru kiln occupies a lot of color in the history of China's porcelain making. One stroke."

  "It means that they will only sell antiques that are precious enough, regardless of the price." Jiang Mu came to the conclusion.

  Wen Shan smiled and nodded.

Sun Quan and Hou Liangliang on the side of    also understood.

   "Brother Mu, then your luck is really good this time. If you weren't someone who met the museum, maybe this pair of Ruyao teacups would not get such a high price."

  Sun Quan couldn’t help but rejoice.

   Jiang Mu smiled meaningfully, "Quan'er, do you really think this is my luck?"

  "Isn't it?" Sun Quan was surprised.

"Of course not. The Second Uncle Wen must have helped a lot here, right?" Jiang Mu smiled and looked at Wen Shan, "If it weren't for some publicity in advance, how could the museum people go from Beijing to Shanghai? Come?"

   "In that case, Wen Ruixiang does not lose a 10% draw." Hou Liangliang said while thinking.

"Of course, if I do it myself, the pair of Ru kiln teacups that have been repaired will be 50 or 60 million at best. But now, I can get 81 million. This is where Wen Ruixiang and the auction will play a role. Role."

   Jiang Mu said in agreement.

When Wen Shan waved his hand again and again, "You can't say that. We are still taking advantage of Wen Ruixiang. After today's auction, Wen Ruixiang must be well-known in the antique shop. Even looking at the whole country, it is also quite influential. "

"Moreover, the publicity is not done by Wen Ruixiang's family. The Chushi Auction Company has also made great efforts. Otherwise, there will not be so many heavyweights today. The most important thing is that you are precious enough for Ruyao teacups. "

  Wen Shan always tells the truth, is not the kind of arrogant person, has one thing to say, and will not exaggerate.

  Jiang Mu likes this kind of character very much. He doesn't have the wickedness in the mall, and he likes the purity of antiques.

  She stretched out her right hand, "Then be happy to cooperate."

  Wen Shan was stunned, but she shook her hand in an instant, "Happy cooperation."

  Sun Quan finally understood the deep meaning of this, he immediately asked, "Then if there is a chance, can we also cooperate?"

  Wen Shan smiled and said, "Naturally, it is possible. The rules will follow this time, and Wen Ruixiang will pick one layer."

  Sun Quan smiled very satisfied.

  Hou Liangliang also joined in the fun, "Count me, count me."

  Wen had a good temper and agreed.

  Although it is said that this pair of Ruyao teacups has been sold, it is not possible to get the money now.

The auctioneer needs to pay the funds to the auction house before the next distribution. However, Jiang Mu is not in a hurry. She has no eagerness to spend money. Although there is a branch at home, the money is still sufficient. There is nothing wrong with the money being late.

The three friends saw the auction, enjoyed so many precious lots with their own eyes, and watched the rich people’s big sums of money, and experienced a rapid heartbeat, except for some disgusting ones at the beginning. Apart from people, today's itinerary is very satisfying.

  This is not just out of the auction venue, Sun Quan and Hou Liangliang can't help but start talking.

   "Yeah, didn’t you come to see the auction? It turned out that what you said about watching was really just watching. The whole auction was down and you didn’t see you. It’s such a good position for nothing."

  After an auction, Qin Hongfei did not know what he had beaten, and quickly recovered. Now he ran up to Jiang Mu and clamored.

  Jiang Mu looked at him lazily, thinking it was a waste of time, and lazily said, "You can't be envious, and it's useless if you are envious!"

  Qin Hongfei jumped with anger, "Who envy you? What do you admire? But it's just an oil bottle that even Dad doesn't want!"

  Jiang Mu has a sweet and cute smile, but he speaks arrogantly and unceremoniously, “What's the use of Dad’s horrible thing except to add to himself?”

  Qin Hongfei: " can you say that?"

   Jiang Mu thoughtfully, glanced at Qin Zhenwu next to him, "So, you should really envy me, after all, I don't have a father, you do."

  Qin Hongfei stepped forward with anger. Just about to shake his fist, he saw Jiang Mu raising his hand, rubbing his wrist, and immediately heard the sound of his arm clucking.

  Qin Hongfei raised his hand and immediately pretended to tickle, and then put it down again.

  "Don't talk nonsense! My dad is very good, very good, very good! It's not a stuff to block!" You can't use force, you can only rely on lip service.

  Jiang Mu knows, and looks at Qin Zhenwu thoughtfully, "Boss Qin, I think you should have another son. This brain is really not good."

  Qin Hongfei suddenly exploded and shouted at her, "What do you mean? You mean I have no brains?"

Jiang Mu ignored him, but looked at Qin Zhenwu, "Boss Qin, look, he doesn't even know what mistakes he made," she sighed, very helpless, "Or, you take the time to educate yourself, otherwise , Just his brain, in the mall, hasn't it been swallowed?"

   Jiang Mu had a sincere face, without any hostility, and looked very kind, just like this, but Qin Hongfei's throat was angry.

  He wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Qin Zhenwu's sharp eyes, "Isn't it shameful enough?"

  Qin Hongfei was dull and silent.

  Qin Zhenwu still has the expression that does not show the mountains and does not leak water, making people unable to see the true thoughts in his heart, “If Qin Hongfei has nothing to do in the future, he will take the initiative to find trouble in front of you.

   Jiang Mu smiled, this boss Qin is really interesting.

  She tried to ask, "Don’t need me to pay for medical bills?"

   "Just don't beat the disabled." Qin Zhenwu said indifferently, as if he was not talking about his only child.

   Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, his apricot eyes narrowed slightly, "Boss Qin is really surprising."

  Qin Zhenwu still has that kind of emotion and anger, and even Jiang Mu can't see what he thinks.

  (End of this chapter)

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