Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 257: 257 That Girl of the Zhao Family Is Amazing (1)

  Chapter 257 Chapter 257 The girl of the Zhao family is amazing (1)

  Daughter brought great trouble to the Qin family. Everything started because of his marriage with his ex-wife. What happened at the auction today is enough to explain that Jiang Mu can't let this matter go.

Now he and Qin Zhenwu are brothers-in-law. It is true that this matter cannot be allowed to worsen. It must be resolved as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is very likely that he will split up with the Qin family. This is not what he wants to see. He goes to the Shanghai stock market and has many things. Need to rely on the help of the Qin family.

  Since it is to solve the problem, Jiang Tao thinks very comprehensively.

  Qin Zhenwu was also invited together. Originally, Tang Ruyue was also worried that the head of the house might refuse. After all, her husband always had work in his mind, and only had very little energy in the family.

  Unexpectedly, he actually agreed.

  On the way, Tang Ruyue couldn't figure it out, maybe she was immersed in her thoughts, and the way was very quiet.

   Tang Ruxing still knows how to do things, and calmly began to liven up the atmosphere.

   "Brother-in-law, don't worry, we will definitely solve this matter this time, and we won't inflict you on our affairs."

Qin Zhenwu is even more of a human spirit, and the people in the shopping malls are all human spirits. "What Jiang Mu said is right. Xiao Fei should really teach it well. Otherwise, wait until I'm old, why don't you do it? When he moves, he just looks like unlearned, how can he be able to hold on to his family business?"

   Too good at talking, Jiang Tao felt very comfortable. The other party did not get involved with him because of Jiang Mu's affairs. This time he was so embarrassed outside the auction. Even if he was complained, it should be.

  Jiang Tao had already made such preparations, but in the end, people didn't take it seriously.

  Regardless of whether this is true or false, it is still very comfortable to listen to.

   "No matter what, I will definitely resolve the matter this time, and let you come over, but also want you to be a witness. This kind of thing will never happen again in the future."

   "I am also curious about what kind of environment a girl like Jiang Mu lives in!" Qin Zhenwu said with a smile.

  The two men reached a consensus, and then they changed the subject.

   "At today's auction, I think you are very interested in the Ru kiln teacups. Do you want to collect them?" Qin Zhenwu knocked on the side.

  "How is it possible? Although I don't know much about antiques, I still know the preciousness of Ru kiln. As far as my family is concerned, I can't play with such precious antiques."

   Jiang Tao didn't even swell his face to fill a fat man. He was able to run so many shops in the capital, and he was quite outstanding. There was some cleverness in that.

  Qin Zhenwu is not a person who breaks the casserole and asks to the end. Hearing what the other person said, he just didn't want to say it clearly, so he stopped asking in detail, and the matter turned to the child's education.

  In response to Qin Hongfei’s problem, the two men talked all the way and thought of many ways, especially the way of sticking education, beating if you don’t obey, and beating after a few more times, Tang Ruyue was really frightened when she heard it.

  However, on such occasions, she couldn't speak to rebuttal, so she could only listen in fright, and wait until she returned home to inform her son.

I finally arrived in the shanty town, but it seems that there is not much life here, and it is still dilapidated. It may be because of the lack of popularity. It looks more decayed. The dilapidated windows are creaking with the evening breeze. .

  It seems that if you apply a little force, the old window sash will be blown off.

   "It doesn't look like someone lives here? Are you sure Jiang Mu and their mother and daughter live here?" Tang Ruxing asked in a low voice.

   "It should be, I remember that Zhao Yue's hometown is here." Jiang Tao is also quite confused. Although he hasn't come back several times, he still remembers the address.

  "This comrade, I want to ask you something, is there a family named Zhao living nearby?" Jiang Tao asked.

   "There is such a family, I used to live in that yard before, but I don't live here anymore."

   "Why? I remember that there were a lot of people living in this neighborhood before, why are there no people now?" Jiang Tao continued to ask.

   "Moved away, everyone moved away! This piece of land was bought by Wen's family, and compensation was paid from house to house. Everyone took the money and naturally moved away."

   Jiang Tao frowned and moved away.

  "How much compensation can that company receive?" Tang Ruyue is most concerned about this issue.

   "A lot, Wen Jia is very conscientious, it's 1200 yuan a flat."

  Tang Ruyue turned her head to look at Jiang Tao, "Brother-in-law, do you know how big the Zhao family’s house is?"

   Jiang Tao carefully recalled, "It's only 50 or 60 even."

   "Then there are more than 60,000." Tang Ruyue muttered, this is money for nothing. I don't know why, and she feels a little unbalanced.

  Tang Ruxing said softly, "There is a lot of money, but it is not easy to settle down in the Shanghai stock market. Besides, there is one student to spend."

   Tang Ruyue stopped being jealous, and she asked the uncle who was in the shade, "Comrade, do you know where the Zhao family moved to?"

"Yeah, I really know this! Their family and Sun’s family are the best two in our area. I heard that they moved to a newly built community in our city. The building is very stylish and beautiful. All the people who live in it are rich. It seems to be called...what home."

  Qin Zhenwu immediately answered the question, "Yi'an Jiayuan?"

   "Yes, yes, that's the name. Yi'an Jiayuan, I heard that the boss of the house is over 100 square meters, and it is very stylish."

  Tang Ruyue frowned, "The house in Yi'an Jiayuan is not cheap. How can it cost two to three thousand for a flat, more than one hundred flat, how can it cost three to four hundred thousand, where did they get so much money?"

   "Girl, don't believe me, I heard that they not only bought a big house, but also bought a store house and opened a shop."

  This time even Jiang Tao's brows were also frowned, his expression looked a little ugly.

   "Is it right? Just look at it."

  The four drove to Yi'an Jiayuan again.

  Only this time, the car was much quieter, and the atmosphere was as harmonious as when I didn’t come over.

  Tang Ruyue is guessing that what the person just said is true or false. Such a good house and such an expensive house are comparable to their houses.

  Tang Ruxing only felt that things seemed a little out of control. He thought he would just hang around in front of the old woman Zhao Yue and give her a warning to stop her wishing for Jiang Tao anymore. She was not worthy of Jiang Tao at all.

   But now, it seems that Zhao Yue is not as desolate, so poor, so pitiful, and perhaps even more moisturized than she had expected.

  Tang Ruxing held his finger, a little worried that she might not be able to come here this time as she wanted.

  (End of this chapter)

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