Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 263: 263 Am I a stepmother (1)

  Chapter 263 263 Am I a stepmother (1)

   Jiang Mu tilted his head and looked at Wen Liyan who was standing at the door, "There must be some way to learn God, right?"

  Wen Liyan's cold white face showed a slight smile, just like the beginning of the spring snow.

  "How do you know I have a way?" he asked curiously.

   "Naturally, I believe you. You are so smart and strategizing. There shouldn't be any problem to stump you, right?" Jiang Mu smiled, lovely sunshine. In an instant, the atmosphere in the room became relaxed.

  Wen Liyan, who is trusted, has an unspeakable emotion in his heart, being needed, trusted, recognized, and expected, all of which have gathered into a touch, filling his whole heart.

  He is not superfluous, not dispensable.

  His existence is very meaningful.

  He felt the blood in his body boiling, and his whole body was full of power.

  Zhao Yue saw that he hadn't said a word, and his emaciated facial features were complicated, and he immediately knew what was going on.

  She patted her daughter on the shoulder and whispered, “It’s okay, don’t talk nonsense. This is an emergency. No matter how smart the Xiaoyan is, he can’t figure it out and predict this crisis.”

   "How could Xiaoyan think of a solution for this kind of thing so quickly?" Zhao Yue began to preach, also to save face for Wen Liyan.

  Being educated by her own mother, Jiang Mu didn't feel much. In fact, she actually liked this feeling. She was not half unhappy, but felt very ironed in her heart.

  However, others don't think so.

  Sun Quan: "Aunt Zhao, if Brother Mu is not sure, she will definitely not say such a thing."

  Sun Hongfen: "Yes, yeah, Xiaoyue, Mu Mu didn't do anything wrong, don't be so serious."

  Sun Zhengde nodded and echoed his wife’s thoughts, "Yes."

  Zhao Yue was a little helpless, I really didn’t know what to say, she just said a few words about her daughter, everyone responded so much, everyone was protecting Jiang Mu, and those who didn’t know thought she was a stepmother!

  Under the pressure of everyone's sight, she can only step back, "I mean, don't put too much pressure on Xiaoyan. Although Xiaoyan is smart, he is not omnipotent and can solve everything."

   “Don’t push the problem to one person. This is irresponsible behavior.”

   Jiang Mu has a sincere attitude and accepts Zhao Yue's education very humbly.

"Mom, you have to have faith in learning God! Is learning God something anyone can be? I really don't push the problem to him, but I believe he has this ability, has this ability, and solves this problem. problem."

   Feeling the trust in Xing’s eyes, because he was so touched that he missed the first proof for Jiang Mu, Wen Liyan immediately said, “Aunt Zhao, I have a solution.”

  Zhao Yue was surprised, and the others were shocked and looked at Jiang Mu.

  Jiang Mu shrugged his shoulders and gave everyone a bleak smile, "I'm right?"

   "Brother Yan, what can you do to solve it? Hurry up?" Sun Quan urged eagerly.

"During this period of time, I have done a lot of experiments and researched out something that can be installed in the supermarket. Then even if grandma and grandpa don’t have to look at the store, they can see the store by sitting at the cashier In all cases."

Wen Liyan said.

  Everyone was shocked.

   "There is still such a good thing?" Zhao Yue was pleasantly surprised.

   "I have just made it for a short time. I have tried it and it can achieve the effect I said, but there is a shortcoming." Wen Liyan did not hide it either.

   "What are the shortcomings of such a good thing? Even if there are shortcomings, its function can cover all its shortcomings." Sun Quan was very excited.

   is the kind of excitement that something that didn't exist was researched out, although this thing has nothing to do with him.

   "Koizumi is right. As long as such a good thing is installed in the supermarket, there is no fear of thieves coming over. Let's grab one by one! Even if it has shortcomings, we can ignore it."

  Sun Hongfen smiled without seeing his teeth, and was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

  I thought it was a big problem, but now it has been solved, and she can tolerate no matter how big the shortcomings are.

  Wen Liyan did not reveal the answer, but looked at Jiang Mu, "You can guess that I have a solution to the problem, then guess again, what is the shortcoming I said?"

  Jian Mu looked at his slightly curved eyebrows, his smile was full of jokes, his eyes turned slightly, his smile became brighter, "The cost is too high."

  Wen Liyan's pupils shrunk slightly, and then he laughed, "Smart, guessed it right. How can this equipment cost 80,000 yuan, and it consumes more electricity and video tapes on weekdays."

  80,000 yuan is really not a small amount.

  Sun Hongfen and Sun Zhengde were a little bit shocked.

  So much money, it’s not easy to make it back.

  Zhao Yue decided on a four-point courageous decision, "It is installed, although it is a lot of 80,000 yuan, but, this time, we can use it for 20 years, 30 years, once and for all."

Sun Quan’s brain has already started to spin rapidly, “It doesn’t need to be that much, even if it can be used for 10 years, the total is 80,000 yuan. That year is 8,000 yuan, a month is 666.67 yuan, and a day is 22.22 yuan. The money stolen must be more than 20 yuan, I think it is very cost-effective."

  Jiang Mu gave a thumbs up. Even though she had seen Sun Quan perform quick calculations many times, she was impressed after hearing that his mouth was a series of numbers.

  Human brain computer! This is not nonsense.

  Sun Hongfen and Sun Zhengde heard that, it was only more than 20 yuan a day, although it was still a lot, but when you think of the daily income of the store, and compare the price, it really doesn’t really matter.

  Furthermore, this is calculated on the basis of ten years. If it can be used for twenty or thirty years, then the amount of wine distributed every day will be even less.

  It’s really weird. It’s obviously the same price. If it goes to every day, it’s really easier to accept.

  "Install! Such a good thing, Xiaoyan has been so busy with so many geniuses to research it, so it must be installed! Otherwise, Xiaoyan's hard work for so many days is in vain?"

  Sun Hongfen made a final decision, and Sun Zhengde has no opinion at all.

   "Okay, then install it tomorrow, install it early, use it early, so you can prevent thieves early." Zhao Yue said with a smile.

   "Brother Mu, from the truth, did you know that Brother Yan was studying this thing early in the morning?" Sun Quan Jiling's head began to turn the old account.

   Jiang Mu shook his head, “I really don’t know this. I just know that he is doing experiments these days, but I don’t know what he is doing.”

   "Brother Yan, how did you think of developing this thing?" Sun Quan asked curiously.

  Not only Sun Quan is curious, but others are also very curious.

  This thing is not a daily requirement, and it takes time and effort. Who will study this in idle time?

  (End of this chapter)

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