Chapter 268 Strength refused (2)

   "It is difficult to obtain evidence for abetment, and it is generally difficult to grasp the other party's handle. This time the other party is still very clever. No one came forward during the whole process, but rumors spread."

   Zhang Li said with some embarrassment.

  Zhao Yue thought about it, and she also turned her energies. Although she has a complete dislike of Jiang Tao, it is undeniable that his mind is still very smart.

  Since he decided to do it, how could he leave others with any handle?

   "I understand, but this period of time may have to be hard for you." Although Zhao Yue was a little disappointed, she calmly accepted the result.

   “Although it is impossible to convict, as the person involved in the case, he must be invited to the police station for tea.” Zhang Li added.

  Zhao Yue was surprised, then bent her eyebrows and smiled, "I have troubled you all this time."

   Zhang Li didn’t chat, and it’s working time now, and blame is the most important thing.

  Another group of thieves were taken away. The guests who had just arrived saw such a scene and couldn't help but feel a little curious. After entering the store, when they asked the customers in the store, they all knew that the store was equipped with surveillance, and any thieves would have nothing to hide!

  I was curious, I saw the monitor, and then I went to buy goods.

  Among them, after listening to a few pickpockets who came to this supermarket, some turned their heads and left, jokes, this has caught more than a dozen, people are very self-knowledge, he doesn't think he can become the one of special list.

  If you have the courage to leave, you naturally have the courage to stay, and there are some neutral ones who have not yet made a decision.

   "Counsel, isn't it just a TV? Haven't you seen what a TV looks like? I'm afraid of a ball!" This is bold.

   "However, many people have been arrested. It is definitely not easy to monitor." This is a neutral opinion.

  "Hmph, it means you can’t get enough skill at first sight. Stealing is a science, but you can’t do it casually. If you are afraid, you can leave as much as you can. Don’t be jokes here!"

  Here is not only courageous, but also very violent temper.

In the end, the neutral wave was really persuaded by him, "Big brother is right, you see this store is so big, the goods in it are put on the shelves so generously, brothers move faster, we You can also cover each other, there is definitely no problem."

"That is, that is, after this village, there will be no such shop. I heard that the entire Shanghai stock market, just here, is a supermarket. The shelves inside are like this. Other stores, we don’t have any at all. opportunity!"

  "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Everyone depends on their abilities, and decides with their own skill."

  Everyone has been mobilized like this, and there are still some people who are worried. This will also dispel their doubts. There are also a few who are really small, even if they don’t participate, no one will care at this time. This is originally a personal action.

   is just a few words on the lips, but in the end it was helpless.

  The courage was hiding against the wall, watching those people walk in, he looked around tremblingly, for fear that others would find him hiding here.

  He held the time, according to normal circumstances, if they succeeded, they would enter the store and then come out, it should not exceed 5 minutes.

  But, it has been two or five minutes, and there is still no one.

  Something seems to be wrong. The brother who entered did not respond, but again, no police came here.

  However, he just felt uneasy in his heart and swallowed nervously.

  Is it because they are highly skilled and have not been discovered yet, and are starting to store food happily, or is their behavior already obvious to people, just called the police, and the police have not come so quickly?

  While he was hesitant and nervous, he saw the supermarket door was pushed open and the eldest brother walked out from inside.

  The person who was left couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and there was a feeling of worship in his heart leisurely.

It’s too powerful. A dozen thieves have just been arrested, but the eldest brother has not been caught. But think about it, the boy skills that elder brother has cultivated since he was a child, and the pickpockets for so many years have never missed a few times. Now his injury skills, it is estimated that there are really few that can match him.

  The person who was left was sighing, and seeing people coming out of the supermarket one after another, he felt regret in his heart.

  If at that time, he didn't want to think about it, was not dominated by fear, and followed them to the supermarket, then he must have his own share of the harvest now.

  But who knows, these people who came out did not come over and meet him, but turned straight and stopped against the wall.

  The man who had already wanted to rush out immediately stabilized his figure, drew back, scratched the wall, and whispered in a low voice: "My God, isn't it, the whole army is wiped out!"

  Looking at these people being forcibly controlled, there was a lot of silence here.

  He couldn't help but start to rejoice. Fortunately, he didn't send someone to the hospital, otherwise he couldn't be sure.

  All the brothers who mixed together were filed for the record. For investigation, he ran away directly. It is better to stay away from this unlucky thing early, and be transferred back to the province. You know, he is carrying the huge pressure of the college entrance examination.

  Before he ran out the whole street, the police car drove over. Yes, this time it was a police car, a car.

  It’s not just Zhang Li who came here this time, but also his captain Ji Yunfan.

  Ji Yunfan originally supported the action to eliminate the four evils, but today’s gains were not great, and there were no results. Once he returned to the police station, he heard of Zhang Li’s great achievements.

  Yes, it was a great achievement. In the same morning, the police sent out the police three times in the same place, and a total of 12 thieves were caught in the bureau. The number of thieves, this speed, plus the fact that they were caught in the same place, Ji Yunfan was also curious.

  No, he personally followed him today, and then, as soon as he came over, he saw a series of squatting on the ground.

  Ji Yunfan was very happy, "Okay, Dali, this absolutely requires credit, your method of catching thieves is really amazing!"

  Zhao Yue just smiled faintly, and Zhao Yue also didn't wait to see anyone who had hurt her son.

  Police cars roared in, then roared away.

  Ji Yunfan is responsible for his work. Since such a strange thing has happened, of course you have to check it out.

  Facts have proved that the captain deserves to be the captain, and Ji Yunfan’s investigation quickly came out.

  Qin's house.

  Because of the last time, the relationship between Qin Zhenwu and Qin Hongfei has not eased. Qin Zhenwu simply stayed in the office, and even if he came back, he came back after dinner.

   Jiang Tao is thinking about having a good chat with the other party. After all, he has no connections in the Shanghai stock market, and the only one who can be called a connection is the Qin family.

   Good morning~



  (End of this chapter)

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