Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 270: 270 Police come to the door (2)

  Chapter 270 270 Police come to the door (2)

  Looking at her son being wronged, Tang Ruyue snorted coldly, "It's just a little girl film, is it worth your admiration?"

"Isn’t it just a supermarket? If you want me to say, she is whimsical, and my brother-in-law is right. This model is clearly prepared for thieves. After a long time, they just pay for the stolen goods. I can lose a lot of money!"

Tang Ruyue echoed, "Although Jiang Mu has some ideas, he is still a child after all. He has little knowledge and considerations. The profit of opening a store is quite considerable. However, if you make a day of money, it is better to lose the goods. A lot, that would be very interesting."

  Qin Zhenwu did not change his opinion of Jiang Mu, "You are right, but even if the supermarket closes, it cannot be denied that Jiang Mu is very intelligent and knowledgeable, and is much better than his peers."

   Jiang Tao’s feeling is a bit complicated. The other person praised his daughter. Under normal circumstances, he would be proud and proud at this time.

  However, this daughter was given up by him, and they wanted to be bored. Jiang Mu didn't have his father in his eyes, and he already had a son, just a girl, he didn't care.

  Listening to Qin Zhenwu’s praise, he was a little embarrassed.

  "This is not necessarily true. If Jiang Mu's knowledge causes the store to close, it would be better to not have it. After all, she has a lot of knowledge in business, and where is she a little girl who plays with it."

   Tang Ruxing said softly.

   “Yes, let’s say nothing else. My brother-in-law opened five stores at once. One was just opposite their supermarket. With the thief and competition, that supermarket could not last long. The closing of the door is already a foreseeable end.”

  Tang Ruyue is very sure.

  Qin Zhenwu didn't refute this point. How could Jiang Mu, a little girl, rival an old fox like Jiang Tao?

  Qin Zhenwu stopped talking, and the Tang sisters were so emboldened, even the fear in Qin Hongfei's heart was reduced.

   "Dad, you really don't lift Jiang Mu too high, now I am afraid all the thieves in the Shanghai stock market are looking at their small supermarket."

Qin Hongfei smiled triumphantly, "The Shanghai stock market is so big that there are so many thieves. That supermarket is simply their paradise. Even if one person steals one piece every day and accumulates little, it won’t be long before the small supermarket will lose out. !"

  Qin Zhenwu's eyes were slightly cold, "What did you do?"

   “I didn’t do anything, just let my friend take a walk for some news. Those pickpockets are like bees smelling sweetness. They will never miss such a good opportunity.”

  Qin Hongfei looked smug and felt that he had finally beaten Jiang Mu once.

   "Dad, you see, Jiang Mu has nothing to do with it. It turns out that her fantastic ideas are useless. Don't compare her to me, there is no comparison at all."

  Qin Zhenwu took a deep look at his son, "If you can put these little cleverness in your studies, I will be happier."

  Qin Hongfei really can't argue about the results.

  "Brother-in-law, don’t train Xiaofei. He is a righteous man, has many friends, and is very smart. This time it proves that his mind can still turn very fast when encountering things."

   Tang Ruxing said softly.

   "No, Xiao Fei is so good, you should praise him." Tang Ruxing said very proudly.

  Qin Hongfei couldn't do it too proudly. He tilted his chin up with an air of expression on his face, like a victorious general. He was too proud, just waiting for praise from the boss.

  At this moment, the door of Qin’s house was knocked, and two men in police uniforms walked in and interrupted the warm dinner time.

  Ji Yunfan stepped forward, "Qin Hongfei, Tang Ruyue, there is a case where you are suspected of instigating a crime, please come with us."

  Ji Yunfan was originally the kind of righteous look, wearing a police uniform, standing there, more solemn and holy.

  Said a word, scared Tang Ruyue and Qin Hongfei pale.

  In the end, Qin Zhenwu was calm enough, "This police officer, what is my wife and son involved in?"

Ji Yunfan said, “Today, 30 thieves appeared in a supermarket in a row. After these thieves were sent to the police station, they explained that they had heard about Tang Ruyue and Qin Hongfei before going to the supermarket to steal things.”

  Qin Zhenwu frowned slightly, turned to look at his wife and son, and said nothing.

   "It's not us, this matter has nothing to do with us! We are not going to the police station!" Tang Ruyue said excitedly.

   "Yes, it's not us, those people are thieves! How can you believe what that kind of person says? You can't just wrong the good guys just because someone else says something casually!"

  Qin Hongfei was also very excited, the voice of defense suddenly increased, and his heart was filled with panic.

  But sometimes, it is either high-voicing or justified, but it makes people feel more guilty.

   "Let's talk about these words when I return to the police station!" After Ji Yunfan finished speaking, he walked forward and took the person away.

  "Lao Qin, Lao Qin, you can tell the police officer that these things have nothing to do with us!" Tang Ruyue was really scared, she didn't know that casual news would lead to such serious consequences.

   "Yes, Dad! You quickly explain to the police officer, I don't want to go to the police station, I won't go!" Qin Hongfei struggled even harder, tears streaming out of his scared eyes.

  Qin Zhenwu can’t wait to shoot them to death for fear of death. The two are dead, but one is his wife and the other is his son. What can he do?

   "Since you weren't doing what you did, what are you worried about? The police are just to find out about the situation. Don't be so nervous, the lawyer will be there soon."

  Even if the two are unwilling, they still have to go with the police, but after hearing the last sentence, the two are finally relieved.

  After the police left, Qin Zhenwu kicked the chair abruptly, "Two idiots!"

   Jiang Tao frowned, "How could this happen?"

Qin Zhenwu also felt puzzled. Tang Ruxing had a lot of problems. He knew all about him, big and small, that he had a strong vanity and spoiled his son. He was above the top and bullied others. However, like today, spread rumors and let the thief go to the supermarket to steal things. This kind of murder with a knife was not like she could think of.

   "Ji Yue and the Zhao family have no deep hatred, why does she have to destroy the supermarket? There is no need at all!"

  Tang Ruxing on one side became more and more frightened when he heard it. How could such a problem happen to the originally perfect plan?

  Furthermore, Qin Zhenwu also became suspicious. Tang Ruxing clenched his fists hard and pressed his nails into his palm.

"Blame me. When I came back from Zhao Yue's house, I saw their mother and daughter's attitude towards **** was very irritating, so I just said, when their supermarket can't be opened and they are stolen by a thief, they will not have the arrogance of capital ."

   "I really didn't expect that my sister would really do this. It was all my fault. This made my sister and Xiao Fei." After that, Tang Ruxing's eyes had already gathered layers of water vapor, and she looked so unjustified.

    Dragon Boat Festival well-being~



  (End of this chapter)

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