Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 272: 272 Stay away from your sister (1)

  Chapter 272 272 Stay away from your sister (1)

   Zhang Li admired the youngest criminal police captain. At first glance, he has a lot of handling and experience, and he still has some learning.

  Tang Ruyue and Qin Hongfei stayed in the police station trembling all night. During this period, although Qin Zhenwu brought the lawyer, it was useless.

  In the twelve hours of questioning, Ji Yunfan didn't waste a minute, he just took the time to the last second, and this allowed the mother and son to leave.

Before leaving, Ji Yunfan took the initiative to advise Qin Zhenwu very sincerely, “Doing business is very good and very important, but don’t neglect your family’s education, otherwise, no matter how big your business is, the rear is unstable and what you have committed. It's not something that can be solved a few times before."

  Qin Zhenwu had a tired face, but his attitude was very friendly, "Thank you for reminding me."

  Getting into the car, the nervous expressions of Qin Hongfei and Tang Ruyue finally relaxed.

   "Now do you know what will be the result of reckless behavior?" Qin Zhenwu was serious.

  Neither mother nor son said a word. They had just been interrogated by Ji Yunfan in the police station. They were exhausted physically and mentally, and now they just want to rest.

   "In the Shanghai stock market, the Qin family is indeed a good family, but it is only good. If compared with a family of the size of the Wen family Hong family, our Qin family is not enough!"

   "You are my wife and son, please recognize your position clearly, recognize the position of the Qin family in the Shanghai stock market, and don't assume the posture of Laozi No. 1 in the world, shame! It's too shameful!"

   "I just wanted to teach Jiang Mu that girl, I didn't expect the consequences would be so serious." Tang Ruyue was very tired, and her words were full of regrets.

  Qin Zhenwu frowned slightly, "Why did Jiang Mu offend you? You have to teach her, logically speaking, you and Jiang Mu have no interest entanglement, and you have no need to deal with her."

  Tang Ruyue thought silently, and then found a conclusion, “If it weren’t for Jiang Mu to talk nonsense in front of you, how could the relationship between you and your son be like this? Also, how could you shake your determination to let your son inherit the Qin family’s property?”

"It really has nothing to do with Jiang Mu. She just reminded me, let me know what Xiao Fei is doing now, even without her reminder, when I found that Xiao Fei was unlearned and unable to accomplish anything, I knew all day to eat and drink with those friends, friends, and friends. When visiting the disco, I won’t hand over the Qin family’s property to him."

  Qin Zhenwu is very calm. He is the kind of person who has a clear goal and can hardly change once he makes a decision.

  Tang Ruyue was anxious, "Xiao Fei is the third generation of the Qin family to wear it alone, you don't let him inherit who you want to inherit?"

   "Then let the fourth generation inherit. If he keeps on doing this, he will quickly find a smart girl to marry and have children after graduating from high school. Then I will teach it myself."

  Qin Zhenwu said.

  Tang Ruyue has nothing to say, whether it's a son or a grandson, as long as it's not a little fairy outside, it's okay.

  But Qin Hongfei was dumbfounded. Get married? Give birth?

   Is the meaning of his existence to have children?

How can Qin Hongfei, who has been spoiled for lawlessness since childhood, accept such a result?

  He can have a foreboding that if he really gets married and have children in two years, then he probably won't have any status in this family.

  Dad will train grandchildren to be heirs. Grandparents will definitely love the great-grandson more. Mom may not ignore him, but she won't pay much attention to him. After all, at that time, she also had grandchildren.

  Thinking of the situation he might encounter, Qin Hongfei had a chill, and suddenly felt that being locked in a police station was not so terrible.

   "Dad, you said all day that I was not learning and skillless, and that I could not accomplish anything. You gave me a standard. To what extent can I be qualified to inherit the Qin family's inheritance with your eyes?"

   "At least successfully graduated from high school, admitted to university, and graduated successfully." Qin Zhenwu said.

  Qin Hongfei has a cold heart for more than half. His current grades, except for Chinese, have no more than double digits, which is a bit scary.

  Qin Zhenwu is very serious. He said seriously, “As long as you can meet my requirements, the Qin family’s family business and everything in the Qin family belong to you.”

   There was Qin Hongfei who wanted to back down. After hearing this condition, a blazing fire of hope suddenly ignited in his heart, and the whole person became excited.

   "A word is definite."

  Qin Zhenwu looked at his excitement and immediately said, “In business situations, if you don’t believe it, I will draw up a contract, and both parties will sign it, which has legal effect.”

  The father and son hit it off. Tang Ruyue was very pleased to see the two finally breaking the ice and communicating smoothly.

   "That sister of yours is not a simple character. In the future, you will not listen to her agitation. You will charge for everything and your son. Now you two are unlucky and entered the police station, but what about him and her?"

  Qin Zhenwu has a serious tone and makes no secret of Tang Ruxing's disgust.

   "Old Qin, what are you talking about? What does this matter have to do with my sister? I just said that I want to get revenge on that girl Jiang Mu, who made her always interfere with our family affairs!"

  Tang Ruyue reacted fiercely, and she trusted her sister completely.

Qin Zhenwu had no hope of his wife’s IQ. Hearing her attitude, he looked at her coldly, “You are stupid and want to do stupid things. That’s your own problem. Fei is implicated in it, just like today!"

  Tang Ruyue frowned without saying a word, and kept thinking about how things had developed into this way.

  This time, the incident really has nothing to do with her son, it is her son who has been involved.

  However, this matter should have nothing to do with my sister. How could my sister use her?

  Absolutely impossible. My sister is still holding injustices for her. How can my sister take advantage of her because of her consideration?

Tang Ruyue, who had figured out all this, looked at her son guiltily, "Xiao Fei, this time it’s my fault. Mom apologizes to you. If you didn’t let your classmates spread the news, the police would not find out. On your head."

  Qin Hongfei didn't care about this. He was thinking about what his father said. Is the aunt really using his mother?

   "Mom, this thing was what I wanted to do. I think Jiang Mu is upset. I want to teach her."

   "The result is that you were taught by others, and you almost went to jail." Qin Zhenwu really spared no effort in attacking his son.

  "I don’t understand. So many thieves have passed by. What kind of **** supermarket not only has not been stolen, but has also caught the thieves! Can two old immortals be so powerful?"

  Qin Hongfei said angrily.

With a slap, Qin Zhenwu patted his head, "Pay attention to politeness! Do you usually do this at school? Can a teacher like you give you a high score for morality?"

  (End of this chapter)

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