Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 277: 277 What to do with malicious competition (2)

  Chapter 277 What to do with malicious competition (2)

  Qin Hongfei looked like a cat with its tail stepped on, and jumped up with a jerk, "I knew that the last thing was your ghost!"

Jiang Mu laughed a little Huya, "You are wrong. I didn't tell the truth because we were classmates. Otherwise, you would not be in our store now, and shout to me. I screamed, but in the junior management office, taking an ideological and political class!"

  Qin Hongfei gritted his teeth angrily, "Zhao, what do you mean, I still want to thank you?"

   "No thanks, no thanks, I always like to help others." Jiang Mu said unceremoniously.

The angry Qin Hongfei's anger burned even more vigorously.

"I advise you not to be happy too early. You are only one store. My little uncle is planning to open five stores in the Shanghai stock market. The largest of them is just opposite your home. When I saw it, your store was there. Will his business be so good!"

   Jiang Mu frowned slightly. I didn’t know that this idea was made by Haihuasi Tang Ruxing, who was from Jiang Tao. It was really evil as always.

Seeing her being silent, Qin Hongfei was happy, like a rooster that had won a battle, with his head held high, and even more proud, "So, don't think that you have a supermarket that is great, I will tell you. In front of real businessmen, you, a supermarket, simply don’t have enough to look at!!"

  "If you know you, please apologize to me as soon as possible. If I am in a good mood, I can go back and intercede with you. Let my uncle and aunt change their minds. Don't open the store opposite your house."

  Jiang Mu came back to his senses and gave him a cold look, "Your memory is a little too bad, have you forgotten, what did your dad explain?"

  Qin Hongfei's proud expression collapsed in an instant, don't cause trouble, don't provoke Jiang Mu, this is the father's repeated warning to him.

   "Anyway, I want to go to the old street. Do you want me to have a talk with Boss Qin's close friends, and repeat what happened today?"

   Jiang Mu puts one hand in his trouser pocket, with a leisurely posture, a bright smile and bright star eyes. If there is no discussion about what he said, it would be better.

   "I have to go back to study. I don’t have that time to waste here with you. I hope that after a month, you can still maintain your current good mood."

  Qin Hongfei still made a ruthless remark, and then left.

  I all watched the audience and saw Qin Hongfei's arrogance and domineering, and said to Jiang Mu before leaving, "Student Qin is very energetic. It is too easy for him to do only two papers, double it."

   Jiang Mu continued, “You can’t keep doing papers when you study. Recitation is also a very important part. This is about to take a monthly exam. If we need to recite the poems we have learned, let’s do it again.”

  Yu all agreed, "Indeed, silent writing of ancient poems is a sub-question. If you want to get rid of the fate of the countdown, you must get the sub-question."

After sending off the nasty ghost and the same table, Jiang Mu felt refreshed, thinking that Qin Xuezha faced four papers, and a lot of ancient poetry recitations, anxiously pulling his hair, and feeling better, worthwhile You can eat two more bowls of rice.

  It’s just that they opened a store opposite their home. Jiang Mu frowned and analyzed. After all, Jiang Tao’s store business for so many years, whether it is location selection, goods channels, pricing, and dealing with competitors, is all experienced.

  If they really want to come to the supermarket, the trouble must be very troublesome, and, for a period of time, it will definitely affect the business in the store.

  Jiang Mu doesn't want her current life to be disrupted.

  Grandma Sun and Grandpa both cherish this supermarket very much.

  I open the door with a smile every day, chatting with my neighbors and selling goods at the same time, life is very enjoyable.

  If the business in the store is affected, let alone other things, the two old people will definitely not be able to sleep or eat, so worry about this and that.

   Thinking of this, Jiang Mu disgusted Jiang Tao's family even more.

  Sit and wait to die!

  Jiang Mu didn’t stay at home for long, so he went directly to the new clothing store near Yongan Department Store. Recently, Zhao Yue often went there to check the construction schedule. The store is her own store, the house is her own, and the decoration can’t be fooled.

  Jiang Mu came over and saw that the more than 100 square meters had already been cleaned up. The furnishings and specifications were no different from the previous clothing store, except that the area was a bit larger.

  Wait until the mannequins, hangers, and clothes are hung up, and then they can start business. Jiang Mu was amazed at this speed.

  "Why are you here? Finally, you can go out to play with your classmates and relax." Zhao Yue is also surprised to see her daughter here.

   "I'll buy some paintbrushes and painting books." Jiang Mu explained with a smile. People said that they took Zhao Yue to the corner and told her the news they inquired from Qin Hongfei.

  Zhao Yue also frowned tightly, “Are these people sick in their brains? What's hindering them when we do our business? Must be against us!”

   "Maybe whether it is Jiang Tao or Tang Ruxing, you can't see you have a better life than them, happier than them, so that's why they came up with such a tricky way."

  Although this is Jiang Mu's speculation, it is really similar to the answer.

   "Jiang Tao still has two brushes in managing the store. If he wants to suppress our business, he must have one after another crooked ideas, and we will definitely be overwhelmed by the time."

  Zhao Yue frowned. During this time, her energy was concentrated in the clothing store, ignoring the supermarket.

   "Now they have not opened the store, and we don't know what strategy they will adopt after opening the store. We can only stop them and cover them."

  Jiang Mu nodded, “Indeed, we all say that we will see tricks. We still don’t know what tricks the other party will play. There is no other good way to prevent it.”

   "I'm afraid that he will fight a price war. Many snacks in our supermarket are imported, and the price is a lot more expensive than other stores." Zhao Yue pressed her eyebrows and felt a little headache.

   Jiang Mu sniffed, "In this case, we will plan according to the worst result. I think we can also open branches in the supermarket."

  Zhao Yue blinked puzzledly and looked at her daughter standing in front of her, “Can you explain, what does the worst result have to do with opening a branch?”

"The worst result is that our supermarket is run on by Jiang Tao. If we only have one supermarket, it will definitely hit us tremendously. However, if we have two or three, four or five supermarkets, it's just this The poor management of a family doesn’t hurt us much, right?"

   "Papa Papa——"

Zhao Yue applauded happily, "Why are you so smart! The supermarket is our own store, even if this store is run over, we can sell the goods in other stores, and the store is still ours. In fact, we didn't lose much."

  Jiang Mu smiled and nodded, “I’m going to find a suitable place to open a supermarket this week.”

  Zhao Yue hesitated again, "We just bought a clothing store and opened a branch in such a large-scale branch. The funds can't keep up, right?"

  (End of this chapter)

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