Chapter 284 284 She uses mine

   Jiang Mu, who has passed the monthly exam, only feels refreshed. The knowledge of high school is much more difficult than that of junior high school. The most important thing is the change of thinking, especially the way of thinking about problems.

  Fortunately, Jiang Mu is still a big and small student. Although after school starts, most of her energy is devoted to practicing art, but she still has the basic thinking.

  In addition, Wen Liyan, a spiritual counselor, made surprise preparations before the exam. I think the results of this monthly exam should not be bad. As for the number one in the exam, it all depends on how well other students perform.

   He insisted on thinking about nothing after the exam, anyway, it was useless to think about it anyway, Jiang Mu directly threw the matter aside.

  However, she doesn't want to mention it, doesn't mean that others don't want to mention it.

  Wen Yan, who followed them home with them, is correcting the answer with Wen Liyan. The correct answer is mathematics.

  For Wen Liyan, this is not worth mentioning. Sun Quan, a person who is sensitive to numbers, keeps all the results in his head.

  Wen Yan proposed the answer, and he naturally prepared it in advance.

  And Jiang Mu, who was suddenly notified to answer, felt pain in his forehead.

It was the first choice. She wanted to scold people. How could she remember what she chose for the first question. Fortunately, Wen Liyan wrote down the exam questions verbatim. The answer to math is still very easy to remember. Especially after seeing the question, Jiang Mu can think of the answer she wrote.

  That’s right, the mathematics is not over yet, physical chemistry and biology, one subject after another, Jiang Mu only felt that his head was about to explode.

  "Master, you can't do this. You still have to be patient with your studies. You are so impatient, and your knowledge is definitely not solid."

  Not at school, Wen Yan will still be called Master Jiang Mu, but this master is more like a title, with no other meaning.

   Jiang Mu glanced at him faintly, "I have finished the exam, can't we talk about light topics? Do we have to talk about this kind of topic where the listener is sad and cried?"

  Wen Yan took a deep look at her, "I really doubt how I lost to you during the high school entrance examination? My learning attitude is much more correct than you!"

   Jiang Mu said unceremoniously, “Naturally because I am smart, plus I have one-on-one counseling to learn God.”

   Wen Yan's mouth twitched. After spending so long with Jiang Mu, he is already very familiar with her speaking style. This is, so narcissistic, he is still a little accepting and incompetent.

  "Master, I found that you have not been so focused on studying since you entered high school. If you do this, you will not be able to keep your second position in the school and will be surpassed by me."

   he reminded.

   Jiang Mu lazily raised his eyelids, "Are you trying to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor?"

   "I'm seeking truth from facts." Wen Yan said with a smile.

  "Want to exceed me? Impossible! You don't have to think about it anymore." Jiang Mu's answer was as arrogant as ever.

   "Too confident is not very good, arrogant soldiers will lose!" Wen Yan was very confident in himself.

   "I'm so confident." Jiang Mu retorted.

   "Do you think you can surpass me if you don't spend all your energy on your studies? Are you overconfident or despise my IQ?"

   Wen Yan asked.

"I believe in the energy of studying God! Don’t forget, I have one-on-one counseling on studying God. Moreover, you said that I didn’t spend all my energy on studying. What about you? You are also separated. Part of the energy to learn company management? We are half a cat, so you are so confident that you can surpass me?"

   Jiang Mu jokingly asked.

  Wenyan was silent.

   Jiang Mu's analysis is very reasonable. The two of them should be in the balance stage now, and neither is better than the other. However, Jiang Mu has a strong foreign aid.

  Wen Yan turned to look at Wen Liyan, "How many scores can you test this time?"

   "Don't worry, it's definitely not full, you still have a chance to surpass me." Wen Liyan said.

  Wenyan: "...You still want to take the exam for the Nine University of Science and Technology! Do you want to lose face in politics and history?"

  Wen Liyan gently curled the corners of his lips, but didn't say anything.

  It was Jiang Mu who looked at him and said, “If your grades this time are still not as good as mine, then you should also hire a good teacher to give you one-on-one tutoring and targeted tutoring, and you can check for missing ones.”

   Wen Yan did not give up, "The results have not come out yet, it is too early to say these."

   Jiang Mu didn't say anything. Wen Yan is a very thoughtful person, he must have his own plan.

   "The procedures are almost done. Where is your office? Wen's technology sounds really cool. I haven't seen this kind of technology company yet. Let me open my eyes."

  Wenyan changed other topics.

The four of them started discussing the new company. Jiang Mu was relieved, as long as she didn’t have the right answer, she really didn’t want to use her brain anymore. Maybe it’s because she’s been spending a lot of her brain in the past few days, and she always feels pain in her brain. .

  The company was founded by Wen Liyan, Jiang Mu, and Sun Quan in partnership.

  Wen Liyan has the most shares, followed by Jiang Mu and Sun Quan the least.

  The funds are in charge of Wen Liyan and Sun Quan, and the technology is naturally also in charge of Wen Liyan. Jiang Mu, when the two of them did not consider the problem of office location, she waved her hand and bought a three-story small bungalow for office work.

  Red brick and white wall, both sides are covered with emerald green creepers, which looks lively.

   "No, are you sure you are here as an office, not for living?" Wen Yan looked at the small western-style building in front of him, dumbfounded.

   “Of course it’s an office, but if you encounter overtime or something, it’s okay to rest here,” Jiang Mu said.

  It took her a long time to choose this place. It is very close to Yong'an Department Store, and the transportation is convenient. It is even closer to several suppliers. It is very convenient to pick up goods and so on.

  There is a basement in this small three-story building, which has been converted into a warehouse by her. You can put some equipment and facilities here directly.

The inside of    was also re-planned and decorated by her.

  The first floor is the office area for ordinary employees, and the second floor is also the office area, plus a small meeting room, and a lounge. If you have to work overtime, you can stay.

  As for the third floor, that is the office that belongs to Wen Liyan and Sun Quan alone, and Jiang Mu even has the computer ready for both of them. The price of two computers is comparable to all other costs.

   However, Jiang Mu didn't feel distressed at all, but was very happy to spend money.

  Learning God is so smart and time is so precious, how can there be no computers in the office?

  Doesn’t this delay his study?

  No matter how hard it is, I can’t suffer the child!

  Jiang Mu took a few people for a tour from top to bottom. After receiving the goods, the friends were full of praise, which made her feel physically and mentally comfortable and very happy.

  The feeling of being able to set up a company by hand is still very good.

   "No, it seems to me, why didn't you leave an office for yourself?" Wen Yan asked puzzledly.

    reply to update tomorrow, okay~



  (End of this chapter)

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