Chapter 300 300 opened

  Jiang Mu felt that it was really not easy for her to be so positive without being crooked.

  How can a parent give all the passwords of the home passbook to the child!

  Only Sun Quan looked at the stack of English books in front of him and felt a little pain in his head.

  Why are other people’s gifts made of clothes and shoes? Why do they change their appearance when they come to him?

  He really doesn't have much interest in English.

  Looking at him frowning, with a bitter face, Jiang Mu sold Wen Liyan without hesitation.

"Originally, I wanted to buy you a pair of sneakers, which are similar to Wen Liyan's pair. However, I remember there are still a few pairs in your shoe cabinet. Wen Liyan proposed to send you English materials. This should be what you need most. Yes, it can improve your English scores."

  Sun Quan looked at Wen Liyan bitterly, and was even more aggrieved, "My brother Yan, what have I done wrong, you want to punish me like this?"

   With a clatter, the wailing Sun Quan was knocked on his forehead by chopsticks, "What nonsense? Xiaoyan is for your own good and for the sake of your grades!"

  Sun Quan covered his forehead with one hand, and looked at Wen Liyan with accusing eyes.

  Wen Liyan just smiled gently, “If you don’t like these English materials, then I will give you a few more papers. You think you might like the papers I produced more.”

Sun Quan's expression changed drastically, and he immediately kissed the book fiercely, "These English materials are really great, I just need it, Brother Yan, Brother Mu, this is really timely rain! This gift is really too much for me. I like it!"

  This desire to survive can be said to be very strong.

  Everyone smiles brighter at the dinner table.

  Even Sun Quan laughed heartlessly, but secretly cheered in his heart. Compared with the perverted paper, he Ning Yuan gnawed English materials.

  In the next few days, Jiang Mu received gifts from everyone one after another.

  The learning machine prepared by Grandma Sun and Grandpa Sun. The old man didn’t know anything about it, but he still chatted with customers and neighbors. Only then did he know that there is a learning machine as a good thing, which is most suitable as a gift for the students who are still in school.

  The second elder only then asked someone to buy it back.

  Sun Quan gave back to Jiang Mu the math papers he had written, not many, just ten.

  Jiang Mu saw this pile of papers, and the whole person was no good. Mathematics is her natural enemy!

However, in the end, the papers were not thrown into the corner, but put on the desk. After all, it was the other party’s wish. Moreover, Zhao Huan's math scores were worse than hers. Keep these questions until she comes. , They can discuss these papers together.

  Jiang Mu feels that she has come up with a beautiful idea, and today she is also a good sister who cares about her younger sister! She definitely didn't want to drag Zhao Huan to struggle with her in the ocean of mathematics before leaving these papers.

  As for Wen Liyan, he directly bought a set of sportswear, which just matched the shoes. Naturally, he also secretly bought the same style and waited to wear it out together.

  Zhao Yue is the most exaggerated, buying a lot of beautiful skirts, hairpins, and shoes. It's really enough for her to change one set a day.

  Days are spent in giving gifts and receiving gifts, going to school, and after school.

  After finally installing all the monitoring of Yongan Department Store, Jiang Tao finally took action.

  A store on the opposite side of the Yi'an community was finally renovated. The big red cloth was covered with a sign, and the delivery trucks were indecisive. The store was finally filled and the store was finally about to open.

  Zhao Yue handed over the clothing store to the new arrival Huang Meili, ready to meet Jiang Tao’s challenge.

  (End of this chapter)

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