Chapter 402 402 Show off

  The old lady deliberately raised her voice, "This will be the Chinese New Year soon, and there is no shortage of these at home. What will you do if you buy so much? People who don’t know think our family is out of food!"

"I know you just paid your salary, but if you have money, you can't spend it like this!" The old man heard his wife's voice and walked out hastily. He saw his son and daughter-in-law, the bicycles were all crushed out of breath. , Can't help but say something casually.

  But watching the two people **** so many goods after the car, they hurried over to help, there is no way, if no one is holding the car, the car is really difficult to stop.

Mao Liping and Wu Heping parked their bicycles and quickly unloaded the rice noodles tied to the back seat of the car. Each person had a bag of rice, a bag of white noodles, and a bucket of oil. They were unloaded and put aside. It was not just conspicuous. Up.

  It’s off work now, because it’s the Chinese New Year tomorrow, and many people come home with big bags. This stall happened to see the Wu couple and everyone couldn’t help chatting.

"I said peace, how do you buy so much rice noodle oil? Although it is said that you must first keep eating and not hungry, but the Chinese New Year is coming soon, no matter how it is, you should buy some chicken, duck and fish to improve it. Food at home."

"Yes, Heping. Although you have been fired by the factory, it is good that you are also the pillar of the family. I heard that you have also found a new job. Although it is not as well paid as a state-owned enterprise, it is still a job, even if it is. The salary is not as high as you did before, so there is no need to save money, right?"

   "Yes, peace, you are a man in the family, no matter how you save, you can't suffer your parents, wives, and children. If nothing else, isn't this the Chinese New Year? Why do you have to buy some meat!"

"Yeah, it doesn't matter whether you buy new clothes or not. Like our Dayang, I changed my outfit from the inside to the outside, or I bought it from the mall, the very famous Ru Mu recently, but not everyone. I can afford to buy such a suit, but it is also for the New Year. Whether it is buying a pair of gloves or a scarf, or buying a pair of socks if it doesn't help, that's also good."

  The woman’s mouth kept showing off and she kept showing off. Even Mao Liping’s gaze had a sense of superiority.

   During this period of time, the old Wu’s family was originally the object of talks by neighbors in the neighborhood. Now it comes again. There is a group of liberated neighbors gathered here in an instant. Everyone is talking about it. Basically, it means the same thing.

  While Wu Heping is more generous to his wife and children, or suggested that he change jobs, it is best to take the road, these days, it is more reliable for state-owned enterprises, otherwise I don’t know when the self-employed will go bankrupt.

  Speaking of which, I just look down on Wu Heping’s current work.

Wu Heping knows how good his job is. Hearing everyone talking like this, he just said gently, "I think there is nothing wrong with self-employed. Now that the self-employed is doing well, it is very profitable. As long as the development is good, it is still very profitable. Prospective."

  At this time, Dayang stood up and said, “A flower does not have a hundred days to be red. Now that you look good, it does not mean that it will be good in the future. Peaceful, I am a few years older than you, and more experienced than you.”

He sighed,'Think about it, behind the state-owned enterprises is the state, and self-employed businesses are only opened by individuals. Once they encounter any disturbances, they may not be able to sustain them and go bankrupt. In contrast, the state is different. Even if there is a storm and there is a country behind it, we workers don't have to worry about it. "

  "Dayang, you say a few words, who doesn’t know that state-owned enterprises have good treatment and guarantees, and they are iron rice bowls. However, not everyone can go to such a good unit. If you say that now, isn’t it a shortcoming."

  Dayang’s mother had no choice but to apologize, “Peace, your brother Dayang doesn’t mean anything else, don’t care, he’s speechless. It’s not easy to find a suitable job these years!”

  She sighed with earnest emotion, “You are not too young, and it is not easy to find a job. It is better than staying at home. It depends on a little income. Otherwise, where does the money to buy these rice noodle oils come from!”

"Auntie, you may have misunderstood. These rice noodle oils were not bought by our couple, but our boss gave us New Year benefits. Our bosses are very nice. In fact, the New Year benefits have already been issued. Our couple went late, and she didn't make it up, so she reissued it to us."

  Mao Liping has a gentle smile and a high spirit, expressing gratitude to Zhao Yue in her words.

  Working for such a long time, her personality has also changed a lot. The most typical performance is that in the face of the current situation, she will not let it go, and will use a very gentle way to fight back.

  It’s this kind of talking with a smile, but it can make people speechless.

   "So many benefits?" A neighbor exclaimed, "More than our factory sends out! Our factory only sends out one bag of rice and one barrel of oil during the New Year."

   "No, so is our factory, but we don't send rice, we send flour and oil." The other was also echoed by someone in a state-owned factory.

When Wu Heping’s mother saw the opportunity, she quickly said, “This boss is really kind. My son and daughter-in-law have been working for less than half a month. This benefit has their husbands and wives. Not only that, except for these. Besides, there are two sets of clothes!"

   "Their husband and wife have one set, Dayang daughter-in-law, the sign is the same as the one you carry, and it is also Ru Mu's."

  The woman’s smile is getting more and more reluctant, and her hand holding the paper bag tightens. She has to admit, "Then your boss is really generous."

   "What's this, and it's more generous! Don't you know, what kind of benefits our boss has given our leaders?" Mao Liping lifted everyone's interest and attracted everyone's attention.

   "What is it?"

  "Isn't it just those things that give benefits, such as rice noodles, oil, canned food, cakes, but what else?"

   "Yes, is it difficult to send money? But don't you always pay some annual fees during the New Year? What is strange about this, our factory will also send one or two hundred yuan."

  Taking everyone's appetites enough, Mao Liping was satisfied, and then said, "We also have holiday expenses. In the last month, everyone will have an extra month's salary. Our boss is giving out gold!"

   "Gold!?" Everyone exclaimed in surprise.

  "Really? Does your boss open a jewelry shop? How come the New Year's welfare will give out gold?" Dayang asked in shock.

"No, my boss owns a clothing store. The shop where Mrs. Yang bought clothes today was owned by our boss. As for the distribution of gold jewelry, our boss is also generous. I saw the gold necklace that Manager Huang wore. I still wear it underneath. With a small fox with a lot of weight, I don't think it can cost a few thousand dollars!"

  Mao Liping said, eyes filled with hope. “The boss said that starting next year, the manager of each store will have a gold jewelry for the New Year’s welfare, and we can choose it by ourselves.”

  Gold jewelry!

  Where can everyone still care about the two people who are not in state-owned enterprises and are working with self-employed people?

  How much I disliked that the two were not working in a state-owned enterprise at first, how envious they are now, that's gold jewelry!

  They work in state-owned enterprises one by one, but they don’t have such good benefits as gold jewelry!

  "Why are you so lucky? Even if you leave your original state-owned enterprise, you can still find such a good job!"

  "Yes! Your husband and wife really don’t have to worry about it now. Ru Mu has developed so well. I heard that this brand of clothes is not only popular in the Shanghai stock market, but also very popular in our capital!"

  How much everyone looked down upon before Wu Heping and his wife went to work in self-employed households, how envious they are now.

  The two people were surrounded by everyone and asked each other, it was like a star holding the moon.

  The old lady and the old man of the Wu family were happily, very satisfied with this scene. I believe that after today, no one will say that their son and daughter-in-law are too tricky. It's a good day.

  "Gold jewelry is very good, but it’s so easy for a store manager to treat it like that! If you don’t be a store manager, don’t you have to increase your benefits?"

  Suddenly, when Dayang's wife spoke like this, the smell became sour.

  Mao Liping was not sad, she just replied with a smile, “It’s not easy, but now the boss’s business is in the development stage and urgently needs manpower. As long as he is motivated and strives to improve himself, he will have the opportunity to become a store manager.”


  The atmosphere became active again, and no one cared about Dayang's wife anymore, and started asking questions again.

  It can be said that since this afternoon, the Wu family has attracted much attention. No matter what, everyone will remember that the current unit of the husband and wife is giving out gold during the New Year!

  The old couple of the Wu family are finally satisfied, smiling and preparing for the New Year, thinking that tomorrow night they must set off an extra plate of firecrackers.

  This idea coincides with that of Jiang Mu, but the family members have different ideas about this matter.

  (End of this chapter)

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