Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 414: 414 I will help you, do you dare to come (1)

  Chapter 414 414 I will help you, do you dare to come (1)

  I saw the corners of her lips slightly raised, her apricot eyes were smiling, and the little Huya was still very cute, "I have a bad temper, and I always say that I am very convinced by the teacher."

   "Let me coach, yes. But as long as Zhao Shu fails to meet my requirements, I will punish him."

  Zhao Shuda's face was pale.

   Jiang Mu explained with a smile, “Don’t worry, I’m sure I won’t pinch his arm with such force. Wouldn’t it be a direct fracture?”

   "At best, it is to use a pointer or a paddle. Even if you want to hit, it must only be a hit on the palm of your hand, or a place like the **** that is not bad."

  Zhao Shuda suddenly stood straight, feeling a little pain in his buttocks.

  Zhao Bao’s family looked at each other: What should I do, and I’m even more worried about it?

  Looking at the appearance of Jiang Mu, no one dared to mention counseling again. After all, if Jiang Mu's strength was broken inadvertently, they would regret it.

  However, Qian Cuifang still couldn't swallow this breath.

"Zhao Yue, do you see what Jiang Mu is like? A girl's house, no place is quiet, and even start to beat people! If you can't help it, maybe you can't see it. She can do things like gang fights."

  Qian Cuifang began to pick up the shelf again.

"Mom is right, my little girl, look at your figure and face, you can't find what you are looking for! There is a man in the family, you can be less stressed, the key is There are also people who can help you discipline your daughter, so it won't be so wild!"

  Li Lan also began to persuade.

"It just so happens that the boss of my unit is also divorced, and he also has a child. He is now a manager, and his monthly income is nearly 2,000 yuan. If you marry him, at least Jiang Mu is not a problem studying. I heard that you are now working in a clothing store. You can’t make a lot of money in a month. If you are young, you can marry someone earlier and your quality of life can be improved a lot.”

  Zhao Baojia's sincere suggestion.

  Zhao Yue didn’t mean anything to her heart. “I’m fine alone, and I’ll live with my wife and be clean. Besides, Mu Mu is very good and doesn’t need other people’s discipline. I am very satisfied if she is like this now.”

"You can’t say that, little girl, you are still young now. I’m not surprised if you say that, but when you’re old, and when Jiang Mu gets married, then you will not be the only one left, but there will be one by your side. There is no one to look after, so lonely! Don’t you talk about your wife and wife? When you get old, you always need a partner. Now find one. When you get old, there will be someone who can support each other."

After Li Lan finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Mu, “Don’t stop your mother. It’s not easy for your mother to live with you by yourself, and how hard it is to go to work every day. I don’t know how long you can work for the clothing store. If the clothing goes bankrupt, your mother will no longer have a job, and she will have to look for it again. If your mother remarries, it will be different. At least life will not be so hard. You don't want your mother to be so tired, right? "

  I am afraid that this is what Zhao Huan reminded her of earlier. She looked at Li Lan, who was so worried about Zhao Yue, as if she could see the true thoughts in her heart at a glance.

  "Auntie, I am not against my mother's remarriage, but the object of my mother's remarriage must be healthy, free from bad habits, smoking, alcohol, gambling, etc., and there should be no problems with life style."

   “It doesn’t matter if the other party has children, but if they do, the children can’t object to the man’s remarriage. If we get married and show my mom’s face, then what does my mom picture?”

  “Also, there must be a shocking job, not idle, lazy, and it doesn’t matter how much money you make, but people must be self-motivated and can’t eat and die every day. Otherwise, what is the purpose of my mother's remarriage? Does it increase the burden on myself?"

   "In addition, after remarrying, you cannot live with your mother-in-law. The two must live alone outside. My mother is so old. She didn't marry to be a babysitter for others!"

  "The most important point is that a man must have a good personality, gentle and considerate is necessary, he must be tolerant, be nice to my mother, and be ill-tempered! My mother is not a victim of remarriage, this kind of person can't take it."

Jiang Mu showed his conditions one by one with his fingers, and then looked at the uncle's family, "Does the person you want to introduce meets my conditions? If so, give me a photo first, and let my mother take a look. If you have any eyesight, if you look pleasing to the eye, then meet and let them get in touch first, and if you don’t get married, you can talk slowly later."

Jiang Mu said with a crackling meal, he was stunned by the Zhao family's second elder and Zhao Baobao's family, and saw Jiang Mu one and the other, and talked endlessly, but suddenly stopped. The brains of several people hadn't turned around yet, and they didn't respond. come.

After a while, Li Lan was the first to react, and looked at Jiang Mu angrily, "Your mother is a second marriage, and she also took you with her. If you can have someone, you won't be rough, you still ask so much! The man If it's really so good, wouldn't it be okay for someone to marry a big girl? Who would want a divorced one?"

   "Zhao Yue, Jiang Mu is ignorant, don't you know in your heart? Can you be worthy of someone, don't you know?" Qian Cuifang also spoke, but his tone was full of disgust.

Zhao Yue is not sad anymore. She has given up her heart to these old couples a long time ago. She has no choice but to give some pension money in the future. It is impossible for her to do more. Up.

"Remarriage is not what I said, it was your proposal. I did not say that I want to remarry. Besides, even if I want to remarry, I think Mu Muti’s request is quite good. If I consider remarrying in the future, Find it according to this standard. If you want to introduce it to me in the future, follow this requirement. If it fails to meet the standard, just stop."

  This has made the Zhao Bao’s family popular. If you look at me and I will look at you, a few of you, what you thought would be easy to achieve your goal, turned out to be stuck here.

   "Zhao Yue, don't be so stubborn! Think about what life you used to live in. You lived in a bungalow and drove a car. You don't have to work every day. Just take care of your mother-in-law and children at home."

"Look at you now. Every day you get up and down to sell clothes, and you can’t make a lot of money. Don’t you still have to provide Jiang Mu for college? University tuition is not cheap, just your current job, you can afford it. Is it? You and Jiang Mu are not the ones who suffer."

   "It's better to find a man to marry. Someone will help Jiang Mu to study for you. Wouldn't it be nice? Listen to mom, for one thing, mom is all for your good. Can you still lie to you?"

  Qian Cuifang suddenly played the emotional card, and continued to persuade him unwillingly.

   It’s the beginning of the month, don’t waste it if you have free tickets~



  (End of this chapter)

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