Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 423: The most special gift (1)

  Chapter 423 The most special gift (1)

   Just when Wen Ru wanted to roll up his sleeves and rush forward, Jiang Mu had already taken out her gift.

   "Sister Wen and I are really close-minded, even the gifts we prepared are similar." That's right, Jiang Mu also took out a stack of A4 paper documents, basically the same as the one Wen Ru gave her just now.

  The people around looked at it with different expressions.

  People send cars, antiques, and jewellery. How come Wen Ru and Jiang Mu are here, it becomes a document delivery?

  Could it be that sending files will become a trend?

  Mo Xue didn't expect such an operation. She imagined that Jiang Mu might not prepare any gifts. When she came over, she didn't see Jiang Mu taking anything.

  Even if it is prepared, it is definitely not as good as the gifts prepared by so many bosses, whether in terms of price or intention.

  But, she didn't expect Jiang Mu to come up with a bunch of files.

  "Won't you discuss with Wenru and send documents to each other?" Mo Xue smiled and joked, "As far as I know, Wenru's family is very healthy, and it shouldn't be too much in need of hospital treatment."

   Jiang Mu also curled her lips and smiled, Xiao Huya was very cute, she walked to Wen Ren, “I heard that sister Wen said that you have built some residential buildings in the shanty town, and are now thinking about new construction plans.”

"Yes, there are not too many houses built, which is just a community. The company has evaluated the purchasing power of the Shanghai stock market. If all residential buildings are built, the profit will not be very large. Therefore, the remaining land is thinking about other forms. "Wen Ren didn't hide it either.

  Treat Jiang Mu, he did not regard her as his daughter’s best friend or son’s master, but a businessman on an equal footing with him. If this idea were let others know, it would definitely feel incredible.

  But Wen Ren knew that Jiang Mu had this ability and the capital, let him treat it like this.

   "When you mentioned this project, do you want to get involved and also buy a share?" Wen Ren asked in response.

If Wenren didn’t shy away just now, everyone thought he was just because Jiang Mu was a classmate with his son and had a good relationship with his daughter. However, as soon as this sentence came out, even some wives who had never participated in the family’s business would have noticed it. There is something wrong inside.

  Is it such an important thing to invest in shares, can it be so easily decided?

  Moreover, it is still a large piece of land in a shanty town. You must know that those who can participate in this project are the largest companies in the Shanghai stock market, with strong capital and connections.

  The partner of the project has already been determined, and it is simply too difficult to join temporarily. It is their families, except for the Cheng family, who has been engaged in engineering construction, it is not easy for other families to dabble.

  Not to mention those contractors, self-employed.

  Everyone knows that this is a big project that makes a profit without losing money, but it is too difficult to get a share of the pie.

   But now, the initiator of this project actually asked Jiang Mu if he wanted to join the project, as if as long as Jiang Mu said something, he would immediately nod his head in agreement. How could this make everyone not shocked?

   "Uncle is really joking, how can I be qualified to blend in with such a big project!"

Jiang Mu is not presumptuous. Although she can come up with a sum of money, she does not have a company or contacts. If she only takes the money, the Shanghai Stock Exchange is an international metropolis. Although, it has not yet developed, but Shili Yangchang is not. It's a joke, the rich and some are, if you can get into the project with money, then everyone is likely to get involved.

  Wen Ren smiled kindly, "Just because you helped Xiaoru take down the entire shanty town, you are eligible!"

Everyone suddenly realized that the land in the shanty town was originally bought by Wenru. Wenren was still in the hospital at the time. The incident caused a lot of noise. Later, the government decided to develop the land and the price of cabbage immediately increased tenfold. , Wen Jia’s reputation in the Shanghai Stock Exchange has become even more loud.

At that time, it was rumored that Wen Ru bought such a large piece of land under the urging of a friend. I heard that it was a friend who has just met. This incident was a sensation. Everyone only remembered the protagonist Wen Ru in this incident. Remember the name of this friend Jiang Mu.

  Now that Wen Ren mentioned this, everyone finally found a long-lost memory.

  This is to buy land and start a clothing factory in partnership. The projects with Jiang Mu are full of profits. For these two things, it is not an exaggeration for Wen Jia to regard Jiang Mu as a guest.

  Because of Jiang Mu, the reputation, status, wealth, influence, Wen Jia have all got.

  Such friends, no matter which family they belong to, will definitely remain friendly. Thinking about it this way, participating in a project is just a trivial matter. Originally, this project was able to be carried out because Jiang Mu asked Wenru to buy the land!

  Jiang Mu and Wen Jia, they really don’t know who is taking advantage.

  "I still don’t participate. First, I am a little bit of a speech. Even if I participate in it, it doesn’t make much sense. Second, my joining is bound to cause dissatisfaction with some partners. After all, I am not an adult."

  Everyone was even more shocked. This is a good thing of pie in the sky, so I refused, won't your heart hurt?

  Jiang Mu is definitely not painful. There are a few bosses in the field who want to join the project but have no chance and no way out. That's a jealous and hateful boss. I can’t wait to rush forward and agree to buy shares instead of Jiang Mu.

  It can only be said that people are better than people, and it is annoying.

  Those of them who want to mix things up, they tried their best and couldn't achieve their goals. This person who can easily buy shares refused--absolutely--! !

  Mo Xue was almost overwhelmed by the sourness in her heart. Seeing everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Mu, she couldn't tell for a while whether they came to pay a New Year's greeting or came to see Jiang Mu this time.

  She tried her best to calm her emotions and brought the focus of the matter back, “Jiang Mu, your gift should look very special and has a good background! It’s so long just to pave the way.”

  The curiosity of everyone was ignited again, and they did not care about Jiang Mu's refusal to buy shares.

Adjusting the end of his eyes, Yu Guang glanced at Mo Xue, Jiang Mu handed the document to Wen Ren, "These are some ideas for the project. It may be a bit immature. Uncle can discuss it with the project team. Maybe it will be better. Plan."

  Wen Ren was overjoyed, took the document, just flipped through a page at random, and then immediately realized the value of the document in his hand, and quickly closed it.

   looked at everyone apologetically, “It’s late, everyone eat first, don’t come to my house and you’re still hungry.”

  After speaking, he went straight upstairs to the study and locked the documents in the safe.

    I thought I pre-save it, but it didn’t happen! !

     Sorry! ! !



  (End of this chapter)

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