Chapter 429 429 Singleism (1)

   "Bring the camera over next time." Wen Liyan said.

  Jiang Mu turned his head, with bright eyes, surprised Wen Liyan once again had a clear heart with her, and then smiled and responded, "Okay."

   "What did I say you two were whispering? It's still not brothers. Are you two carrying me like this, is it really okay?" Sun Quan found that the two were talking secretly and vomiting casually.

   "Let's talk about how these wool should be distributed. After all, you found the stone room." Jiang Mu said.

  "You bought the house, and you know the news about the treasure. No matter what you find out, it's all yours. What's the point!"

   Although Sun Quan wanted to find the treasure in his heart, he was not greedy for money, but just liked the surprise and excitement when he found the treasure.

  He still knows where things belong.

   "Really not? I expect that the wool of these six stone chambers may be worth several hundred million." Jiang Mu continued to persuade.

  Sun Quan made a pause gesture, "Okay, don't say it, don't try to use money to disintegrate my beliefs and change my decision! If I say no, don't!"

  Jiang Mu turned to look at Wen Liyan, but he hadn't asked him yet.

"I think what Sun Quan said is very reasonable. If you find something in your house, it will naturally belong to you. It should not be used to see others. Besides, if we really need it, just ask if you want to That's it."

  Jiang Mu did not persuade anymore. Anyway, they are all in the family and take care of each other. If she really needs this batch of wool, she will not be stingy.

  "Don't tell my family about this matter. I don't want to move the wool over there for the time being. Let them stay in the stone room." Jiang Mu confessed.

  "Don’t you move out immediately? In case a little thief finds out and evacuates, then we don’t even know where to cry!"

  Sun Quan feels that it is not safe to put it in the original place.

   "Even if you move, you have to find a place first. There is no basement at home, so you can't put it back when you move back." Jiang Mu frowned and said where he is currently sleepy.

   "Then buy a detached house, just like a small western-style house, and bring a separate basement with you. Clean up, and put down the wool is not a problem at all."

  Sun Quan proposed.

  Jiang Mu agreed with this proposal, “You’re right. You’ll buy a new house after the holidays. There should be many such small houses in the Shanghai stock market.”

  The two people discussed here in full swing, only to turn around and realize that something seems to be missing.

  Wen Liyan didn't say a word from beginning to end.

  "Learn God, give some pointers, what's the problem with our idea?" Jiang Mu asked actively.

"No need to buy...cough cough!" Wen Liyan clenched a fist half to his lips, coughed a few times, and then continued, "I just bought a building in front of you, and it happened to be at the Great East Gate. You move It's convenient."

   "When did you buy a house? Why didn't I know?" Jiang Mu asked surprised.

   "Just when you went to the capital, when you came back, I forgot to say it, just like when you bought the courtyard house, cough cough!" Wen Liyan coughed again after speaking.

  How did this person catch this and hold on to it?

   Didn’t you forget to talk about the courtyard house? Why does this man hold such grudges?

"No, you two, one went to the capital to buy a courtyard house, the other bought a small western-style house in the Shanghai stock market, but I didn’t buy anything if I dare! I am too far behind, no, I have to buy it, and we still buy it. It's near, so we can still be neighbors!"

  Sun Quan thinks this proposal is very good, a small western-style building must be arranged.

  "It’s good to be a neighbor. If you get married and move to a small foreign building in the future, we will still be neighbors!" Jiang Mu also felt that the proposal was good.

  Only Wen Liyan has a deep gaze, no happiness, anger, sorrow, or joy, and his tone is light, “I want to get married and have children before I reach adulthood. Is it possible that you are anxious to get married? Do you have someone you like?”

   "Of course not! In these years, I can make money, what do I want a man to do? After I get married, I have to take care of him. Isn't I making money for myself? Isn't it good to make money?"

   Jiang Mu’s attitude is very clear, she just rejects marriage!

  It was the first time Wen Liyan realized that she had such thoughts, “However, all those who are late are going to get married. Even if you don’t want to, Aunt Zhao will be anxious when that happens.”

Jiang Mu waved his hand, "You are wrong, why do you want to get married? You won't break the law if you don't get married. My mother cares most about my opinion, and her marriage is not happy, I believe she will understand me. "

  Wen Liyan's brows tightened, "Ahem, ahem! The others are married, and you are the only one left. Don't you feel lonely? Don't you want to find someone who can spend your life with you?"

   "Why will I be lonely? If I really feel lonely in the future, you and Quan'er married and had children, and you directly recognize me as godmother. I have all the children, so how can I be lonely?"

  Jiang Mu said nonchalantly, “Besides, where is it so easy to find someone who spends a lifetime together? Instead of wasting time here, it’s better to develop more result projects and earn more money!”

  Wen Liyan feels a bit complicated, not knowing whether he should be happy or disappointed.

  I am glad that she does not have anyone she likes yet, and for a long time in the future, she will not have the idea of ​​puppy love. What is disappointing is that she may never be tempted by a person, and will not consider meeting the other half of her life.

   "Brother Mu really is Brother Mu, even his ideas are so trendy! Bull!" Sun Quan was unsure, so he gave Jiang Mu a thumbs up.

  Wen Liyan's cough is getting worse.

   "Is it too gray here? Let's get out soon and get some fresh air." Sun Quan set up Wen Liyan and led him out of the library.

  Jian Mu looked at his pale face, thinner and thinner cheeks, as well as the rapid coughing and increased breathing, and he was even more worried.

   "Go to the hospital."

  Sun Quan also felt that something was wrong. Before Wen Liyan would cough, but he would not cough so frequently. The three people who originally wanted to go home immediately walked out of the community.

  Wen Liyan stretched out his hand and said not to go, "Don’t make a fuss, I..."

  It's okay before I said the word, I coughed up blood.

   Jiang Mu's face was pale, no matter whether she had a driver's license or not, she went directly to the driver's seat and said, "Get in the car!"

   "Brother Mu, we'll go to the hospital right away, you hold on again, hold on." Sun Quan took out the tissue and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

   However, I couldn't wipe it clean no matter how I wiped it. The white paper towel was soaked with bright red blood and stained red.

  Sun Quan was very anxious, but he couldn't say a word.

  He could feel that the car was driving fast. If he said something at this time, Jiang Mu would be irritated. Who knows if this car can still drive safely?

  (End of this chapter)

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