Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 434: 434 Roll as far as you can (6)

  Chapter 434 Roll as far as 434 is (6)

  Jiang Mu saw so many people gathered at the door of the ward, he knew that the situation was not good, and his expression became gloomy when he heard the shameless remarks of the Zhao family from a distance.

  When she squeezed into the ward, she saw the three men bullying Wen Liyan and wanting to tear off his infusion needle. Zhao Bao’s family even picked up the chair made for the visit, as if they were going to wave it at any time.

   Jiang Mu, holding a bottle of Coca-Cola in his hand, did not speak, and smashed the arm at Zhao Bao's family.

  Zhao Bao’s family only felt a pain in his arm, and the force in his hand was loosened, and the chair that had just been raised fell to the ground with a bang.


   With a scream, Zhao Baojia raised one leg, stood on one leg, and turned pale with pain.

  It turned out that the chair that had just fallen happened to hit his instep by accident.

"Jiang Mu! What do you want to do? In broad daylight, what do you do to your elders?" Qian Cuifang immediately turned back when he saw that his son was injured, and asked with a worried look whether his injury was serious or not. See a doctor.

   Jiang Mu glanced at Wen Liyan, and found no scars on his body. He hung the bottle again so that he could talk to her.

  "I will ask you these words when the time comes, under the bright sky, why do you go to Wen Liyan's ward to make trouble? What does Wen Liyan have to do with you?"

  Jiang Mu is not used to these people's problems. Since knowing that Zhao Yue no longer regards these people as relatives, she also put away all the little politeness she had, and directly questioned them loudly.

  "He uses the money of his boudoir! Can't I be a mother, can't I control it?" Qian Cuifang was very tough.

"Of course not! Your daughter’s money is not yours. Don’t you like sons or grandchildren? Don’t you think that only sons are the treasures to inherit the family? Don’t you look down on my mother for divorce? Coming up?"

  Jiang Mu stared mockingly, and saw the expressions of the three of them.

  "Don’t waste your energy. No matter what you do, don’t want to get a share of money from my mother and me for your baby grandson!"

"What are you talking about? My blood is bleeding in your mother's body. Can you say that you don't recognize it?" Qian Cuifang has a thick skin, especially in front of Qian. It is comparable to the thickness of the city wall.

When she said this, she calmed down a bit, "I know, I used to have a bad attitude towards your mother, but I also cared about her. Look, she’s a woman to take you through, it’s not easy, she I don’t want to marry again. If you encounter anything in the future, you still have to rely on your family’s brothers and sisters to help you. Now you are helping some Xiaoda, and Xiaoda will remember your good in the future."

"Do you believe this when you say it?" Jiang Mu seemed to smile, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Today I will leave it alone. She can spend the money my mother makes. Spend whatever you want, give it to whomever you want! Don't make any excuses like **** brothers and sisters! You don't feel embarrassed, I feel embarrassed!"

   Jiang Mu waved his hand in disgust, "Where did you go back? Don't get in the way here! The air is not good."

  Qian Cuifang was not convinced, but she also knew that she couldn't do it hard, and she had also summed up her experience with Jiang Mu for so long.

   She suppressed the anger in her heart, and said patiently, "Grandma, this is also—"

  "Stop--" Jiang Mu made a gesture of shutting up, "Don't be so affectionate. How much do you want to deduct from me to give to your baby grandson?"

  The tenderness on Qian Cuifang's face had not been maintained, and she was so angry with this sentence, it was difficult to pretend to be kind.

   "Okay, I still said that, go back wherever you come, we are not that familiar!" Jiang Mu waved his hand, dismissed in disgust.

  Seeing that the three of them still did not give up and did not leave, Jiang Mu sneered.

“I’ve always been surprised. When we were homeless, you asked for our rent. When my mother was sick and was hospitalized, you never even faced each other. Not to mention the operation fee. Now Wen Liyan is sick and hospitalized. One by one is diligent, and they all came here, and they really complied with the old saying, it’s not profitable to get early!"

   "I put this statement here today, no matter how much money we spend, we will definitely cure Wen Liyan! Please don't show up here, it will disturb the patient's rest."

  Qian Cuifang's invincible tactics had never worked before Jiang Mu, and Qian Cuifang was distressed to see the thick banknotes go like flowing water.

She stopped pretending, and said with a serious face, "You are so stupid to say you are stupid. As you said, your mother's money is reserved for you, but now this kid is so sick. It’s like running water before, and if this continues, I guess that the little money your mother saved won’t even be able to pay for the hospital bill. What else can you have?"

"You just think about yourself, and you can't live in this hospital anymore. This disease can't be cured at all. I have inquired about it. This disease can only be controlled and cannot be cured completely. For a situation like Wen Liyan, take a look. It's just a fate, no matter how much money you spend, it's useless!"

  "You have to keep one person and money, right? Don't let the person die and the money is gone. What the grandmother said is the experience of the people who passed by. If you don't listen to the old people, you will suffer a disadvantage!"

  Qian Cuifang saw Jiang Mu listen carefully. Thinking that he would not have heard what he said, he continued, "It is better for you to leave a little more money with you as a little girl."

Qian Cuifang’s idea is very simple. Fortunately, if you don’t help, you can keep the money first. If you want to get the money in the future, you can plan. But if the money is all made up now, even if they have the best solution, Unable to extract money from Zhao Yue's hands.

  Qian Cuifang's vision is very beautiful. If it were other little girls, she might have heard her words a long time ago. After all, every sentence Qian Cuifang said was for her.

  But unfortunately, he is Jiang Mu. Jiang Mu, who is much stronger than Qian Cuifang, the old lady, is no ordinary girl regardless of scheming.

   "Are you finished?" she asked with a smile

  Qian Cuifang did not find his fault, "Actually, I don't want to say too much, but who made you my granddaughter? I can't just watch you being cheated!"

Seeing that Qian Cuifang would continue to make big comments, Jiang Mu immediately said, "Now that I'm done talking, let's go! Don't disturb the patient's cultivation."

  Qian Cuifang looked bewildered, how come it was okay just now? Is this going to drive people soon?

  I saw Jiang Mu with a smile, "I can spend my money as I like? I don't need you to help me! Seeing Wen Liyan, I am happy!"

  Things went back to square one.

  (End of this chapter)

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