Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 439: 439 She is very mysterious (11)

  Chapter 439 439 She is very mysterious (11)

   "So, not an intelligence dealer." The tone of the time domain is very positive.

   "Sure enough, he is a tyrant, and the response is fast enough." Jiang Mu was surprised.

  "The source of the news?" Hearing that it was not an intelligence dealer, and Time Domain did not breathe a sigh of relief. No matter where the news was left, it was not a good thing for him.

  "Regular sources, don’t worry, I won’t tell others about your identity. Don’t be so nervous, we just get to know each other."

   Jiang Mu said, "Look, you have made the investigation of our family clear, and I also need to know something about you, so it’s fairer."

  Shente is fairer!

  The time domain took a deep breath, extracted the key points from it, and finally caught the key.

   "I just want to find my uncle's child who is living outside. It is possible to hear that Sun Quan is. Of course, I have to check it out. Now that you know my origin, you should understand that you must be very careful about acknowledging relatives!"

   "I didn't mean to spy on your home. The focus of my investigation is Sun Quan. Moreover, I will not disclose information about your home. Don't worry about that."

   Knowing that she cares about the matter under investigation, Shi Yu explained everything.

   "I didn't mean to spy on your home. The focus of my investigation is you. Moreover, I will not disclose information about your home. You can rest assured."

   Jiang Mu was serious, “So, you don’t have to ask about the source of the news. I won’t tell you.”

  The time domain is speechless again.

  This is the first time he was speechless today?

  Although he can't be said to be eloquent, he is still smart enough, otherwise he would not be able to take a second degree under the strict control of the family.

   But, facing Jiang Mu, he really doesn’t have the ability to refute, you say you are not angry?

  Jiang Mu saw that the warning was almost done. This person would definitely not dare to investigate their home casually in the future, and then he brought the topic to the topic again.

"Without your surname Wen, relying on the relationship between your hospital and your status as the heir of the hospital, you casually attended a few banquets, unintentionally revealing your purpose and wanting to cheat you, Those who want to enter your hospital, even the big bosses who think of coming to your hospital for treatment, will definitely spare no effort to help."

"They can make Shi’s family owe a favor, and they can climb to the Shi’s family. They really want to. Then, where will it be necessary for you to work so hard and find it yourself? You just wait for the news and wait for these people to bring people to you. In front of you, you just need to distinguish."

   Jiang Mu felt that this method was the most time-saving and labor-saving.

  "This method has an advantage. By handing things over to others, you will have enough time to do what you want to do. For example-doing business."

Jiang Mu suggested with a smile, a pair of apricot eyes seemed to be able to speak. Such a suggestion made his heart tickled. He has been waiting for too long. Now in the Shanghai stock market, no one around him is watching him and watching him. He can do whatever he wants.

  His dream has always been to enter the mall and play in the mall.

  He knew that if he returned to the capital, he would have no chance.

  Now is the best time.

  Time domain is very heartwarming, although he already has an idea, but looking at the small slap face in front of him, with a sure look on his face, he feels uncomfortable.

  He dignified a high IQ person who had returned from studying abroad, but he was counted as not bad by a minor high school student. How could he feel so uncomfortable in his heart!

He deliberately cocked his face and said, "What you said is easy. What if these people cheat? You just said that these people contribute money and work to cling to Shijia. Then how can you be sure that the other party will not find one casually? The boy fooled me? After all, I can't determine exactly who is my little uncle's son."

  Jiang Mu looked at him in surprise, the expression in his eyes almost tells you whether you are an idiot.

   "Your surname is Wen. Isn't it easy for you to do things that others can't solve? DNA paternity test, don't tell me you don't know?"

  Time domain really admires her, "If my memory is okay, you should be a high school student, and you only entered the second year of high school this year, and you have taken a long vacation."

   Jiang Mu nodded, "Your memory is very accurate."

  "Where did you know the DNA paternity test? This technology is currently for judicial use and is not open to the public. Ordinary people may not even have heard of it. Listen to your tone. You should know this technology well."

  Time domain was shocked. He felt that the girl in front of him was full of mysteries and unpredictable.

  Jiang Mu laughed out her little tiger teeth, pointed and very cute, "Do ordinary people know so much information about you?"

  Come on, it was his fault, how could she be an ordinary person?


  One week after the confrontation with Jiang Muyan, the upper-class society of the Shanghai stock market began to circulate a message.

  Beijing, the family was looking for relatives, a 17-year-old boy.

  The news spread quickly like wings.

  Even the gangsters on the street have opened up new businesses to investigate all kinds of related information.

  Urban census, surveys of community owners, orphanages, orphanages, orphanages, and even more popular places, even when you go to a shopping mall, you will meet people who fill in forms to participate in the lottery.

  I can only say that these big bosses are really good enough to catch Shijia, and they can use any tricks.

  Jiang Mu knew that Time Domain had begun to act.

  She has no opinion on the time domain. Although she dislikes the things he investigated privately, she retaliated slightly last time and made him nervous. This matter is no longer a problem.

  Furthermore, he was regarded as saving Wen Liyan, and she also really thanked him, otherwise she would not help him find someone.

  Now that he has accepted her proposal, she is very happy.

  It shows that she still repaid some of his help.

  However, her proposal has sequelae over time.

   "I think I must be the person Shi's family is looking for! After I recognize this relative, I won't have to do anything in the future. I will enjoy it all day long and drink spicy food!"

   "Well, I went back and asked my parents several times, if I was their own birth, they all said yes, it seems that I have no hope."

"I'm almost like you. That is, I think my parents are lying to me. Every time they get angry, they want to beat me. When I run away, they say that I am not their own. Their children will definitely not be like me. In this way! I think what people say when they are angry, when they are most irrational, is true."

"I said you guys rest. The truth is that I am the child who was left out of the Shi family! Where do you guys stay cool! I have no parents since I was a child, and I am a native of Shanghai Stock Exchange. I am just 17 years old this year. Everything is right! It's perfect!"


  The above remarks are basically the same. They are all heard by Jiang Mu in the hospital, on the road, and in the store during this period. It is almost dumbfounding.

  Looking at this posture, it is estimated that the time domain is too busy, so savagely, it takes a lot of effort to do a paternity test!

   Jiang Mu told Wen Liyan about this incident as a joke, but Wen Liyan had no response.

  He just said faintly, “The time domain relationship is hard, but it’s just doing a few paternity tests. As long as he speaks, someone will run errands. How could he be so busy?”

Jiang Mu frowned, "I haven't asked you, how do you know so much about the time domain? Last time I told you what I told him in front of him, but it scared him, that posture was almost immediately arrested. People."

  Wen Liyan frowned without saying a word.

  He didn’t want to lie to her or explain his source of information.

  Jiang Mu will receive the suspicion from the bottom of his heart, "How are you feeling lately? This plan has been used for a while, the time domain said last time, this plan will be replaced after half a month."

   "It's no different from usual, it should be controlled." Wen Liyan said.

Jiang Mu's eyes sink slightly. In fact, she just said casually that before arriving in the ward, she went to the attending doctor's office. The doctor has said that his condition is getting worse again. The current plan is no longer under control. Change the treatment plan as soon as possible.

  The condition has deteriorated. The most obvious feeling is that the patient is right, but Wen Liyan feels nothing. His response was slow.

  This is a terrible thing.

  Say more, knowing the pain, knowing where is uncomfortable, can live longer.

  He feels numb now, how long can he last?

  Jiang Mu became even more anxious. She used all the methods she could think of, but could not find a suitable bone marrow match. Sooner or later, Wen Liyan would not be able to hold on!

  She found an excuse to leave, contacted Shi Yu, and learned that he was working hard for his business career at a business banquet. She did not wait for a moment. After finding out the location, she drove off.

She doesn’t have any invitations, but she is a partner of a clothing factory both big and small. Moreover, during the New Year, there is a New Year greeting at Wen’s family. Jiang Mu is considered to be a well-known and surnamed in a shopping mall on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, so she has to enter one. The banquet is still possible.

  It’s just that, in the suits and dresses that everyone wears, she is really incompatible with ordinary jeans and white shirts.

  Everyone looked at Jiang Mu's eyes, there was something wrong, as if they were looking at some exotic species, look fresh.

  There are also many people who look down on Jiang Mu, and their mocking eyes are almost becoming concrete.

   "Who is this person? Why is he so rude, come here in such a suit?"

   "I'm so impressed, is it the daughter of a big boss?"

   "Definitely not. If you are the daughter of a big boss, how can you not know what to wear on this occasion?"

   "You are right, you should have entered by mistake, right? Maybe someone went in the wrong place, maybe it's not necessarily!"

   "What am I kidding? There are welcomers and invitations outside the banquet hall. You can't enter empty-handed. How could it be possible to go wrong?"

   "Looking at her young age and ignorance of the rules, it is probably not in the circle." Someone came to the conclusion.

   "Then there is one possibility left--" someone said suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

   "Waiter!" After the man finished speaking, he got a lot of blank eyes.

  "Looking at how she looked like she was walking around, it is estimated that she came to find someone. It seems that she is another woman who wants to climb the dragon and the phoenix!"

   "I don't know what's wrong with the people now, can't I make changes on my own? Why do you have to take such a shortcut? What shamelessness!"

   "Okay, there are so many things like this now, let's stop guessing, it has nothing to do with us anyway."

  This sentence can be regarded as a point, but today they came with a purpose.

  The young master of the Beijing Shi family went to the Shanghai stock market to find relatives. For a while, many big bosses took the people they found, but no one got good news.

  The bosses can’t sit still anymore. Who knows how long Shiyu will stay in the Shanghai stock market. If they wait until he returns to the capital and they haven’t found the child yet, wouldn’t it be a waste of work?

  No one wanted to draw a bamboo basket for nothing, nor did they want to do useless work, so they thought of a two-pronged approach.

  Shiyu is still single. If he can marry his daughter to Shi's family, wouldn’t it be more reliable than the relationship of finding someone?

  I want to understand this principle, but everyone who has a daughter at home basically came to the end. It’s like a beauty contest, where beautiful girls can be seen everywhere.

  Jiang Mu also discovered this anomaly, but she has no intention of caring about it now. She has to find the time domain, and Wen Liyan's illness is the most important thing.

  Finally, on the balcony, Jiang Mu saw her goal.

   Jeans, sneakers, and two big long legs, she got up early, much faster than those daughters who stepped on high heels.

"Time domain, you will go with me, the house will burn!" Jiang Mu was very anxious. He took the goblet in his hand in one hand and placed it directly on the balcony table, holding his wrist in the other, and wanted to take someone. go away.

   "Jiang Mu! What are you doing? This is the banquet scene, you are too rude!" Ji Xiaoyu frowned and mocked.

  Jiang Mu then discovered that there were other people on the balcony. The one here was not someone else. It was Ji Yunfan, Ji Xiaoyu, and Mo Xue.

  "Did you not see that my brother is talking to Shiyu? What do you mean when you rush in?"

   "Sorry, I have an urgent need to see the doctor at the time. I will do the next day. I would like to ask you to have dinner and apologize." Jiang Mu did not excuse him. He was very sincere in apologizing and confessing his mistakes.

  "Who hasn't had a meal without you? Do you think we are like people who can't afford to eat?" Ji Xiaoyu refused to give up.

   "Then what do you want to do, draw a line, and I will do it!" Jiang Mu suppressed his impatience, staring at Ji Xiaoyu and asked.

Ji Xiaoyu, who felt unhappy in her heart, felt Jiang Mu's gaze and felt a little cold, but she was unwilling to show weakness in front of Jiang Mu, "Anyway, you can't take Shiyu brother away. Their classmates finally met. , Do you have to destroy it?"

  "Do you want to repeat the same trick?" Ji Xiaoyu thought of a possibility, and became more disgusted with her. "Do you think you can win over Sister Wen and Wen Yan, and you can also win over Brother Shi Yu?"

"Is it not enough to satisfy your ambitions to be with Wen Jia? You came here in such a hurry. Have you heard that Shi Yu is looking for relatives? You want to fish in troubled waters, and get involved, and take the opportunity to catch Shi Jia. ?"

   Ji Xiaoyu's eyes became more and more mocking.

  (End of this chapter)

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