Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 445: 445 Who do you choose (17)

  Chapter 445 Who do you choose (17)

   Jiang Mu turned his wrist, really felt that his fist was a little itchy, my fist was nowhere to be placed.

  She tried her best to tell herself that she must never beat someone. It is wrong to beat someone. Wen Liyan still needs her to save her.

   "I heard that Wen Liyan's physical condition is no longer very good. You should hurry up and think about it, and don't delay his treatment time."

Mo Xueman casually fiddled with the buttons on his sleeves, "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. If you think about it, you can go to Ji's house to find me. It's best to bring the design drawings. I heard that Ru Mu's summer clothes are almost ready for you. Now that I’m so busy every day, I definitely don’t have time to design new ones. I don’t make it difficult for you. Just use this."

  Listen to this reluctant tone, this person really has the ability to speak!

After Mo Xue left, Jiang Mu was so angry that he didn't lift the table!

  She rarely gets so angry, and rarely meets such a disgusting person. She really understands now why Wenru hates Mo Xue.

  This person is more than just disgusting.

   is abhorrent at all!

  Why is it Mo Xue who succeeded in matching?

Jiang Mu felt a bit of a headache. Mo Xue clearly aimed at Sister Wen. She would not save people if she did not achieve her goal. However, if she really wanted to achieve the goal in her mouth, then Sister Wen would definitely be injured seriously. .

  And she didn't want to hurt her.

  It’s not easy to make such a good friend. Besides, Sister Wen is very good and treats her very well.

  On the other hand, Wen Liyan's current situation is really not optimistic. If he does not undergo bone marrow transplantation, if he is ill, he may leave them at any time.

  Now, she seems to be able to understand Wen Liyan's decision.

  Why didn’t he want to go back to Wen’s house? He could have all qualified Wen family members go to match as long as he went back. The success rate was much higher than that of finding a needle in a haystack. However, he would rather waste it and never go back.

  Clearly returning to Wen's house, life is definitely more important than life.

  Now, she experienced it firsthand.

  It is more urgent to save Wen Liyan. The relationship with Wen Ru can be repaired in the future. She can also not make money from the clothing factory. She has never lacked ways to make money.

   However, she did not decide immediately.

  Some things, some principles, and some bottom lines will not be broken because of the weight of life.

   Jiang Mu returned to the ward full of thoughts, but found that the ward was very lively.

   "Brother Mu, great, did you know that the matching is finally successful, Brother Yan is saved!! The attending doctor has already arranged the operation time!"

  Sun Quan was excited to jump up.

   "It's true that the emperor has paid off, Xiaoyan is finally saved." Tears were already in Yang Liu's eyes.

  "The doctor said, the success rate of the operation is still very high. After the operation is successful, Xiaoyan can live like a normal person."

  Zhao Yue is also very excited. They have been busy for more than two months, and finally they can see the results, and finally there is good news!

  Jiang Muxing’s eyes were slightly curved, like everyone else, with a bright smile, "Who is the other party, did the doctor tell you?"

   "Mo Xue from the Ji family, I have met a few times. She is a very gentle and beautiful girl. I didn't expect that after we have been looking for such a long time, the most suitable match is by my side."

   Jiang Mu's hope of winning in his heart suddenly disappeared.

  She thought she had met a successful donor again, but also, if the matching was so easy, they wouldn’t have to work so hard, but there would be no movement at all.

  Everyone was talking about bone marrow transplantation, chatting about where Wen Liyan would go to cultivate after he was discharged from the hospital.

   Jiang Mu stood by the wall, quietly listening to the cheerful discussions of the crowd, smiling back from time to time, and did not participate in the discussion.

  Wen Liyan was also very happy. He thought he might be dead this time, and God would not care for him anymore, but he didn't expect that he was still a bit lucky.

  Everyone was happy for him, and he was happy to discover Jiang Mu's unusualness at the same time.

   "Jiang Mu, are you uncomfortable in any way? Why don't you talk?"

  Suddenly all eyes were gathered on Jiang Mu, and the corners of Jiang Mu’s lips rose immediately, “Is this the first news I knew, okay? I was already excited just now in the office.”

  Wen Liyan raised his eyelids slightly, and said nothing, the human brain was restored in the ward again.

   Jiang Mu rubbed his fingers. It seems that this matter needs to be discussed with Sister Wen.

   Jiang Mu's idea is very good, but she underestimated Mo Xue's hostility to Wen Ru.

  Everyone at the hospital knew the news of Wen Liyan's successful matching. This was Mo Xue's pressure on her.

  Wenru Mo Xue would naturally not let it go.

Before Jiang Mu could discuss with Wen Ru, Mo Xue’s preparation for a clothing brand had already been revealed. This clearly meant to fight Wenru. Whether it was in terms of strength, qualifications, or influence, Wenru’s winning side was definitely more. Big.

  However, Mo Xue just showed a more confident smile than usual.

  As if her rival is not Wenru, as if she has seen the territory of victory.

  Mo Xue smiled every day, and when he had a chance, he would come to Wenru's side, no matter if Wenru was too present, his posture seemed as if he had already been defeated by his men.

Even Wen Ru felt that this time was different. In the past, if Mo Xue calculated her, or if she had any new plans, she would definitely prepare carefully, and would never let her find out. At the same time, he was very cautious and low-key, not allowing half of her plans. s failure.

  Until the plan is successful, she will be a little proud or show off in front of her.

  In the past few years, she has summed up the pattern.

   But this time, Mo Xue's unusually high-profile, if it were not for ten percent certainty, according to her personality, she would never do it.

Wen Ru heightened his vigilance. Now Jiang Mu is busy with Wen Liyan's condition. Ru Mu and the clothing factory have no time to take care of it. No matter what tricks Mo Xue has, she cannot be allowed to succeed. It used to be her own business. If you can be calculated to leave your friend, it doesn't make much sense even if you barely stay.

  But this time is different. This is the common cause of her and Mu Mu. Mu Mu no longer has the responsibility and obligation to protect the factory and Ru Mu.

  However, there are some things that are useful if they cannot be avoided.

  The Shanghai stock market is so big, Wen Ru did not expect that he would encounter Mo Xue who also came to see fabrics in the fabric market.

   "You really do your best for the garment factory, but I advise you not to buy too much fabric, otherwise, there will be no production at that time. This is a big investment."

  Mo Xue reminded him sincerely.

  "You don’t need to worry about it. Do you think Ru Mu is your small workshop with only one store? We are the most professional designers."

  For this, Wen Ru is more confident than anyone.

   Mo Xue laughed out loud, “Don’t talk too much. There is no such certain thing in this world. Very often, when you are not paying attention, it will quietly change.”

   "You never know when the other party will stabbed you behind your back." Mo Xue smiled brightly and pointedly, with anticipation in his eyes, making it difficult for people to ignore it.

"You want to say you dug Mumu to you, didn't you?" Wen Ru lightly sneered, "Even if you are lying, you have to say that you have a high degree of trust and want to use such a simple means to differentiate between us. Your feelings, do you think I will be fooled?"

  "Confidence is a good thing. I hope you will still be so confident." Mo Xue put down this sentence and ordered a large number of fabrics under Wen Ru's eyelids. Depending on the situation, it means that you have to make your own clothes.

  Wen Ru frowned, Mo Xue didn't have much funds to move, so she would not have done so if she bought a large sum of fabrics if the contract hadn't been finalized.

  But, poach Mumu away——

  It’s impossible, but the other party is so sure...

  Maybe something really happened.

  Wen Ru did not continue to choose fabrics, but contacted Jiang Mu.

   When receiving Wen Ru's call, Jiang Mu was in the hospital, just about to leave.

  Wenru is straightforward, "Is something happened? I met Mo Xue. She meant that you want to cooperate with her. You didn't see her look in front of me. It really disgusts me."

   Jiang Mu pursed his lips, "I just wanted to contact you to discuss this matter with you."

Wen Ru didn't hear it right, "She really looked for you? No, what does she think? She knows that you are the second owner of the clothing factory and Ru Mu's designer. She shouldn't be with you when she collaborates with Cooperation!"

  Just finished saying this, she suddenly thought of something, "She asked, but you didn't refuse."

  The phone is quiet.

  (End of this chapter)

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