Chapter 471 Chapter 471 Show off

   "740!! Jiang Mu really won glory for our school this time, a proper city champion! No other school can compare! Hahaha!"

  The pleasant laughter of the head teacher was so magical that everyone in the living room could hear it.

  But at this time, everyone is happy, no one cares about the laughter.

   "Awesome!" Hou Liangliang originally thought that he could get so many points in the test, which was already very awesome. Now hearing Jiang Mu's score, he immediately performed a jump in place.

   "As expected of Brother Mu! Liberal arts can take the 740! Are you still a human? Is this a score that can be obtained by humans? Why do you make us science students feel so embarrassed!" Sun Quan said with emotion.

   "After Brother Yan left, Brother Mu firmly occupied the first position, and this last post had also stood down perfectly!" As soon as Hou Liangliang finished saying this, the living room became quiet for a moment.

  Wen Liyan’s name really hasn’t been mentioned for a long time.

  Sun Quan immediately glanced at Jiang Mu, and quickly changed the subject, “Brother Mu, you take so many points, are you really not considering going to Beijing University? It’s a shame for the Central Academy of Fine Arts? It’s better to go to Beijing University with us.”

"Koizumi, what are you talking about? Why is it a pity to go to the Central Academy of Fine Arts? Mu Mu likes to paint. The Central Academy of Fine Arts is the best art academy in the United States. Mu Mu wants to study further, of course he must go to major. School."

  Zhao Huan also followed the gag, Jiang Mu never mentioned Wen Liyan, and everyone did not mention it, which would make her unhappy.

   "Anyway, we will all be in the capital when the time comes, and there is no need to go to a school. It is easy to meet each other. Then we can still do this and find time to get together."

Although Hou Liangliang felt it was a pity, he supported Jiang Mu's decision.

  The college entrance examination results came out, and the family was happy and the family was worried.

  Jiang Mu's group of friends, their scores are more than ten points higher than their usual scores, and their scores are all up to their favorite school, which is naturally happy.

Some students who perform improperly or whose test results are not satisfactory will be worried. For example, Zhao Shuda, whose grades were not good at first, and the subjects of the college entrance examination are a little bit difficult. It is for people like him who do not even have a solid foundation. In terms of it, it's really harder.

  Don’t talk about a good university, but relying on the advantages of the locals, it is very difficult for him to go to a similar university in the local area. He can only barely go to a junior college that can’t get better.

  The Zhao Bao’s family is very anxious about this. Going to school is a big event. University is not the same as high school or junior high school. It is not something that can be done by looking for a few people, eating and drinking, and sending some money.

  Furthermore, Zhao Bao’s family is now working in a private company. The people he knows are basically in the company, and they can’t get along with the school. They just can’t use it if they want to work hard.

  The head of the family couldn't solve the problem, and the two elders of the Zhao family were even more unable to solve the problem.

  If Zhao Shuda is only allowed to study at a junior college that can't go down, the family will not be reconciled.

  Especially when I heard that Jiang Mu had scored 740 in the exam and was going to Beijing to study at a university. Zhao Huan also did not go to Beijing University. Even Zhao Qing, who was poorly studied at his second home, could go to the Central Academy of Drama.

  As the only heir of the Zhao family who can pass on from generation to generation, how can Zhao Shuda fail to pass the test of a few girl films?

Qian Cuifang was not reconciled. He talked about this at home every day. Zhao Baojia was irritated. He could not lose his temper with his parents, he could only lose his temper with his wife. Li Lan is not a willing person, as long as he is angry. A quarrel is definitely the level of a world war.

  It was a smog at home. Zhao Shuda thought it didn’t matter what school he went to. There was no stopping at home. He would rather be outside than go home.

  The Zhao family elders are a group of chaos. In contrast, the second, third, and fourth-ranked Zhao Yue’s family is a happy one.

  Girls have excellent exam results and are admitted to universities in the capital. They will go to Beijing to study in September. For these people, Beijing is the capital, and to go to the capital to study at university is the supreme glory and the supreme glory.

  The three families first got together for a meal and celebrated.

  While celebrating, I also thanked Jiang Mu. After all, in the past two years, the academic performance of the two children in the family has improved so much, Jiang Mu has done a lot.

  Basically, they didn't pay much attention to the learning situation of the two children, but when it came to rest days, the two went to Jiang Mu's house very consciously.

  Although the various test papers were too perverted, no one escaped and faced difficulties.

  And the current achievements are the fruits of everyone's hard work over the past two years.

In the past two years, I thought that the children of the family, the three brothers and sisters have gotten closer, although the daughter-in-law of the third family is still confused, always thinking about subsidizing her natal family, and treating her nephew better than her daughter Zhao Huan. However, the financial power of the family has always been in the hands of Zhao Baobao, and she is limited in what she can do and the time she can express her opinions is also limited.

  Every time at this time, everyone pretends not to hear, and the three brothers and sisters don’t meet often, and there hasn’t been any major disruptions in the past two years, and they get along harmoniously.

  Zhao Yue's position among the three brothers and sisters is also getting higher and higher. After all, if it is a career, among the three, Zhao Yue is still the most successful.

Although Zhao Baobao has shifted the focus of her work to the transportation industry in the past two years, there are not many lines running. Although the economic benefits are good, compared with Zhao Yue's expansion of her clothing business to all first-tier cities across the country, It's still not enough.

  As for the second child of the Zhao family, he is still working for the automobile transportation company, state-owned enterprises, iron rice bowls, and the treatment of the couple is also cost-effective, so he just made do with it.

  Zhao Yue’s status is reflected in the importance of her speaking among the three.

  Zhao Yue hates the notion of patriarchalism. She has suffered for a lifetime, because she is still divorced, and her most precious daughter is her daughter. This affects the Zhao Baomin and his wife, especially Zhang Qian.

  Zhang Qian didn’t wait to see Zhao Qing before. She treated her son so much better than her daughter.

In addition, Zhao Qing’s poor grades and the high cost of studying, each exam is the last one. Every time a parent meeting, Zhang Qian feels that her face is dull, not like a young son. She likes to read and has good grades. Everyone He praised him every time, and it made her face shine every time.

   Therefore, Zhang Qian treats her daughter even worse.

   But, seeing that Zhao Yue really has no baby Jiang Mu, and under the influence of Jiang Mu, I learned that even if Zhao Qing had poor grades, there were other ways out. Zhao Qing has her own specialties and has her own advantages.

  Being with Zhao Yue for a long time, it made her realize that there is really no difference between her daughter and her son. They are all a piece of flesh dropped from her body, and they are the continuation of her own blood.

  Since high school sophomore, Zhang Qian has taken the initiative to take out a sum of money to learn dance and music for Zhao Qing. Since the girl has talent in this area, she can’t be buried. Maybe she will become an artist in the future!

  The string in Zhang Qian's mind has changed. For Zhao Qing, life is bubbling with happiness.

  Although, sometimes my mother will subconsciously favor her younger brother, but compared to before, the situation is really so good that it can’t be better!

  Furthermore, she is six years older than her younger brother. Not to mention her mother's preference, she is all towards him. As the youngest child in the family, she should be spoiled.

  Less patriarchy, Zhao Baomin’s family is more harmonious than before, the atmosphere at home is getting better and better, and the life is getting more and more smooth.

  Except for the old folks, the other brothers and sisters of the Zhao family are all thriving.

  After the college entrance examination results came out, it was the most concentrated day for the teacher appreciation banquet and the entrance banquet.

  The three family members just got together for a lively, and then they invited relatives and friends who knew each other separately. In that way, everyone who has to do it knows that their daughter is good, otherwise they won’t stop!

  At the beginning, attending such a banquet was a fresh picture, and being praised by a group of people, it really didn’t feel too good!

   However, no matter how good things are, there are times when they are bored, especially when parents use various tones and excuses to show off their children inadvertently, and then there is a business talk, which is really a bit embarrassing.

  Jiang Muning goes to the supermarket to check the cash, or honestly nests in the study to make a design drawing.

  In the past two years, Ru Mu has been a well-known domestic fashion brand.

  Yes, this is no longer a simple clothing brand. Ru Mu not only has clothing, but also shoes, bags, scarves, hats, belts and so on.

  It can be said, but in any shopping mall, you can definitely see Ru Mu's figure.

  Because of the particularity of Rumu's brand, it is also a domestic precedent, Jiang Mu is really profitable.

  People of any age can find satisfactory products in Rumu.

   However, Jiang Mu has gradually hidden behind the scenes in the past two years. The management on the bright side is Wen Ru's presence, and Jiang Mu has a thoughtful design.

Now Ru Mu is no longer a brand with only Jiang Mu as a designer. As the business expands, the products must be enriched. It is not impossible to rely on Jiang Mu alone, but if this is the case, all her thoughts and energy , Basically it should be put on this matter, she does not want to.

  So, as early as the one-year period, Ru Mu began to recruit designers. He had to pass the professional level and had a keen sense of fashion and color.

  Jiang Mu personally assessed and recruited four people, all graduated from professional colleges, with solid basic knowledge, and the design of daily objects is fully competent.

  And Jiang Mu was directly promoted to the position of design director. She was responsible for the main products of the brand, which greatly reduced her work pressure.

   But even so, she simply kept the design drawing books, and she was already full of paper boxes.

  There are works that she eliminated, some of which she thinks are not bad, but the designs that do not meet the theme, and more are her dissatisfaction. There are only a few of the designs that she really adopted.

Every time Wen Ru came over and saw the tall cardboard box, she felt violent. This time she saw her put two notebooks in the eliminated cardboard box, she persuaded again, "Mu Mu, Why are you so stubborn? I think your designs are really excellent. Everyone will definitely like them. Is it really appropriate for you to let them lie in a cardboard box and get dusted?"

   "Appropriate." The answer as always.

  "You cruel woman! How can you treat your children so much! Have you considered their feelings when you put them in a small dark room?"

  Wen Ru said with emotion.

   Jiang Mu couldn't help but smile, "I said, Sister Wen, you really haven't given up? Are those designers not enough for you? Why are you focusing on my eliminated design?"

  "Don’t let other designers hear you. Your high-level design is said to be obsolete, so do their works still have a face?"

  Wen Ru said solemnly.

   "I think so too, so you see, I just put all of these into the carton box and put it on the bag, so that no one will see it, and it protects the young minds of those designers."

   Jiang Mu is more solemn than her.

  Wen Ru's mouth twitched. She is still inferior to Jiang Mu in terms of cheeky, she can continue to say this! His face is not red, and he is not breathless.

"You have to hurry up on the design drawings of autumn clothes. You will go to the capital to study in September. Just start school, you must be busy with the design. Don’t wait until that time to be busy with the design drawings, then it’s too late! Don’t wait, you And working overtime day and night upside down."

   Jiang Mu directly took out a picture book from the drawer, “Mr. Wen, you don’t have to worry about it, I’m already ready.”

   "Why is it so fast this time? I remember, you were not so diligent before. If you don't delay to the last second, you will definitely not hand in your manuscript!"

  Wen Ru looked at her suspiciously.

  "If you are dragged by your mother to attend college banquets with various people every day, although you will meet different people every time, you will basically be annoying when you say the same things."

   Jiang Mu looked helpless.

  Zhao Yue’s operation Wen Ru naturally knew that their family was also invited to the college entrance banquet, and even if relatives and friends invited to dinner, the supermarket offered discounts and the clothing store raffle promotion.

  Obviously it is not a holiday, but the intensity of promotion is the biggest in a year, especially in supermarkets.

  This is so happy that some grandparents and housewives have finally encountered such a strong promotion, and stocking must be indispensable.

  Customers have seen the promotional news, so they will inevitably ask the last sentence.

   Before this time, it was Zhao Yue's happiest moment, "My daughter won the city champion in the college entrance examination! I was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts!"

  That proud tone, that show-off look, don't mention how conspicuous it is.

  Therefore, after the college entrance banquet, relatives, friends, family and classmates all knew that Zhao Yue’s daughter was going to work, the customers of the supermarket and the members of the clothing store also knew that the boss had a daughter who had passed the first prize in the city.

  Zhao Yue showed off for half a month before she was satisfied.

  After half a month of promotion, the business of other stores plummeted, and everyone felt that the supermarket would definitely lose money. However, after the financial calculation, not only did not lose money, but also made a fortune.

  (End of this chapter)

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