Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 481: 481 You're Really Rich

  Chapter 481 481 You are so rich

  Nanwu Beimu is talking about the current status of the jade carving industry.

  The main representative of the Southern School is Wu Jianen, and the people of the Northern School are Jiang Mu’s master Mu Tianzheng.

  One of Jiang Mu's main purpose in coming to Pingzhou this time is to meet Old Man Wu.

She is about to go to Beijing to study at university. She is planning to set up a jade carving studio in Beijing. Many of the products in it are carved by herself. There are also masterpieces by her masters. She is regarded as the treasure of the town. But if it is a representative In the jade carving industry, she feels that Mr. Wu's works are still indispensable. This is what happened.

  It’s just that the old man is almost the same as Mu Tianzheng now, in a semi-retired state, and basically doesn’t take a carving knife.

After all, jade carving is a handicraft. It relies on the eyesight and the skill of the hands. When you are older, your eyesight is naturally not as good as when you were young. Also, the hands are not so secure, unless there are special circumstances at this age. Basically, people who don't know how to go out of the mountains, they are all instructing their own apprentices or students, just like Mu Tianzheng.

Jiang Mu came here just to try her luck. Before she became a teacher, she practiced more southern style techniques. Even if she couldn't invite Mr. Wu, she could see the masterpieces of the old man, and her tone was better, and she might be able to meet him for advice. She can also learn a lot from the scenes of younger generations.

  The worst, it’s good to see the old man’s demeanor. Anyway, it’s just to relax, and there is always a goal that can be achieved.

  Old man Wu is free now, and he will go to the jade shop basically every day, and if he meets someone who has made the best jade, he will also take it.

  Because of the old man’s habit, basically anyone who wants to find him will come here to try their luck.

   Jiang Mu didn't see Mr. Wu, so he focused on the wool for the full gambling. After receiving the magnifying glass handed over by Sun Quan, the two began to carefully pick the wool.

  No, it should be said that Jiang Mu is seriously picking wool, and Sun Quan is just pretending to be, there is no way, even if he is serious, he will not be able to see anything famous.

He can identify antiques through a large amount of knowledge accumulation, plus Jiang Mu's guidance, and often go to various antique streets to practice. This is a slight entrance. In addition, he is lucky to compare prices. There are more good things on antique streets, so he can Successfully picked up the leak.

  But it’s a gambling...

  There is no fixed rule at all. Basically, it depends on the accumulation of experience. Relying on your own exploration, the nature of gambling is too great!

  Sun Quan, a man who is particularly stingy with himself, and can never pick up more than 500 yuan, he is naturally more cautious when he comes here to bet on rocks.

  He has already decided, so he will buy one as a commemoration of his graduation trip.

  Notes Sun Quan’s Buddhism, Jiang Mu is more serious.

The top-quality jade is not so easy to see. However, the wool of the Wu family is of good quality, and basically it is the wool that was pulled back from the Lao Pakangchang. The water planting is excellent, and the chance of emerald is very high. This is why , There are such people who come here today.

  Everyone wants to choose first. Although there is no difference in probability, no one wants to choose what others have left.

  Although there are not as many people in the full gambling area as the half gambling area, it is also relative.

  Holding a magnifying glass, there is a group of people squatting in front of the wool to observe carefully. Jiang Mu, a young and tender girl, is particularly conspicuous.

   "Old Bai, what do you think? Is this piece of wool worth a risk?"

"Maybe, looking at the direction of the wild belt and the distribution of the pine flowers, there is a great chance that it will emerge. However, the cracks on the pine flowers are still a bit risky. If the crack is one or two inches, it's okay. If it splits directly along the jade inside, it will be a loss."

"I am also worried about this. If the crack is not that serious, buying this piece will still make a lot of money. Moreover, looking at the area of ​​the incision with such a big man, as long as the greenery extends **** down, it will definitely make a lot of money. ."

   Jiang Mu was in the full gambling area next door, and there was only one aisle with the half gambling area, and she listened to the two people's discussion.

  Gambling on stones, some people bet on cracks, some people bet on water, some people bet on sex, personal habits are different, and the way of selecting wool is also different.

   These two people are obviously gambling.

  It’s just that this piece of wool is a bit too big. It stands on the ground like this. It looks like there must be a few hundred catties. This is simply a giant.

And such a big Mac opened a window with a larger bowl mouth. The greenery was really thick, and there was a mist on the side, and the performance was really good. If it was unlocked, the performance inside was like this, then Definitely valuable.

   Jiang Mu came over and took a look at the price, 6000 yuan a kilogram, her mouth twitched, even if the Big Mac wool is only 500 kilograms, it will cost three million!

   Even if the top jade is solved, if it is too scattered or too light, it will cost you money.

   Jiang Mu finally understood why these people hesitated. Three million is not a small amount. Even the rich must consider it again and again.

  This is a big bet.

   "If the two gentlemen have finished watching, can I see it too?" Jiang Mu's voice is gentle, smiling, and very polite.

  The two of them were surprised for a moment, then turned around and walked away.

Pingzhou has developed well in the past two years. From time to time there are tourists coming. This little girl must have come to play too. The two wanted to see the performance of the wool again. However, everyone took the initiative to speak, and they couldn't take it hard. Wool, this is the rule in this industry. When someone looks at the wool, a third party can’t bother or preemptively bid.

   Both of them are regular visitors to the gambling field. Regarding Jiang Mu's performance, they think that the other party is very polite, and they don't think that the other party is an insider.

And Jiang Mu, a 19-year-old girl, has a fair face and a tender face that can pinch water, full of collagen, and she wears very ordinary clothes. She is not at all like a person who can afford such expensive wool. , The two only thought she was here to join in the fun, and they did not guard against her, and continued to discuss with each other.

  After all, if you really buy this piece of wool, you have to cooperate with the two of them, and the pressure of more than three million is still very high for the two. If you cooperate, you can share the risk and the pressure will be much less.

  "I think I can take a gamble. Whether it is the window or the direction of Songhua, the performance is too good. Although the price is a bit more expensive, as long as the greenery penetrates **** into it, we will make a profit."

  "Old Bai, this must be careful! I don't feel very good. This crack is not shallow, even if the green infiltrates two fingers, if the crack passes through the jade, there is waste, and nothing can be done."

Jiang Mu nodded secretly, she should be more cautious. This is not a small crack. She has a kind of intermittent perception. This shows that there is a problem with the jade inside, either there are impurities or cracks. Combined with the outside view, it should be This crack is affected.

"It seems that we are really fate, even the wools we look at are the same." I didn't see Mr. Wu, Huo Shi changed direction and purchased wools first. Since we are going to open a jewelry store, sufficient raw materials are indispensable. .

  Jiang Mu put away the magnifying glass, smiling but not smiling, "Did you like this one?"

"This is the first piece I fancy. I bought it as soon as I entered the venue. It's just that there are too many customers here, this piece of wool is too heavy, and requires a forklift. Before it can be transported away, I put it here first, but The money has been paid, and it is now my wool."

  Huoshi's voice is not loud, just so that everyone around can hear it.

  Everyone can't help feeling a little pity, especially the two who just planned to buy this piece of wool, their tempers suddenly came up.

   "What's the matter? Since it has been traded, don't put it here! Isn't this a waste of our time?"

   "No, it's not easy for us to come here once. We have looked at this piece of wool for more than an hour. Isn't this a waste of time?"

The tone of the two was not good, and a man dressed in decent clothes explained mildly, “I’m really sorry, the wool of this batch is too big. There is only a forklift in the store, which was not transported in time. However, we have already A sold sign is hung on the wool."

  The man pointed to the top of the wool. A rectangular wooden sign was hung on it with the words "Sold" engraved on it.

  It’s just that, compared with wool, this little wooden sign is so small that it’s easy to overlook and everyone hasn’t seen it.

  The two men were still very angry. They were angry at the way in the shop. They also blamed themselves for being careless and not paying attention to such details.

   "In order to make amends, the two men bought a 10% discount on the wool that they bought in the store today." Wu Yu's last sentence finally dispelled the anger of the two.

  Jiang Mu raised his brows slightly. Sure enough, there are some means. It is not unreasonable that Wu's jade shop can become the largest wool trading place in Jade Street.

   "Mr. Huo, I'm sorry. The most experienced master in the shop has prepared all the wool that you buy." Wu Yu said with a smile.

  Huo Shidao didn’t care about this episode. Instead, he cared more about Jiang Mu’s reaction. He pointed to the calcite machine not far away, where a piece of wool was already placed, "Would you like to visit?"

Jiang Mu could tell at a glance, this is the 5000 yuan a kilogram wool, he still bought it, and then look at the 6000 yuan a kilogram, she shook her head pityingly, "It seems you are really very rich."

Huo Shi, who was pityed, was very puzzled.

  He has a handsome appearance, studied abroad, and has an extraordinary family background. He is also the heir to hundreds of millions of fortunes. Shouldn't he be the envy of everyone? Why are you pityed?

  Also, he is very rich, didn’t she already know it? Why do I have to repeat a sentence?

  Insight is inexplicable.

  With the sound of the calcite machine cracking and cutting the stone, Huo Shi has been thinking non-stop.

  After he spent nearly 4 million to untie all the wool, he suddenly realized that you are really rich, and you are so rich that you can spend so much money to buy a pile of wool that can't be solved.

  Huo Shi made up what she hadn’t finished saying in his heart.

  Looking at the wool that has been cut into pieces, nearly 4 million spent out, in exchange for these useless stones.

  Thinking that Jiang Mu reminded him just now that although it costs more to buy raw materials, it is less risky than gambling on rocks. At that time, she should be really sincere in giving him advice.

  He focused on why she knew his plan. He didn't care about her proposal. When he thought of this, Huo Shi twitched his lips with a mockery. He also sometimes misunderstood the person!

   Isn’t he just a little girl, he was so worried, so cautious, when did his courage become so small?

  Huo Shi adjusted his mentality, and then looked at the waste that was solved in this circle on the ground, and there was not so much emotion. It is worth the change of mentality to buy 4 million!

  It’s just that, my future step-sister is very capable. She has an extraordinary vision of wool. It is impossible to bet on these two pieces of wool at a glance. This vision alone is not something ordinary people can have!

  This little girl is a bit mysterious.

  Wu Yu, who was standing on the side, has been paying attention to Huo Shi’s expression since the gambling of the two pieces of wool was all over.

  He considered the sentence, “Huo Shao can bring a master to be a consultant for the next stone gambling. In many cases, the master’s experience is very important.”

  Huo Shi smiled, "You have just seen the two pieces of wool I bought. Before the stone, do you see that this will be the result?"

  Wu Yu also smiled, "How is this possible? As the old saying goes, it's hard for a **** to break an inch, and even a **** can't do things, how can I do it?"

Huo Shi was a little curious, "You mean, no one can do it?"

   "It's not that there are no people. Some experienced masters can still tell with the accumulation of experience. However, people who can have such vision are basically not ordinary people!"

  Wu Yu explained.

   "The little girl is pretty good." Huo Shi praised her heartily.

  Wu Yu is not clear. However, seeing that even if he loses nearly 4 million, he still has no anger, and maintains proper manners and manners, Wu Yu is relieved.

  It’s just that today is the first day they returned from sourcing goods from Myanmar. Many big bosses moved when they heard the sound. More people were buying wool for the first time. For this reason, they traveled far and wide.

  However, they haven't even let off the firecrackers from morning until now.

  Guests who choose jieshi basically lost their gambling, and occasionally there are a few who come out of Cui, but they are just flat, let alone a big increase.

  If this situation is not broken again, and no high-quality jadeite appears, it may be difficult for them to sell this batch of wool.

  He is personally responsible for this batch of wool, and he personally selected it with the experienced elderly in the shop. The funds are almost the most used since the shop started the wool business.

  If the current situation is not broken, let alone make a big profit, whether this batch of wool can be sold is a question.

   "Oh, it's broken again! I have been standing here for an hour, and I haven't encountered a big increase. What's going on today? Is it everyone's bad luck, or is there a problem with this batch of wool?"

  "How could there be a problem with the wool? This is the pit of the decent old Paganchang. It must be the big guy who has bad luck and didn't choose a good wool."

  "I said, why are you so stubborn? There are so many calcite machines here. The whole morning has passed, but there is no calcite machine to solve the good material. Isn't this a problem of wool?"


  The ears were full of such discussions, and Wu Yu frowned.

  (End of this chapter)

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