Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 483: 483 Don't be too narcissistic (double more in one)

  Chapter 483 Chapter 483 Don’t be too narcissistic (double more in one)

  Wu Yu handed the lighter to Jiang Mu, gambling on the rise and setting off firecrackers to celebrate. This is also the rule. As the owner of wool, this honor is naturally hers.

Jiang Mu only let off firecrackers during the Chinese New Year and was very interested in this event. She was not welcome or afraid. She slid the gear of the lighter, and a cluster of flames sprang up. The lead burned. For a moment, the crackling of firecrackers suddenly Rang.

  Jade Street originally had a lot of people, and the lively firecrackers rang out, and immediately attracted a lot of people.

  In Jade Street, everyone is very sensitive to the sound of firecrackers. After all, firecrackers will be set off to celebrate only when the bet goes up.

However, for those who come to bet on stone, the increase in gambling is a good sign. Business people believe in these things. Seeing which store has a gambling increase, they naturally want to go over it. At the very least, Good luck is also good.

The crisis was lifted, and the customers in the store saw that someone was finally betting on the increase, and it was still soaring. The high-ice apple green is half the size of a football. It is estimated that a dozen pairs of bracelets can be taken out, and some leftover materials are made. Pendants, ring noodles, pendants, etc. are perfectly fine.

  How can you sell millions of finished products? This is still the minimum standard.

   "Little girl, good luck! The wool bought for 50,000 yuan has gone up so much!" There are already jade merchants who are rushing over like a shark that smells of blood.

  "I'll pay half a million, sell me this piece of material. You made ten times in the blink of an eye!" The chubby jade merchant said with a smile.

"I said Lao Kou, your surname is Kou, and you don’t have a surname. Is it really good to be so stingy? This is a high ice seed, and you are embarrassed to open it with half a million. Little girl, I will sell it for 800,000. Me."

  "I will pay 900,000 yuan!" The chubby boss Kou was not upset, and directly increased the price.


  At the time of bidding, the stone master has already taken out all the jade materials.

  The crystal-clear apple green exudes a moist glow in the sun. This is the low-key and restrained nature of jade. It has such a gloss before polishing. After polishing, it will definitely be more beautiful.

  The price has been called to 1.5 million, Jiang Mu is still unmoved.

  This piece of jade material can reach this price, which is already very high.

  However, Jiang Mu still did not react at all, so the jade merchants who participated in the bidding were a bit stressed.

  "Little girl, what is your price? Can't we keep adding it like this?"

   Jiang Mu regained his senses, "How many have you shouted now?"

  The people who shouted: "..."

   Dare to fight their wits and courage here, this righteous master didn't even listen to it, it was hard to say anything.

   "I'm paying 1.8 million, can this piece of jade be sold to me?" Huo Shi also participated in the bidding.

   Jiang Mu looked at the jade material, estimated the price, and then thought about it again. It has been resolved that the material is not easy to transport. Although this material is good, she does not lack it.


  Huo Shi was very satisfied. After coming over this time, I finally gained something.

There is a bank next to the jade shop. Because there are often large transactions in the store, Wu Yu is already a VIP customer at this bank. Don’t edit the transfer or anything too much. Looking at the extra numbers on the passbook, Jiang Mu narrowed his eyes and smiled. Satisfaction.

  Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

Steward Luo collected the jade materials personally, and Jiang Mu was very serious about clarifying, "Your young master wants to do business with me, but it is not my initiative. Moreover, we are normal and clean money transactions, and there is no other conspiracy. ."

  Ro housekeeper: "..."

  How it feels even stranger to say that.

"Three, you have already seen the result of calcite. There is no problem with our wool. We couldn't solve the jade well before. It's just because you have bad luck and bad eyesight. You have a very normal gambling failure. There is nothing wrong with the wool. Any relationship."

  Wu Yu is now full of confidence, the worry at the beginning is gone, and the back is straight.

None of the three men thought that no one had gambled up all morning, and there were very few greens. Even if it was green, the color was not very good. I thought it would be a success this time, but I didn’t expect it to be true. Let the other party solve a piece of good stuff!

The man pretending to be a tourist stopped pretending, and even the local accent came out, "Isn’t it just a gambling increase? What does that mean? You can’t just look at this piece of wool, because so many customers were gambled before. Up."

  This is obviously a strong word, Wu Yu sneered, "Want to make trouble?"

   "You can't say the same thing. I represent the majority of customers and fight for our interests."

   "Yeah, customers don't want to be represented by you." Jiang Mu suddenly interrupted.

  Three people: "..."

  There are still three people who have not said anything, and they just hold back.

  "It has gone up! It has gone up again! This piece has gone up again!" Suddenly, there was another exclamation sound beside the stone machine.

  The three men did not react, and then they were squeezed out by the crowd.

   "Little girl, amazing! Real people don't show their faces!" Wu Yu smiled brightly, and his words were full of excitement.

   "So so, or your wool is genuine!" Jiang Mu said as he looked at the three men who had struggled to squeeze in.

  Three people: "..."

   I really want to curse.

  "Golden silk hibiscus species!" Someone could not help but marvel after seeing the true face of the jade material.

  "It's still Shunsi! The background is light green, and even the part of the floating flowers is so clear. It is a golden hibiscus, and I haven't seen it for a long time."

  Looking at the material, the jade merchants have a vicious eye. When they see a piece of material, they have already calculated in their brains what kind of jewelry this piece of jade material can do.

   Then there is a series of scrambles.

  However, how can these people compete with Huo Shi, this person's banknote ability is definitely the top of all.

Seeing this situation, the three of them no longer had the arrogance they had before. They used the high ice species before, and now they are the golden silk hibiscus species. They all bet up. If they say there is a problem with the wool, no one will believe it. .

  The sound of firecrackers sounded again, and the three of them had no hope for today's mission, and they would come back another day.

  Then, the next thing made them feel that they don’t want to come over another day, this matter is not going to happen.

All six pieces in a row were solved, all of them soared. There was even one piece that solved the emperor green, fist-sized material. The price has been soaring. The jade merchants have their eyes bright, and they can’t wait to hold this piece of material directly. Come back home.

  The emperor in the emerald, the preciousness can be imagined.

  This can be regarded as the treasure of the town shop. The emperor green is too rare. It belongs to the kind that can be met but cannot be expected. Now that you see it, you will naturally not let it go.

Huo Shi is no exception.

  Since he wants to open a jewelry store, he naturally knows the jade level very well. After seeing the emperor green, he also makes a decisive bid.

"five million!"

"Eight million!"

"Ten million!"

  "12 million!" Huo Shi made a decisive bid.

   Jiang Mu overturned the wool in his hand, his gaze shifted from the wool in his hand, and smiled at everyone, "I didn't say I want to sell it."

  Many jade merchants in full swing shouting and shouting looked at Jiang Mu speechlessly.

   "It's useless if you don't sell it and keep it." This is usual persuasion.

   "Little girl, you are in such a big limelight today, holding such a baby on your body, it is easy to be targeted, it is better to change everything into money and put it in the bank, which is safer."

  This is a slightly threatening suggestion.

   "Although the law and order in Pingzhou is good, you are not afraid of 10,000 yuan, just in case, so if you sell it to me, I can leave a piece to help you make some jewelry, how about?"

  This is tempting.

Huo Shi was also a little excited. This was not the first time he saw Emperor Green, but it was the first time he saw Emperor Green unravel from a stone.

   "I can do everything they say, and I can raise the price to 15 million!"

  Everyone looked at Huo Shi, the original price was already high, but he instantly increased the price by three million, which is not something ordinary people with financial resources can do.

  At first glance, it is the master of abundant capital!

  A few other people who wanted to buy died instantly.

   Fighting for financial resources, they definitely can't fight it.

However, several jewelers glanced at each other. Although everyone is usually a competitor, but there are many times when dealing with each other. This person is obviously not an insider, but today he swallowed so many precious pieces of jade in one breath. , There will definitely be big moves afterwards.

   And the other party has strong financial resources, it is too easy to enter the jewelry market, they must seriously think about coping strategies when they go back, and they must not be robbed of market share.

  Everyone has different thoughts, and has no intention to stay and watch the two trade. Compared with the gains and losses of a piece of jade, it is obvious that the news that someone wants to enter the jewelry market strongly attracts everyone's attention.

  After the jewelers were gone, Huo Shi was relieved and couldn't help feeling, "Today is really a bumper harvest, thank you for your suggestion."

Butler Luo's impression of Jiang Mu has changed dramatically. This little girl is really extraordinary! At least her talents in gambling on rocks are beyond the reach.

  If the young master can have her help, it will definitely be even more powerful!

   Thinking of this, Steward Luo smiled, “Miss Jiang, happy cooperation, this emperor green is of great help to our young master.”

   Jiang Mu only slightly curled the corners of his lips, showing an innocent smile, "What does this have to do with me?"

  Housekeeper Luo's face suddenly changed, "What do you mean?"

   "It means when did I say I was going to sell the emperor green?" Jiang Mu blinked a pair of apricot eyes. At this time, they had invited the boss Wu Yu to rest in the innermost VIP room.

  Huo Shi had just sat down and wanted to drink water, but now, he doesn’t even drink water, frowning and looking at the girl sitting opposite him, "Why don’t you sell it?"

   "Why should I sell?" Jiang Mu asked back.

   "What's the use if you keep it if you don't sell it?" Huo Shi asked.

  "This is my problem. What does it have to do with you? The relationship between us should not be at the bottom where we can talk about our private affairs? After all, it is better for us not to interfere with each other."

  Jiang Mu directly returned the warning from the previous steward Luo to her, and the two of them heard the same thing.

   "Because of this, you are not selling the emperor green?" Huo Shi did not expect that this little girl was such a vengeful person.

   "If it is because of this, I can apologize to you for my inappropriate words and impolite attitude." Butler Luo was very straightforward and bowed for ninety degrees. It can be said that this apologizing is very sincere.

   Jiang Mu raised his eyelids, "Have you always been so narcissistic? It's extremely important to think about yourself! Think your words and attitudes will have a huge impact on others?"

   "I'm sorry, what you do has no effect on me. Any decision I make is based on my personal needs and has nothing to do with you."

   Manager Luo felt that he must have had a brain convulsion just now, and that Jiang Mu was very good!

  This person has a bad personality, and she still can't let her stay with the young master, or maybe she will be killed by this popularity sometime!

"Since you don't want to sell, why didn't you say it when you were outside? You still listened so seriously to everyone's bids?" Huo Shi asked, his ability to accept well, but was slightly surprised for a moment, in the impression of his future stepsister. , Added a poison tongue tag.

"Of course it's a diversion. I am a little girl holding a piece of emperor green, how dangerous it is! If it is sold, it will be different. It is estimated that everyone now thinks that I have sold the emperor green to you. "

  Jiang Mu said with a straightforward and confident expression, with the same expression on the slightest guilty conscience.

   "So, we are your shield?" Huo Shiqi smiled. Within a year, I was stumped by a person how many times, plus I calculated it once. This is really Su Shuang's life experience.

  "Don’t say things that are so ugly. What a shield is not a shield. At best, we did not reach an agreement during the transaction process of Emperor Green. We can only say that our cooperation has failed."

  Jiang Mu laughed out of Huya. She was very satisfied with the result. The emperor green is so precious. She is the one who wants to open a jade carving studio. With such a good material, one piece is less than one piece. The more is better. How could she sell it to others?

   really sounds better than singing, Huo Shi still doesn’t give up, “You can mention the conditions, how can you make this imperial green?”

Jiang Mu gave him a faint look, "I'm sorry, I don't need anything you can give. I think Steward Luo is right, we still try not to have any contact, so that you can be at ease, I will also be at ease, and each other Good, very good."

  Huo Shi saw that she really didn’t want to sell, so he gave up, “We will go back to Shenzhen tomorrow, and you can go back with us.”

   "Why? Want to rob halfway?" Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows and asked.

   Huo Shi grinned his teeth, "I have a bodyguard, it is safer to go back with us, and the province was robbed by someone with a heart?"

   "No, thank you. No one knows that the emperor green is on my body. Even if someone wants the emperor green, those people will hijack you and stay with you, and it will be dangerous."

   Jiang Mu unceremoniously refused.

  The housekeeper Luo felt that his young master was about to die of anger, and immediately changed the subject, "Master, Master Wu is here."

  Huo Shi took a step forward quickly, but felt a gust of wind blowing by his side, leaving a faint fragrance, and a figure walked up to Old Man Wu before him.

   It's the beginning of the month~

    , don’t forget the free monthly pass~



  (End of this chapter)

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