Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 494: 494 Are You A Girl Hooligan?

  Chapter 494 494 Are you a female gangster

  This is a useful and good season. It is a very enjoyable thing to take a sea cruise at this time.

  Huo Baozhu specializes in swimming, and her swimming posture is very beautiful. She doesn't know anything about butterfly or backstroke.

  Because she likes to swim, she often asks her friends to swim with her, and her swimsuit can almost be as many as her regular clothes.

  At this time, the swimsuits are still tending to be conservative, but Huo Baozhu’s swimsuits are all bought from Europe and the United States. Although they are not as exaggerated as the three-point style, they are all sexually sensitive styles.

  She was already fair skin, and now she put on a lace-up black swimsuit, and her proud figure was fully displayed in the sun.

  It can be said that among the many ladies and ladies, if you just talk about swimwear, Huo Baozhu and Yuanyuan are the most eye-catching.

  White, beautiful and long legs, people can't look away.

  In contrast, Jiang Mu's swimsuit is a very ordinary one-piece. She is not conservative, but Zhao Yue prepared both her swimsuit and Sun Quan's swimsuit. She had no choice but to accept the worry from her mother.

  Furthermore, if you compare her figure, the nineteen-year-old can't compare with Huo Baozhu, who is in her twenties. Now she is not bad in wearing this one-piece style.

   "Sure enough, it is from the mainland, poor and backward, your swimsuit is too old-fashioned!" Huo Baozhu, who had torn his face, didn't leave any face for the other party.

   Jiang Mu embraced his chest with both hands, smiling but not smiling, "I know you are ignorant, but can you cover it up? Otherwise, it is difficult for me to control my IQ not to despise you."

   "What did you say!" Jiang Mu's words were equivalent to pointing her nose to curse her. How could Huo Baozhu bear such a grievance?

"I don’t deny that there are indeed some places in the mainland that are poor and backward, but that can’t represent the whole continent. When you were in school, you didn’t learn it before and can’t be generalized? There are also many cities in the mainland that are developing rapidly, such as the capital, such as the Shanghai stock market. Such as Shenzhen."

   "Like you, I like to make generalizations and think that anyone from the mainland is poor and backward. It has no meaning other than exposing your ignorance."

  Huo Baozhu just wanted to explain, a group of Huo Shi had changed their swimming trunks and walked out.

  To tell the truth, Huo Shi’s people are all good looking, at least handsome, they may like sports, their muscles are very good, wide shoulders, narrow waist, six-pack abs, Huo Shi even has a mermaid line!

  It's really not good to look at it!

  This group of single men and women got together, and the air was immediately filled with male hormones, and an ambiguous breath of air began to spread.

   Jiang Mu couldn't help blowing a whistle.

  The long whistle made those ambiguities on the trip disappear suddenly.

   Regardless of whether it is a man or a girl, he turned his attention to her. There was no way, the whistle was too loud, it was just like the little gangsters on the street.

  Everyone is familiar with this kind of whistle, especially girls, who basically go out shopping, they will encounter this kind of indiscreet whistle. Every time they hear it, they always feel that they are not respected.

  I just heard it today, and I didn’t feel disrespected at all.

  Because Jiang Mu was blowing to those men.

The men headed by Huo Shi feel that the atmosphere is weird. With their identities, they will naturally not be rude enough to whistle to beautiful girls. However, if they do not whistle, it does not mean that they have not heard other friends whistle. .

  It used to be nothing to hear from people around me, but now, it feels a bit sour to hear others blow to them.

The person with the best relationship with Huo Shi pushed his arm, "No, what's the matter with your future stepsister? Does she know what it means to whistle? She just blew it at us, right? ?"

  Huo Shi looked at Jiang Mu walking around them with no concealment. He was very helpless. It was the first time he saw a girl who had such an undisguised and generous appreciation of their figure.

   He didn't open his eyes, didn't blush, he wanted to see it, but he was so shy, he didn't dare to raise his head at all. What this person looked at was a blatant one, and he didn't shy away from it.

  "Are you satisfied with what you saw?"

Jiang Mu nodded in an eventful manner, "It's not satisfactory, but you have the best figure. Look at this abs and look at this mermaid line. It's perfect. If the company you founded someday goes bankrupt, you can still do it. Be a model."

Huo Shi's mouth twitched, "Thank you very much for admiring my figure, but my company will never go bankrupt. Such an assumption does not exist!"

  Jiang Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he noticed that when Huo Shi was talking about the company, he was not so calm and confident. He would also worry and fear.

  It seems that he is under a lot of pressure, so big that he can't even make jokes.

  "I was wrong just now. The company you opened will definitely increase its performance and expand its scale. It will open branches within one year, occupy the southern market within two years, and then expand to the whole country.

   Jiang Mu hurriedly looked for supplements.

Huo Shi's mouth twitched, "That doesn't need to be so exaggerated."

   Jiang Mu talked very happily here, but Huo Baozhu, who started looking for trouble, was very quiet, as if isolated from the bustle here.

  Huo Baozhu strode over, separated Jiang Mu and Huo Shi from the middle, forcibly interrupted the conversation between the two, "Let’s go swimming, the weather is too hot."

  She gave Jiang Mu provocatively, “If someone can’t swim, then don’t go into the water. After all, swimming is not something anyone can practice.”

   "Don't wait for anything to happen, and we have to bother to save people. We don't have that time! I hope you are a little self-knowledge and don't cause trouble to others!"

  This time, Huo Baozhu learned to be smart. After putting down the mocking words, she left immediately, and she didn't give Jiang Mu a chance to refute at all. In this way, she could be invincible.

  Everyone just came out to play. After everyone went into the water, Jiang Mu also got into the water. In this kind of weather, it is also a kind of happiness to be able to soak in the sea with a suitable temperature.

  Huo Baozhu used her proud swimming skills and her graceful posture as soon as she hit the water, it looked like she was swimming in the sea. For a while, the warm applause came to mind on the sea.

  After two laps, Huo Baozhu almost used all the skills and movements she knew once, and then leaned on the table to rest. Jiang Mu, who was among the crowd, was also trying to swim.

  She can swim, but she hasn’t been in the water for a long time. Now she needs a little time to recover.

   However, when Jiang Mu was making preparations, Huo Baozhu happened to see him.

   Immediately afterwards, the chuckle spread quickly.

   "I think you should wear a swimming ring. It is safer. We don't have to worry about it. Just your posture, don't be embarrassed!"

  (End of this chapter)

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