Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 496: 496 awaiting modification

  Chapter 496 496 Awaiting revision

   "What nonsense are you talking about? What admirer? I don't like Huo Shi!" Yuanyuan's suddenly raised voice is simply the best expression of guilty conscience.

Huo Shi was also shocked. He looked at Jiang Mu and Yuanyuan again. He noticed her reddish cheeks and twinkling eyes, and he knew that what Jiang Mu said was true.

   "You heard that Yuanyuan doesn't like you. You can stay away from her in the future, so as not to delay other people's peach blossoms. After all, she is more than 20 years old, so it should be the age to find someone."

   Jiang Mu followed her words.

   Yuanyuan's face changed suddenly, and her gaze when she looked at Huo Shi was even more alarmed, "No, I didn't mean that, I don't have any other peach blossoms!"

   Jiang Mu raised his lips slightly and smiled brightly, "Oh, in addition to being capricious, you also like duplicity in the upper class. As a young man of the Five Goods, it is better to stay away."

   Yuanyuan who suddenly reacted: "..."

   Jiang Mu vs Huo Baozhu, Yuanyuan.

  Jiang Mu wins!

Huo Shi felt a headache and could only change the subject, "This is a very good diving site, do you want to go to the bottom of the sea to see? There is a diving instructor on it."

   "Huo Shi, do you think that people who can only swim can only dive in such advanced projects? Their background can't support them to learn to dive."

  Wei Jiaqi also started taunting. The girl he likes is being bullied, so he naturally wants to help out.

   "There is a coach on board." While talking, Huo Shi had already asked someone to take out the diving equipment, and the coach was in place.

   "It is really necessary to learn, otherwise, I will not participate in any gatherings in the future, and I will not even be able to dive. It is the Huo family's face that I will lose!" Wei Jiaqi glanced at Sun Quan, and his mocking tone was even worse.

"I said that Mr. Wei, you might have misunderstood. Even if Aunt Zhao married Uncle Zhou, I have nothing to do with the Huo family. I am not the son of Aunt Zhou, and Brother Mu is the daughter of Aunt Zhao, so You don't have to worry about the person you like, I will lose the face of the Huo family."

  Sun Quan explained.

   Wei Jia, who has not even remembered his name, looked at Huo Shi in surprise: He is not your future stepmother’s son?

  Huo Shi naturally understands the details: no.

   Wei Jia frowned: Then why didn’t you say it at the beginning?

  Huo Shi: Why should I say?

  Wei Jiaqi: "……"

  Jiang Mu was too lazy to deal with the lawsuit between the two of them. She came out to relax today. She was out to play. She will not let anyone or anything affect her leisure and relaxation mood.

  At this time, she still started to check the diving equipment.

  "If you know, don’t touch it randomly. This set of diving equipment was imported from abroad. The price is too high for you to imagine. If it breaks, can you afford it?"

Huo Baozhu warned.

   Jiang Mu ignored her, "Is there ten million?"

  Huo Baozhu: "...Don't lift the bar! No amount of expensive diving equipment is so expensive!"

   "Then I can afford it."

Jiang Mu continued to check the equipment. She didn’t let go of any slight points. She hasn’t dived for a long time. However, before diving, the necessary inspection work must be in place. She is still wary of Huo Shi, if she really Once it’s launched, once something goes wrong with the equipment, it will be fatal.

"Don't pretend to behave, do you think we will believe you can dive by doing this?" Huo Baozhu mocked, "It's just a matter of face, everyone is not a three-year-old child, no one will believe it! You still Stop your ridiculous behavior!"

   Jiang Mu didn’t lift his head either, and wrote lightly: “Don’t think too much of yourself. Do you believe it or not, it has something to do with me?”

Huo Baozhu wanted to say something more, but she was held back by Yuanyuan, "Baozhu, this is your fault. Jiang Mu should be really good at diving and familiar with diving equipment. You can see that she touched all the equipment all over. "

  Huo Baozhu immediately understood. From the tacit understanding of her best friend, she immediately said, “Should we compare one? See who dived deeper? Stay underwater for a long time?”

  Checked all the equipment, the equipment is well maintained, with advanced functions, and there are no safety hazards. Jiang Mu was in a very good mood, his tone of speech became better, and his attitude became more sincere.

  "I finally discovered one of your strengths. Although you are capricious, you are very self-aware. After seeing my swimming, I know that if you compare swimming, you will definitely lose. I did not propose to swim with me."

  Huo Baozhu, who was pricked in the center,’s cheeks hot, "Don't worry about him! Don't dare to compare, what's the use of saying that there are none?"

Yuanyuan was also arguing, "Actually, you don’t have anything to compare with Baozhu. After all, you can’t access these items at all from your background, and we can understand it. However, if you obviously don’t, it’s If you don’t know how to pretend to understand and brag about the scene, that would be too shameful!"

   “Yes, it’s good if you don’t know how to learn. Everyone will never come to the meeting. It’s nothing. But if you lie for the sake of face, it’s a matter of moral character!”

  Wei Jia Qi is in line.

  Jiang Mu: "It is not a shame to like good boys and beautiful girls. If you deny lying because of embarrassment, it is a matter of moral character."

   Yuanyuan, Wei Jia looked at each other: there is connotation.

  "Don't talk nonsense! How are you going to compare? Don't dare to compare, don't change the subject!" Huo Baozhu pulled the topic back again.

   "Since you can't think so much and want to compete with me, then I will look at Uncle Huo's face and give you an eye-opening opportunity!"

   Jiang Mu is about to go diving.

   Yuanyuan: "Speak up without shame!"

  Wei Jiaqi: "I can't help myself!"

  Huo Baozhu: "Arrogant!"

  Huo Shi was a little nervous, "You don’t have to force it, and it’s nothing if you don’t participate. Orb is a bit self-willed. You can understand if you don’t participate."

  If something happens to this person, how can he explain to Daddy?

   "Brother! Why did you turn your elbow away? She is not your sister, I am! We have the same blood, even if the uncle married her mommy, you are only legally related!"

  Huo Baozhu yelled dissatisfied, she looked at him suspiciously, "Could it be that you don’t think about her?"

   Yuanyuan was agitated, and immediately looked at Jiang Mu and Huo Shi, a heart was lifted, and she watched nervously at their reactions.

  Huo Shi: "Don't talk nonsense!"

   Jiang Mu: "Am I blind?"

  The two said in unison.

Huo Shi laughed angrily, turned his head to look at the little girl he was protecting, "What do you mean? I'm so bad? Make you so disgusted?"

   Jiang Mu replied in a serious manner: "You have a lot of trouble, you have no self-knowledge? I want to live a few more years."

  Huo Shi, who had just experienced an assassination, instantly lost his arrogance.

  Everyone is at a loss, is your relationship so good?

  There are little secrets we don’t know!

    is changed~~



  (End of this chapter)

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