Chapter 499 499 All for eating to fly (1)

   "What bullshit! She will become my sister, we are a family." Huo Shi frowned and said.

  Qin San's eyes became more interested, "You actually used swear words. You have always been strict with yourself and pay more attention to manners. Now you are even speaking bad words. This person is still different to you from ordinary people."

  Huo Shi did not say a word.

  "Besides, what kind of sister is just a step-sister, and there is no blood relationship, so it does not hinder anything at all." Qin San continued.

  Huo Shi's eye corners faintly swept over, "The more you talk, the more ridiculous, I will say less in the future. Isn't there enough chaos around me now?"

  Qin San stopped joking, "Let's talk about it, what's going on this time? I heard that the police have caused trouble."

  Huo Shi did not hide it, and gave a detailed account of what happened on the mainland.

  The people who had already gone to the sea at this time were trying hard to find the car keys hidden by Qin San.

  Jiang Mu's footsteps were a bit slower than everyone else. He hadn't been in the sea for a long time and didn't experience the magnificent beauty.

  She dived deeper and deeper, looking at the various corals and water plants around her, small fish schools of different colors, luminous jellyfish, colorful, very beautiful.

Jiang Muru is a flexible fish swimming in the sea. She can feel the familiar breath from all directions, which makes her very comfortable, physically and mentally happy, the kind of fit from the soul, Jiang Mu is only in the antiques and fineness of the old years. I've only seen it on the emerald.

  She stopped by a coral, and a group of small yellow fish swam by her side, and suddenly understood that the sea has existed since ancient times, and the ancient sea navigation was also very developed.

  However, technology was limited at that time, and risk aversion was weak.

  Furthermore, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, let alone ancient times, even now, when fishermen are fishing at sea, they still encounter wind and waves, boats are destroyed and people die, let alone ancient times.

  There are countless ancient merchant ships sinking. In this vast ocean, I don’t know how many shipwrecks are buried, let alone how many good ancient objects are left here.

  These objects that have gone through the years of tempering will naturally exude their aura. In fact, they are no different from antiques and jade.

   Jiang Mu wanted to understand all this, and continued to swim.

  Looking at the people who have traveled far away, they are also preparing to accelerate. After all, it is a Bentley, and my mother is also majestic when driving on the road.

  As soon as she was about to accelerate, she felt a strong attraction.

  She directly turned her direction and swam towards the place where she felt most powerful. It's just that it's just a red coral, she touched it directly, and she didn't feel anything special.

  If there is really something special in it, she should be able to feel it.

  She touched the surrounding shells and conch, her eyes lit up suddenly, and someone on the bottom of the sea wanted to laugh out loud.

  Looking at the surrounding shells and conch, she knocked off a conch without much effort. These conch are all growing on the cliff, and the small pieces are absorbed.

  I was very happy when I was prying it, but, it’s just that, looking at so many conch in her hand, the question is, how can she take it ashore?

   Jiang Mu began to look for tools to carry in the sea.

  Although the best way is to go back to the yacht, get a net bag or something, and dive in again, but Jiang Mu is very lazy and doesn't want to be so troublesome.

   With the idea of ​​taking local materials, Jiang Mu looked around, paying attention to the materials that could be used.

  She was lucky, but she found a fishing net discarded by a fisherman. Seriously speaking, this should not be considered a fishing net, it should be a small piece of the fishing net.

  Who is Jiang Mu, but if you can use it, you will never dislike it.

  She wraps it around, wraps it around, got a temporary net bag, and put all the conch pried from the stone wall in it.

Sun Quan admired the bright and colorful scenery on four and five weeks. After getting acquainted with the feeling of shallow water and the pressure of the seabed, he began to dive in a crowded direction. On the way, he saw Jiang Mu like a hardworking bee. .

  He was puzzled, and patted her on the shoulder: Didn’t you find the car key? Why did it become a conch catch?

   Jiang Mu made a gesture to eat, and Sun Quan immediately understood and joined the team.

  However, his goal is not the large snails adsorbed on the mountain wall, but the shells on the corals. These shellfish are grilled without any seasoning, but they are cooked over charcoal fire, and they are fresh and tender, and they are simply delicious.

The two of them struggled to eat here, while others focused all their attention on finding the car keys. The people who went to the sea were all for Bentley. There are some who are good at diving, such as Huo Baozhu, and some who are not good at diving. , Such as Yuanyuan.

  With the passage of time every minute, there is a significant difference between those who understand diving and those who do not understand diving.

   Yuanyuan couldn't hold on at first, but after fifteen minutes, she showed up, and a diving instructor took her to the yacht.

   "San Shao, where did you hide the car key? So many of us have not found it! Are you sure you really put the car key in the sea?"

   Yuanyuan asked while wiping her hair.

   "That's natural, otherwise I went to see fish in the sea before?" Qin San said with a smile.

   "Qin Sanzang has a good hand, you probably will have to spend a lot of work this time." Huo Shi said with a light smile.

   Yuanyuan fell into this faint smile. At this moment, in her eyes and heart, there was only this handsome and elegant man.

   "Don't look, people don't know how to run here. Go change your clothes and take a shower. It's not uncomfortable on this hot day, right?" Qin San said with a smile.

  Yuanyuan glared at him, and she blushed a little when she was teased. When she looked at Huo expectantly, he still had no response.

  A faint disappointment surged from the bottom of her heart. She liked Huo Shi, everyone could see it, and the friends around knew that only Huo Shi didn't notice it.

  Looking at Yuanyuan Xiachang changing clothes, Qin San pushed her friend's arm, "Hey, are you blind? Didn't you see that she liked you?"

   "How do you see it? What if you can't see it?" Huo Shi's gaze was still on the vast blue sea, and his tone was not wavering.

   "No, you can't give some reaction? Are you disappointed when you don't see her? If you don't like her, tell them as soon as possible, don't let people keep wasting time on you!"

   Qin San said.

   "She didn't confess, she didn't say that she liked me, so I went straight to people and said something messy, they would only think that I was affectionate."

  Huo Shi explained.

  "No, I think Yuanyuan is pretty good, from a wealthy family, has a good reputation in the circle, flower arrangement, tea art, piano, painting, everything is very good, gentle and elegant, she is definitely the best choice for the lady."

   "You can pursue it if you like it." Huo Shi said indifferently.

  Qin San: "?"

    will be available later, see after revision~



  (End of this chapter)

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