Chapter 501 501 succeeded

   "Then you may be disappointed--" With a joking, a head emerged from the deck of the cruise ship.

   "Jiang Mu? Are you still alive!!"

   "I thought you were swept away by the undercurrent, so it seems that you are quite capable."

  Jiang Mu ignored the two of them, struggling to get on the deck.

   "According to what you mean, if we insist on coming up until the end, it can only be considered a little skill, then what do you call those who come for five or six minutes in the morning and get nothing?" Sun Quan followed closely.

   "Incompetence, what else can it be?" Jiang Mu kindly took it up.

  The two stunned could not speak, but Huo Baozhu glanced at the things in their hands and sneered, "Compared with you, we really have nothing."

  "You are so rewarding. Everyone is diving to find the car key. Even if you can't find it, you can come empty-handed. This is a shell and a conch. What are you going to do?"

   Yuanyuan also showed sarcasm on her face.

   "Eat! You still have to ask about such simple things. It seems that you are not only incompetent, but also have some problems with your IQ." Jiang Mu was surprised.

  I have a problem with your IQ. Your Yuanyuan pursed her lips and pressed her anger in her heart, "The mainland is from the mainland, and I have no experience! It's just shells and conch. At this time, I can't forget to eat it!"

  "It’s as if you haven’t eaten shells and conch. Eating this is just as unseen. Your weird logic is really incomprehensible. It seems that you are not only incompetent, without IQ, and without logic."

After Jiang Mu finished taunting, he walked straight to the cabin, "Huo Shao, I need a barbecue grill and charcoal."

Huo Shi waved his hand, and the kitchen immediately started to operate.

   Jiang Mu didn't care about the people who had been waiting here for so long, gave them a gorgeous back, and went to change their clothes.

The conch and shells on the deck smelled of sea water. Some young ladies who were obsessed with cleanliness couldn't bear it, "Huo Shao, would you really let her go crazy? This time dirty the deck. , And it doesn’t smell good."

Huo Shi also has some slight cleanliness addictions. The smell is really too unpleasant. Just when he was about to let the people in the kitchen take a bag of conch and a bag of seashells into the kitchen to cook, Jiang Mu has put on his jeans, Wiping his head, just walked over.

  In the sun, her shawl and her long hair fluttered messy, her already fair skin was glowing white, and her slightly squinted apricot eyes made her look more like a lazy cat basking in the sun.

  Huo Shi was panicked for a while, and he spoke slowly for a while, and then it was as if Jiang Mu had grabbed a plastic rubber glove and put it on. It looked like it was obvious, she just wanted to do it herself.

   "I said Jiang Mu, didn't you? Even if you really want to eat conch and shells, you can drool, you can let the chef in the kitchen do it, do you need to do it yourself?"

   Yuanyuan is very disgusted.

   "Is it nothing to do with you?" Jiang Mu didn't deal with these things much, she just wanted to confirm her guess.

  Everyone saw her using all brute force, an awl was inserted through the opening, directly violently destroyed, and shattered the entire conch.

   is really broken.

"This lady, if you deal with it this way, it will destroy the meat in the conch. If you don’t dislike it, I can help. I often deal with seafood. It’s not a problem to do this. It will definitely make you eat it in the shortest time. Grilled conch."

  The chef couldn't stand it anymore, and walked out under Huo Shi's signal.

   "Then it will be troublesome." Jiang Mu stood up smoothly, took off his gloves, and handed over the tools in his hand. The action was so fast that everyone was shocked.

  I didn’t insist on doing it myself just now. I just tried one and gave up. This has become too fast!

   "No, we have been busy for so long, and in the end no one has found the car key. What about the final winner?" Wei Jiaqi shifted the topic to Huo Baozhu.

   "Of course I won!" Jiang Mu took the topic directly, without giving the other party a chance to pave the way for Huo Baozhu.

   "It's not Jiang Mu, who gave you the face? It's okay to be thick-skinned! If you say you win, you win?" Yuanyuan mocked unconvincingly.

   "Yes, since none of us have found the car key, we naturally have to calculate according to the diving distance. If this is the case, the first one should be the orb..."


  A car key was thrown on the ground.

   "Sorry, I was busy changing clothes just now and forgot about it." Sun Quan also changed his clothes and walked over.

  Yuanyuan immediately rushed forward and picked up the car key that was still on the deck, "I said you are not good enough? Can such an important thing be forgotten so casually?"

  Silver-gray car key, the design is simple and elegant, everyone has been slobbering for a long time, it is indeed true.

  "If you don't like it, you can resell it to me. You offer a price, and I come with sincerity." The mentally flexible has started to think of ways to buy a used car.

  "I can buy at the market price!" Someone even said.

   "You say a number, I will definitely not bargain!"

  Jiang Mu is surprised, these young masters and ladies really don’t need money. Look, it’s a daring thing to pay for a car.


  Looking at basically everyone discussed it, and everyone who wanted this car had a price, then he said, "I'm really sorry, I don't sell it."

  Sun Quan’s smile is simply too devilish, and the look in his eyes that is both righteous and evil makes many little girls intently.

  Jiang Mu shook his head. Sure enough, when he grows up, he will release his charm.

  If she let others know what she said, it is estimated that all of them will be **** to death.

  "Will you lose the gambling, Sanshao, look at this Bentley..."

  Qin San's gaze was still on him, and the boy knew at a glance that he was not old, but he was more mature than these people.

  "Send you off! I, Qin San, speaks for words, not just a car, if you say it is a winner, then it is a winner!"

  Jiang Mu nodded, his lips raised slightly, and his smile was brilliant. Today's harvest is really good.

   Still some people didn’t give up, "Are you really not selling? I will pay 2 million, as long as you nod, I will drive this car! The money will be yours soon."

  "You can't drive it if you keep it. It's better to change it into money, so you can buy a new one and drive it out."

   "Who said I can't drive?" Jiang Mu tilted his head and smiled with a particularly seductive smile. Everyone was really stunned.

  This last only expectation also fell through. The other party was very sad, as if he couldn't lift the energy for everything.

   "So, in this bet, I am the final winner. Then, can I take away the winning prize?" The excitement just wasn't enough, and Jiang Mu took another shot.

  (End of this chapter)

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