Chapter 503 503 Transaction

  Huo Baozhu glanced at her, "1.5 million, maybe you have never seen so much money in your life?"

   "There is this too! There are four in this conch!" The cook suddenly shouted again.

  Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled, "I think what you said just now makes sense. How can I miss such a good opportunity to make money? There is no opportunity to miss it, and the loss will never come."

  She turned her head to look at Huo Shi, “Huo Shao, there are still so many conch shells that haven’t been opened, maybe there are still? Let’s not worry about the deal first, wait for the final look at how many, and then we will talk.”

   "Yes." Huo Shi suppressed the shock in his heart and spit out two words.

  It's not that he is indifferent, but that the four Merlot beads that have just been opened are even bigger than just before!

  This thing is basically collected in the royal family of Southeast Asian countries, and part of it is in Europe, and it rarely appears in China.

  But Jiang Mu, but he just took a swim in the sea, because his mouth knocked a bag of conch, who would have thought that there was such a precious Melody Bead inside!

  This is already very lucky, but unfortunately, there is not only one conch, but four more!

  How can this not shock him? Is this person's luck too good?

  Everyone's attention is focused on the cook, which makes the cook a little stressed.

  Three conch shells in succession, only fresh and tender meat, no Melody beads were found.

"It’s better not to be too greedy. This is Melody. Just now Huo Shaobu said that this thing is extremely rare, and there are only more than 200 in the world. You are very lucky to have seven of them all at once. Now you still want to come out a few more, too greedy!"

  Wei Jiaqi analyzed rationally and saw that the chef opened two more, there was still nothing inside.

   "This is simply impossible! I advise you not to have any wishful thinking." Huo Baozhu echoed.

   "That's right, stop daydreaming, and want to open the Melody Bead again, it's just wishful thinking!" Yuanyuan also joined the battle.

  Just as soon as she finished her voice, she heard the familiar chef yelling, "I have it! Just one, but this one is too big and round!"

  Everyone circled the cooks around, admiring this huge Melody Bead, the three big ones just now.

  I saw the beads are round and round, the color is lush, and they are shining in the sun.

   "Show me, show me!"

  "This is simply a Big Mac. Compared with the ones just now, it's just like a giant."

  Everyone was talking in a mess in an instant, they all wanted to see this Big Mac with their own eyes and have a long experience.

  Even the cook who was sitting on the deck and driving the conch was almost squeezed out by the crowd. The cook was worried and immediately gave the Melody Bead to Jiang Mu.

  She is the owner. The small one can sell for 500,000 just now. This is such a big one. The price is definitely more expensive. If there is something wrong in his hands, it will be considered too much in his life to change it!

  Jiang Mu liked this bead from the heart. Perhaps it was this conch that attracted her the most intense breath just now in the sea.

  She squeezed the Melody beads in her hands, and smiled at the trio who had been facing her. "It turns out that my luck is still very good. I said that if I can have it later, I will definitely have it."

   Yuanyuan wrinkled her head tightly, and muttered softly, "Isn’t it just one out? Is there anything to excite? It may be that the blind cat encountered deadly consumption——"

   "Yes! There are! There are again! This time there are two. Although not as big as a Big Mac, they are also bigger than the original one, but they are elliptical and do not have the original circle."

  The cook shouted excitedly, as if he were the master of Melor beads, and his hands when opening the conch began to tremble.

  Yuanyuan can't say anything that she hasn't finished.

  She had an ugly face, and she didn't understand why Jiang Mu's luck was so good. Before she could finish her words, the other party had already pretended to wave her face, which was so painful.

  Everyone watched the continuous release of Merlot beads, and was shocked to wonder what Huo Shi said.

   "Huo Shao, are you sure you remember correctly, Melody is really rare, isn't it everywhere?" Qin San asked straightforwardly.

  Even Huo Shi himself was shocked, "How could I remember it wrong? If I can remember this thing wrong, then I don’t have to start a business."

   "If it's as rare as you said, are we all blind? Look, how much is this?" Qin San pointed to the white porcelain plate in Jiang Mu's hand.

  There was some water in the plate, and the opened Melody beads were placed in the center, there were already ten inside.

  Huo Shi frowned. At this moment, he couldn't help but doubt his memory. Could it be that he really remembered it wrong? Melody is actually not that rare?

   "25." Jiang Mu's voice reached his ears.

  The people around are really a little bit sour, just calculated based on an average of 500,000 Hong Kong dollars for one piece, and these 25 pieces are 12.5 million Hong Kong dollars!


  12.5 million! !

  They don’t necessarily have so much pocket money for a year, but Jiang Mu only spent 30 minutes swimming in the sea for a while, and 12.5 million won!

  No, she not only knocked on the conch, but also picked up the shell?

  She also found the key to the Bentley car!

  There will be fresh seafood barbecue in a while!

  Why are they all going to the sea? Some of them are all overworked. Other than that, they have nothing. But Jiang Mu, he has food, drinks and money!

  At this moment, everyone is lemon essence.

   "Jiang Mu, where did you find these conch shells just now?" someone suddenly asked.

   Jiang Mu pointed to a place, "It's a hidden reef over there."

  "Are there any conch?" the man continued to ask.

   "Yes, I picked a big one to pry it." Jiang Mu replied.

   "I'll go get some more, Huo Shao, I will come out with Melody when the time comes. You can't favor one another."

  Huo Shi looked serious, "That's natural, I always treat them equally, no matter who finds it today, I will accept it!"

   was assured, the man quickly changed his diving equipment and went to sea again.

  Everyone’s actions seemed to have ignited the fog in everyone’s hearts. Everyone rushed to the diving equipment. Before going to the sea, they had to explain, save their face, and find a reasonable excuse for their behavior.

  "I haven’t eaten conch for a long time. Today’s opportunity is so good, I can eat more!"

  "It’s been a long time since I dived, I’ll go down and play again."

   "I haven't seen the growth environment of conch with my own eyes, so I will learn more about it."


  In less than five minutes, only Huo Shi, Huo Baozhu, Yuanyuan, and Wei Jiaqi were left on the deck.

  They couldn't see Jiang Mu in the first place, so naturally they wouldn't go to the sea because of this benefit. Although, for them, this is not a point, but a lot, but they all want face, and no one wants to be short in front of Jiang Mu.

   "Come on, let's talk about the transaction now." Jiang Mu suddenly said.

Huo Shi's mouth twitched, "Don't think I didn't see you pick out the best colored bead."

  (End of this chapter)

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