Chapter 505 505 Knowing

  Everyone's attention is on the cook. Every time he opens a shell, everyone can't help but look forward to it. If you find a pearl in it, the chance to wake up is very great. If there is nothing in it and nothing is gained, you will look regretful.

  Obviously, none of them belonged to them. Even if the pearls that were opened were very precious, it had nothing to do with them, but what these people saw was elated.

   "Ah! There's another one!"

   "This one is bigger than the last one!"

   "Unfortunately there is only one."

   "I said you can, it's better to have something than nothing! And, haven't you heard Huo Shao say that the bigger the pearl, the more valuable it is!"


   Listening to the discussion here, Huo Baozhu, Yuanyuan, and Wei Jiaqi were itching in their hearts. They also wanted to go over to watch the show, and they hadn’t seen pearls on the scene.

  But, they didn’t want to move when they thought that the one who drove it was the mainland boy. They have always looked down upon these two people. If they get together now, where do they put their face?

  Although the person did not go over, his ears were always pierced, and he did not let the conversation coming from the other side pass at all.

  The more I listened, the more itchy my heart became. With such an awe-inspiring tone, I don’t know how big the pearl is!

  So curious!

want to see!

  The three of them are scratching their hearts here, and Jiang Mu has already started counting pearls.

Facts have proved that Sun Quan is definitely the luckiest person in the family. The black pearls are round and shiny fine pearls, but some of them are of normal size, only a few of them are big, and a few of them are glass. The marbles are about the same size, and these can be sold at a price.

  Huoshi's eyes were hot, and he had a good harvest when he went out to sea!

"Sell it to me, my price is absolutely fair, it's my own person, I will definitely not cheat you." He was sincere, his sight stayed on the pearls on the plate, his brain was earning fast, and he thought about what price is right. .

   "These five glass beads the size, plus this largest one, I will pay 5 million Hong Kong dollars."

  Everyone tore, for a while, they didn't know whether they should admire Huo Shi's sufficient capital chain, or feel that Sun Quan was lucky.

  "Sorry, black pearls are rare, I am not going to sell them." Sun Quan refused cleanly.

Huo Shi did not give up, "If you are not satisfied with the price, we can continue to discuss."

  Sun Quan shook his head, "It's not the price, but these pearls. I have other uses."

Huo Shi saw the seriousness in his eyes, not as if he deliberately took Joe to raise the price, and finally tried hard to fight for it, "I can add another 1 million Hong Kong dollars, which is already more than the market price. The opportunity is rare. I passed this. Village, there is no such shop anymore."

  Sun Quan still shook his head, "I really have another use, sorry."

   "I said you can do it, my brother has already added the highest price, you can accept it when you see it, don't be greedy, beware of nothing in the end!"

  Huo Baozhu couldn't listen anymore, she didn't have so much pocket money, and this mainland boy could have it casually, which made her a little bit embarrassed.

  Treat her, Sun Quan's good temper is gone, "I plan to give these black pearls to my family. I will make jewelry for Brother Mu and Aunt Zhao. I don't need the five or six million, so there is no need to sell them."

  Huo Baozhu was so stunned, his expression was even more ugly. Hearing what he meant, it was as if she had never seen so much money!

  Also, such a valuable pearl, if you say you give it away, you will give it away. Everyone in the field, especially the daughters, couldn’t help but feel sour again.

  Jiang Mu is lucky, so how come the people around her treat her so well?

  How come they don’t have a relative who is willing to give such high-value jewelry!

  The black butterfly shell opened the black pearl, which stimulated these young masters and ladies. During the next voyage, all the amusement items were changed to diving.

  Diving is no longer a competition. Everyone will never let go of conch and shells. The next few meals are almost all seafood and all shellfish.

  Even Jiang Mu, who likes to eat seafood, always eats this way, and can't stand it for a while.

  It’s just that, apart from Qin San’s one pearl, everyone else got nothing. The only thing they had to wait was the ingredients.

  Everyone has forgotten the original intention of participating in the cruise at the beginning, and also forgot to help Huo Baozhu out of their anger, and devoted themselves to the great cause of finding conch and shells.

  Although they say that no one of them is short of the money, as far as conch and shells, they are not for wealth, they are purely to satisfy their own hearts.

  Two mainlanders, Jiang Mu and Sun Quan, can find their treasures, so why can't they?

  This is the place to give birth to and raise them!

  With a sigh of relief, in the following time, everyone took turns diving instead of other entertainment projects.

Jiang Mu was lying on a wicker chair on the deck, basking in the sun for a limited amount of time, enjoying the sun. A big hat was directly folded for most of the sun. There were iced drinks beside him, and there were cut fruits beside him. With toothpicks inserted on it, it is very convenient to eat.

  This kind of life is simply beautiful.

  Jiang Mu was in a good mood and was still humming a small song. Huo Shi couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw him.

   "You are leisurely, let's see what these people have been tossed by you?"

  Jiang Mu lazily yawned, with an innocent look, "I didn't let them dive all the time. Good things can be met but not sought. Why don't they understand this truth?"

  Sun Quan was on another wicker chair, and he also sighed, "No way, these people are too weak in their will, and they are influenced by others casually. This is not a good thing."

"If you can’t make a correct self-evaluation, even if you are led by your emotions, this kind of people should not enter the mall. Say."

   Jiang Mu went on to say, all his words were disdain for this group of people.

Huo Shi quickly swept across the entire deck, seeing that there was no one on the deck, and then he was relieved. He pressed his eyebrows with one hand, "I finally know why your skill is so good."

  Jiang Mu unceremoniously rolled his eyes, "What's so confusing about this? Natural exams are taught well, otherwise, why else?"

"It's said that the master leads the door, the practice is personal, and a good master is essential. However, a rich sparring experience is still necessary. It is just your mouth that you are irritating when you speak, and you must offend many people. It is really a miracle to be able to stand here intact!"

Huo Shi said with emotion.

   Jiang Mu moved his wrists, his apricot eyes smiled, "Huo Shao, I think my hands are a little itchy, why don't we relax our muscles and bones."

  Huo Shi felt a toothache, he smiled solemnly, “It’s not very good to do things like this, as a brother, how can I do it with you?”

  Jiang Mu smiled Xiaohuya: "Why not? I don't mind."

  Huo Shi: No, I mind. Don't want to be beaten!

  (End of this chapter)

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