Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 514: 514 Can you consider my feelings (thick and long

  Chapter 514 514 Can you think about my feelings (more thick)

Sun Quan was very nervous, holding his breath, looking at Jiang Mu with eyes full of apprehension, staring at the expression on her face without blinking, feeling a big knife on top of his head slowly descending, maybe it will fall down sometime. .

  Jiang Mu wrinkled his head, "Why are you hanging up? Monkeys are too embarrassing? They are all friends, so why don't you just greet you, but don't even want to talk to me? Can you still be a brother?"

The big rock in his heart finally fell, and Sun Quan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, “It should be the problem with their phone. When we were chatting, the voice was intermittent, and sometimes it was not very clear. He shouldn’t be intentional. ."

  Jiang Mu hung up, "Go back and clean him up! How are the gifts?"

   "I'm doing things, you still don't worry about it. They are all based on what we discussed before, and we have bought them." The topic finally moved to a safe zone, and Sun Quan was relieved.

  The two began to pack their luggage again. Originally, when they came over, they carried a suitcase alone. These were all kinds of clothes and specialties they bought when they were playing in Shenzhen.

  In these days in Hong Kong, they did not buy less.

It’s the first time for Sun Quan to visit Hong Kong City. It’s much more prosperous than the mainland. Many things are not available on the mainland. Sun Quan, who has always been stingy with himself, made a rare and generous one this time, except that he looked at a thirty-two inch. Half of his suitcase is full of books, Jiang Mu can't help but frown.

   "Don't you feel heavy?"

   "We have practiced after all, this is only half a suitcase, what is it!" Sun Quan didn't care. These books were carefully selected by him, some of which were in English.

  "Hilbert: The Alexander of Mathematics", "Ancient and Modern Mathematical Thoughts", "Analytic Number Theory", "Algebraic Geometry", "Elementary Mathematics under the Point of High Officials"...

  Jiang Mu looked a little big, "I said you are so? You love mathematics so much? If you didn't get the mathematics department, it would be hard for you to think so?"

  Sun Quan carefully brushed over the precious books he chose, “Don’t you think mathematics is the most romantic subject?”

   "No, I don't think so at all! It is estimated that only you will find mathematics romantic." Jiang Mu has no good feelings for this big subject.

Sun Quan has an extraordinary obsession with mathematics, "I will not give up mathematics. I will study the transfer of departments at the beginning of school. There may be room for recovery. Even if it’s not a freshman, there are sophomores and juniors. Yeah!"

   Jiang Mu was defeated by his firmness, "Is the computer just letting you wait? I remember that you are also interested in computers?"

  "Computers are also very good, but mathematics is the best! In my heart, mathematics will always be the first subject in my heart!"

  Jiang Mu didn’t understand, how could anyone like this kind of bald subject so much!

  The two continued to pack their luggage. In the end, adding gifts to family, relatives and friends, the two of them sorted out six suitcases, each with a size of 32 inches!

After Zhao Yue came back and saw it, she was also shocked by the row of suitcases standing against the wall in the suite.

  "Have we bought so many things?" She has no impression at all.

  Jiang Mu pointed to the four on one side, “These are all handwritings by you and Uncle Huo.”

She chose small and exquisite gifts, which did not take up space. Most of them were the clothes, shoes and bags chosen by the two of them. Howard originally ran a shopping mall, and Hong Kong City was his site. She bought things and more. It's lavish, for the only daughter of the person you love, it really couldn't be better.

"I also have it here. Your Uncle Huo felt that the days in Hong Kong City were not well received, especially because of Huo Zhenzhen and Huo Baozhu's affairs, which made you wronged. He knew that we were going home, so he chose some gifts. compensate you."

  Zhao Yue pushed in the four suitcases at the door.

   Jiang Mu's mouth twitched, "Is this too much gift?"

  "This is still the result of my persuasion, otherwise, more than this. I didn't expect that you still have so many suitcases here!"

  Zhao Yue looked at a row of ten suitcases and felt her head was big.

   "Does Wu Heping have to drive a truck to the airport to pick us up?" Otherwise, these ten suitcases won't fit!

"Speaking of the truck, I remembered. Should I win the Bentley and go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?" Zhao Yue was involved in the transportation. Jiang Mu didn't know it. Originally, she wanted to leave the car in Hong Kong. , Drove for Zhao Yue, after all, it is not very good to associate with Howard without his own car.

  But Zhao Yue and Howard refused.

  She still remembers that Howard was serious at the time: "Mu Mu, are you going to deprive me of the right to pick up your mother? If you have a car, the number of times we meet and pick you up like this will definitely be greatly reduced, which is not conducive to our emotional development."

  Zhao Yue’s reason is even more concise and clear, “Why don’t you have a free driver? If you are tired of driving by yourself, you should do it yourself.

  As a result, the latest Bentley, which was drooled by many in Hong Kong City, was sent away under the tone of disgust by the two.

  If you let them know that these people dislike this case so much, they will definitely say: I can do such a tiring thing for me! You can pay for it!

  After all, this is the latest model, and there is no Bentley on the market yet!

   "When I mentioned Bentley, I forgot to tell you that the car was not transported to the Shanghai stock market for you, but it was delivered directly to the capital. Aren’t you going to study there, just keep you driving in the capital.”

  Zhao Yue said.

   Jiang Mu gave a thumbs up, "Cow! It's still a mother cow! I took the car directly to the capital! But, is there anyone from the capital to pick it up?"

  "Don't worry about this. It's Huo Shi's relationship. His business center will also be on the mainland side. Beijing is also his office location. He arranged it over there."

  Zhao Yue explained.

  Jiang Mu, now I understand, the future jewellery tycoon, who is a figure who occupies nearly half of the jewellery market, is really easy for him to pick up a car in the capital.

   "Isn't that troublesome Huo Shao?" Sun Quan frowned and asked.

   "No trouble, didn't you also help him?" Zhao Yue really felt that this was not a big deal. By helping each other and walking around, the relationship can get together.

  And Jiang Mu and Sun Quan thought that when Zhao Yue learned that Huo Shi had been assassinated, it happened that they two had a guilty conscience for a while.

  The two looked at each other.

  Sun Quan: Did you tell Aunt Zhao?

  Jiang Mu: How is it possible? I want my life?

  Sun Quan: How do you explain this?

  Jiang Mu: I know everything, do I need to explain it?

  The two sighed together.

  Zhao Yue wondered, "What are you two doing in an eyebrow lawsuit? When you finish cleaning up, go downstairs to eat and see what time it is. Are you hungry?"

  The two looked at each other again, are they not pursuing?

That's great!

  The two said in unison, "Hungry!"

   Here three people go downstairs to eat, the capital, a senior nursing home.

  Wen Liyan leaned back on the hospital bed with a pale face. The ward here is very high-class, just like a separate room with one bedroom and one living room.

  He almost sat like this, looking at the void, his eyes out of focus.

  The facial features that were originally very thin are becoming more and more three-dimensional, and the thin ones are a little scary, and they are no different from skinny.

  "Since you miss her so much, why don't you talk to her for a while?" Shi Yu asked puzzled.

   "Not yet time." Wen Liyan finished speaking, and then coughed a few times. Time domain quickly handed over the warm water that was suitable for drying. There is sorrow in the eyebrows.

  Wen Liyan’s operation was very unsuccessful. After his illness deteriorated rapidly, the situation became more complicated and the treatment was very difficult. Moreover, the recovery period was very long. Even if he was cured, there was a possibility of recurrence.

  His condition has not been thorough. He has suffered a lot of crimes in the past two years. At the beginning, it was commonplace to enter the CPU, but it gradually eased up later. The current situation is still the result of consultations with many experts.

  "The attending doctor said that your body adapts well to the new drug this time. As long as there are no more abnormal values, the disease will be resolved, and the rest is to cultivate slowly."

  Time domain said.

   "Hmm." Wen Li's tone was light, without any particular reaction.

   "Such good news, are you not excited about it?" Time domain is really incomprehensible, obviously he is much older than this cousin, but this cousin is much calmer than him.

   "What's so exciting about this." It's not that I can meet Jiang Mu. The following half sentence was added by Wen Liyan in his heart.

  "Physical recovery, isn't it worth the excitement?" Time domain wondered, is he too innocent, or this cousin is too mature?

   "Then the examination result is really no problem, it will not be too late to get excited." Wen Liyan still said indifferently.

  Time domain was helpless, and stepped forward and pulled out the book in his hand, "I said you are OK. You have been reading since you woke up in the morning. Can you not see these books again? The most important thing for you is to rest!"

  Wen Liyan held the book steadily in one hand, and glanced at him faintly, “I have been resting for two years. For me, is no different from resting."

Huo Shi didn't dare to use too much force. If this hurts him, if others don't say, his old father will definitely make him half disabled first.

He pointed to the huge floor-to-ceiling bookshelf in the room, “It’s not that I said you. This room is only so big in total. It is almost occupied by your books. When you recover, there will be time and opportunity to read books in the future. At this moment, you said that you are a computer and financial. Don't you think these books seem to want to sleep?"

  Wen Liyan didn't say anything again, and looked down at the brand-new book in his hand. This was the subject Jiang Mu suggested at the beginning to study. How could it seem that he wanted to sleep?

Time domain is very helpless, he has summed it up in two years, how stubborn his cousin is, as long as he does not want to speak, no matter what you say, he will not speak, he seems to have the ability to shield everything. .

  The room was quiet again, only the sound of him turning the pages of the book occasionally.

  In fact, the time domain admires Wen Liyan very much.

  He rarely sees his willpower so firm, that one thing can be determined to be unstoppable and persevere to the end. The self-control is so terrifying.

  Even in the past two years of his treatment, he would read and study whenever his physical condition allowed. These books in the room were just the tip of the iceberg. He had forgotten how many books he had read in the past two years.

  In the past year, his condition has improved a lot, and he has become dissatisfied with reading books. He just put a computer in the ward, crackling the code he can't understand.

  At first, the family worried that he would delay treatment and affect his health. They all advised him not to bother so much and bother, but even if the old man came forward, they could not persuade him.

  In the end, Wen Jianjun agreed with Wen Liyan to write the code, but only for one hour a day. This matter has passed.

  Study for two years like a day, Time Domain thinks that he must not be able to do it himself, so he admires Wen Liyan who can do it.

  Don’t say anything else, just because of this perseverance, it looks like the Wen family.

  No wonder everyone in the family likes him.

  "How long do you want to stay here? Do you care about your company?" Seeing sunset and dusk, this person has not left the posture, Wen Liyan finally gave him a compassionate look, and his eyes temporarily left the book.

When it comes to this, Shi Yu has an unnatural smile on his face, "Isn’t it Sunday? Everyone rests. Naturally, my boss also has to rest. I can’t be a boss who is even busier than an employee. Right?"

  Wen Liyan's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had seen everything through, "Isn't it the company you invested in that has turned off again?"

Time Domain:"……"

   is very heartbroken.

The word    is a very apt description of the business results of the past two years.

  At the beginning of the Shanghai stock market, he completed the task assigned by his family, found Wen Liyan, and successfully brought him back to the capital. He can do what he likes without having to go to his mother’s hospital to be a doctor.

  When he entered and exited the mall, he was ready to go on a big fight. He bought a store and started a business. The situation was pretty good at the beginning. The clothing business is now very hot, and basically there is no loss of money.

  The goal in the time domain is very clear. Let’s try a wave of water and look at the market. After all, this is his first time doing business. Although his theory is very good, he learned it all abroad, and the actual combat is the first time.

  As a result, within three months, the clothing store was closed.

Poor management and making ends meet. In the end, he could only close the store and rent out the store. He bought this store. He could only comfort himself. After a few years of rent, the premise investment of the clothing business would be the same. Turning it back by a little bit and rounding it up means that there is no loss.

  He lost the first battle, and Shi Yu was not discouraged. He has never been a person who lightly failed. After summing up the experience of failure, he went to the market again.

  This time he directly opened a cake shop. Freshly baked bread and small cakes must be very popular.

  Western food is still very rare in China, and coupled with the smell of bread that can be smelled from far away, the business is very hot as soon as it opens. This has attracted many people who go to the sea to follow the trend and want to eat a wave of dividends.

  Within three months, this kind of cake shop spread in the Shanghai stock market, which affected the business of Time Domain to a certain extent, but he was not afraid at all.

He has successfully seized the market and has a fixed customer base. In addition, the materials in the store are all good, many of which are imported materials. In terms of taste, they are definitely better than other stores. Based on these aspects, Huo I am very confident in my store.

  So that when other bakeries collectively cut prices, he didn't take it seriously. After all, they used good raw materials, high quality, and expensive, which are not comparable to other stores.

  The result, needless to say, half a year later, the bakery was unable to make ends meet and closed.

  Born once and cooked twice. Time domain is very skilled in renting out the shop. After a few years, the rent can cover the investment in the bread business, which is not a loss, but the income comes a little later.

After two defeats, Shiyu learned his lesson and learned his own shortcomings deeply. He has some insights, but he is too bad at business management, so the business is very profitable at the start of the business, and all kinds of things will appear later. problem.

  So he decided that next he would not do business by himself, and he was going to find a partner, a partner who was good at business.

   Then, the partner took his money and ran away.

Shi Yu wanted to scold people very much. Although he finally took advantage of the Wen family's relationship and captured this person back, she had squandered the money she had taken away. This person was obviously not up for it, and Huo Shi's loss was still the same. loss.

Facts have proved that he is not so accurate in looking at people. Huo Shi no longer cooperates with others in business. He has learned to diversify risks and use his good eyesight to invest in the companies he is optimistic about, and hold certain shares in each company. After the company is profitable, he can wait for dividends with peace of mind.

  I thought I would sit back and relax this time, and there would never be any problems.

   However, the company he invested in, one followed by the other went bankrupt, as if it was under a spell, which made Shi Yu a little head pained.

  Time-domain business has become a series in Wen's family. Wen Liyan doesn't know what is wrong with this cousin. Every time it makes people so speechless.

  "I think you should be a doctor obediently. If the doctor is done well, it is also very profitable. It is better than you always lose money."

  Time domain is very stubborn, "No, I refuse! I am born to do business!"

   "Don't you feel blushing when you say this?" Wen Liyan asked.

  Time domain clenched a fist, pressed it to his lips, coughed a few times, "Failure is the mother of success, nothing is smooth sailing, I have accumulated enough experience now, I will definitely succeed next time!"

   "I think you still give up investing in those small companies. It is not easy for people to do business. It is too miserable to close down after being invested by you."

  Wen Liyan sighed.

  Time domain: "...Am I a plague god?"

  Wen Liyan nodded, "You finally realize your true attributes, it's really not easy!"

  Time domain grinding teeth, "If it's not because you are sick, I will definitely let you taste the fist!"

  Wen Liyan didn't care, "Even if I am sick, do you think I let you taste the fist, or the fist will come in close contact with you?"

  Time domain thought of something, and took a sip of water, "I think we can change the topic, and I refuse to answer this question."

  Wen Liyan: "If you really want to do business, I'm a bit immature suggestion."

  Time domain immediately came to the spirit, "Let’s talk and listen."

  "You can try to read a bookstore, and the list of books is as complete as possible, especially for foreign ones. It must not be less. It can be opened near several universities. The passenger flow is guaranteed and customers are also available.

Wen Liyan said.

Time domain thinks seriously, "This is a good idea. There are really not many bookstores, especially large bookstores. At that time, you can open up a simple dining area and sell some simple meals. Even if everyone is tired, it will You can eat in the store."

  I have to say that the mind of the time domain is still very fast, and the acumen of doing business is also there, but the ability to operate is too poor.

  Wen Liyan continued to suggest, “The books in the store can not only be sold, but also rented. After all, not everyone can buy books, especially those foreign original professional books, which are especially expensive.”

   "This is good, this is good." Time domain agrees very much.

  The two began to discuss like this, and Time Domain took out the notebook very seriously, holding the pen in hand, and brushing the record.

  Until night fell, Shi Yu stopped writing. Looking at the inspiration and precautions of the small version he recorded, he was confident in the next bookstore and felt that this time would be a success.

Wen Liyan saw that the fire was almost over, and then he said, "I have a store near the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Don't buy it this time. This store is for you, so you put all your funds in the book purchase. Just go up."

"Cousin! You are so kind to me! I am so touched! With your support, I believe that I will succeed this time. When I make money, I will definitely give you dividends, absolutely no less I got your share!"

  Time domain was very excited, and then seemed to think something was wrong, "Yangmei, why do you sound familiar?"

   "Mu Mu was admitted to Yangmei." Wen Liyan said.

  Time domain: "...Can I take back the move I just made?"

  Where is this person helping him out?

  This clearly means that the drunkard doesn’t mean to drink!

  After all, it’s not for his little girlfriend!

  "Are you not afraid that I won't open a bookstore?" Shi Yu asked unconvinced.

  Wen Liyan smiled, "It's the same when I drive it myself."

  Time domain suddenly persuaded, "No, such a tiring thing, please be sure to leave it to me. Just take care of your health!"

  In exchange for Wen Liyan's faint laughter.

    There is one more update next, but it needs to be modified, so let’s watch it tomorrow morning~ okay~



  (End of this chapter)

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