Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 530: Who gave you the letter (1)

  Chapter 530 Who gave you the letter (1)

   "When we were in the Shanghai stock market, we lived together." Wen Liyan said before Jiang Mu.

  Lu Fei was surprised, his eyes staying on Jiang Mu, "I remember that Auntie is only your daughter, or is Auntie remarried?"

  Otherwise, how could you live with other people.

"No, no, where did you think about it? Wen Liyan's elders are good friends with my mother. She entrusted Wen Liyan to my mother to take care of him. It happened that my grades were too bad, and his grades were so good that he was perverted. Living together is just a good help. I tutor homework."

Although Jiang Mu's explanation was not very detailed, it was enough for Lu Fei to understand the relationship between them.

  Wen Liyan keenly discovered that he was relieved, and he added seemingly inadvertently, "Mu Mu is very smart, and many problems can be solved at a point. If we really talk about it, we are family members."

   "However, Mumu is still great, and he can make new friends as soon as school starts." Wen Li changed the conversation and turned the topic to Lu Fei.

"We didn’t meet in school. We met again in school. We were junior high school classmates. I was a senior. When we were in junior high school, we agreed to take the Yangmei exam together. However, there were some changes in her family and she left the capital. We have never seen him again. If this is true, we have not seen each other for four years. When we were welcoming the new students, I would be surprised to see Jiang Mu."

  Lu Fei is obviously not as calm as Wen Liyan, and he speaks a lot more.

  Of course, Wen Liyan knew about these things a long time ago, and he remained silent, "That's a coincidence."

   "It's very destined." Lu Fei secretly changed the concept.

The two of you come and go, and no one will give in. Jiang Mu looked at the two people who met once, and there was so much conversation. He couldn't help leaning against the wall, standing slantingly, his hands in his trouser pockets, forgive me. Watched with interest.

  Only the time domain leaned in nervously, "Don’t you persuade?"

  "What are you advising?" Jiang Mu was puzzled.

Shi Yu took a deep breath, and pointed at the two people who were still you and me, "Persuade these two people, you can see what their quarrels look like? You want to see them fight, right? ?"

  Jiang Mu lifted his eyelids and smiled brightly, "How is it possible? I think these two people hit it off right away, and there are so many topics to talk about when they meet?"

  Time domain took a sip of water, aren’t you talking nonsense with your eyes open?

  The two of them are like seeing each other?

  Do you call this arrogant look like seeing before?

  Do you have any misunderstandings about seeing it as usual?

   Jiang Mu took the medicine with the water in the ward, regardless of whether the two have shifted from the topic of Jiang Mu to the national economy, politics, and self-administered medicine.

  Her arms, calves, back, and lower abdomen were all injured. If you don't apply the medicine properly and rub it vigorously, her body will definitely be bruised.

   Jiang Mu rolled up his calf, squeezed a little ointment, wiped it on the injured area, and rubbed it vigorously.


  Fuck, it hurts!

   Jiang Mu clenched his teeth vigorously, the strength on his hands remained undiminished, and he kept pumping air.

  Wen Tao is worthy of being an elite in the army, he is really ruthless, and he enjoys fighting when he fights, but the sequelae are too miserable.

  I don’t know when, the quarrels in the ward disappeared. Jiang Mu painted his calf, and just about to paint his arm, he found that the ward was too quiet.

  Looking up, the two people who had been arguing just now had their eyes on her. It should be said that it was the place where she was injured.

  Jiang Mu’s skin is already very white, it is kind of cold white. In fact, it's easy to leave marks on her body, and she will definitely leave red marks if she doesn't pay attention to where she hits or rubs it.

  Many times, her legs, especially her knees, are always blue and purple, but she doesn't know where these injuries come from.

  Today, I went to a game like this with Wen Tao. I don’t need to think about it. I guess it’s like this kind of injury.

  Jiang Mu herself didn’t care very much, but she was injured. She was injured more often. As long as it didn’t endanger her life, it wouldn’t be a big deal.

  Wen Liyan's gaze fixed on the redness and swelling on her forearm, the white forearm, the redness and swelling, how obstructive to look at it.

   "What's the matter with your instructors, is it military training or beating someone?" Wen Li said in a bad tone.

   "Hehe, I want to know too." Jiang Mu raised his eyelids and looked over lazily. "It's a coincidence. Our instructor is also named Wen."

   "Ah! Really? That's a coincidence!" Shi Yu rushed ahead of Wen Liyan, pretending to be surprised.

   "Really? It's even more clever. Many of the routines and methods we played against were very similar. Those who didn't know thought we were taught by a master."

   Jiang Mu said lightly.

"Your instructor is a soldier, and you must learn orthodox fighting routines. You were taught by Wen Liyan, and Wen Liyan was taught by your younger uncle. Your younger uncle is also a soldier. Naturally, you are learning orthodox fighting routines. Circle, familiarity is normal."

  Time domain thinks that it has given a reasonable explanation. In Jiang Mu's view, his conscience is terribly guilty.

   "Really?" Jiang Mu shifted his gaze to Wen Liyan's body.

   "Yes, yes, yes." Time domain is still trying to conceal it.

   Jiang Mu looked at it with a look like Are you a fool, "I really don’t know how you graduated from Harvard."

  The time domain was stubborn, so he could only glance at his cousin: Your people, you control!

  Wen Liyan gave him a helpless look: The mud bodhisattva crossed the river and couldn't protect himself and couldn't control it.

  "What is Wen Tao's relationship with you? Did you let him target me?" After two questions, Time Domain knew that he had revealed himself.

  Wen Liyan explained: "Wen Tao is my cousin, I didn't let him..."

   Jiang Mu interrupted him, "I am not interested in the two questions. The obvious answer does not need to be known from your mouth. I want to know, who did you say is your eyeliner? Let the other party provide you with information."

  Wen Liyan hesitated.

"What university I went to, when I reported, who I met, when military training, what happened during military training, you should all know? Today, someone should inform you, and you will just appear in the lobby of the hospital. , You arranged this encounter, right?"

   Jiang Mu continued to ask.

  Wen Liyan smiled bitterly, "You are still so smart."

  This sentence can be regarded as confirming Jiang Mu's speculation from the side.

   Jiang Mu changed his other arm and continued to apply the medicine, "You have nothing to say?"

   "You guessed it all, what else can I explain?" Wen Liyan was also a little helpless, she was more sensitive than before.

   Jiang Mu put down the ointment, his eyes were cold, "So, you are not going to tell me, who has reported to you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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