Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 538: 538 Niubi made a big deal (1)

  Chapter 538 Chapter 538 is awesome (1)

   "Of course not, but I think you are very good. You have a school grass and a school flower. You are really a good match." Jiang Mu bit the ribs and said sincerely.

   "No, are you serious? Do you really think I match Lu Fei?" Feng Xiaoxiao was surprised.

   Jiang Mu wiped out a piece of spare ribs, "At least you are a good match in the name, a school flower, a school grass, it sounds like a pair."

  Feng Xiaoxiao said with joy, "So, you and Lu Fei are not boyfriends and girlfriends now, you have nowhere to go, everything is rumors spread by those boring people in the school!"

  From her upward tone, you can hear how excited she is.

   Jiang Mu chopsticks, "Actually it is not, Lu Fei and I should be now, in the period of preparing for the target."

  Feng Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "I have to prepare for this?"

  "Don't you need it?" Jiang Mu was also puzzled.

  "Of course not, like it means liking, dislike means dislike, if you don’t know whether you like it or not, then try to see if you like it or not. Isn’t this a simple time, why do we need to prepare?"

  Feng Xiaoxiao thinks these two people are really interesting.

  Jiang Mu briefly thought about it, and then agreed with her, “What you said makes sense, but you can’t think of it. It’s easier to get results if you try.”

  Feng Xiaoxiao didn't hear it right, "What do you mean? Are you going to be a partner with Lu Fei?"

  "Isn't this what you said, the target doesn't need to be prepared, I don't know if I like it or not, can I try it?" Jiang Mu was a little strange, it was obviously her suggestion, why she was so shocked.

  Feng Xiaoxiao can't wait for time to go backwards after hearing it. Why can't she figure out why she wants to help her rival!

  Let you give advice!

  Now it’s okay, I decided to go with Lu Fei!

  If she didn't remind her, maybe these two people will always keep the state they are now, it is absolutely impossible to be treated with something!

  Maybe when Lu Fei will find her is good, he will turn his attention to her.

  Feng Xiaoxiao thought that she might have been with the person she liked, but this great opportunity was so ruined that she felt distressed.

   "Dinner is delicious, thank you for your treat, goodbye." Jiang Mu ate and drank enough, without disturbing someone who was sad alone, put down the dishes, and went out of the cafeteria with Han Yutong and An Ying.

  Feng Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched, and she felt even more distressed. Damn, this meal is still her treat!

  Advised the rival, and invited the rival to dinner. Is her mind flooded?

  Feng Xiaoxiao was really regretful that her intestines were all green, but she didn't know that most people saw their table in a cafeteria with many people.

  One is the school flower, and the other is Jiang Mu, who has recently risen in popularity. Both of them can be related to the school grass Lu Fei.

  Feng Xiaoxiao likes Lu Fei. Everyone in the class knows that Feng Xiaoxiao chasing people is very high-profile. She doesn't care much about other people's opinions. As long as she is happy, she likes it.

  Because of this, many people have seen how she pursues Lu Fei in a stormy manner.

  In fact, as soon as the relationship between Lu Fei and Jiang Mu came out, many people speculated Feng Xiaoxiao’s views on this matter.

  I look forward to seeing Jiang Mu directly after she knows the news, and will she fight directly!

  Everyone is really looking forward to it. The drama of these two women competing with one man has always been very popular.

   However, Feng Xiaoxiao has not moved, and the group of people who had been secretly looking forward to it has disappeared.

  Unexpectedly, what they had already given up, but now they saw it in the cafeteria, it is really a surprise everywhere in life.

It's just that they secretly watched a few people for a meal, and didn't see the big fights they expected, and they didn't hear any verbal battles. Instead, they had discussions and laughter, which was even more important. Beyond everyone's expectations.

  In the end, everyone came to the conclusion that the two should have reached an agreement on who should become Lu Fei’s girlfriend.

  Otherwise, it is impossible to have such a harmonious conversation between rivals.

   Then another wave of rumors came.

   "I heard that Jiang Mu and Feng Xiaoxiao have made an agreement privately. Both are Lu Fei's girlfriends. One is one of three to five and the other is two to six. The division of labor is clear, so that they can live in harmony!"

   "Fuck! Lu Fei is awesome! The two beauties are her girlfriends, and they are simply winners in life!"

"What nonsense, Jiang Mu doesn't know. How can someone as arrogant as Feng Xiaoxiao have any agreement with other people? It is also possible that two beauties will meet and discuss with each other and feel that Lu Fei is nothing good, and both of them give up. Isn't it impossible?"

  The public said that the public is reasonable, the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law is reasonable, and everything is said. However, most people think that two people have reached an agreement, one is three to five, the other is two to six, three people get along in harmony.

  This kind of speculation spreads widely.

  Lu Fei felt that the look in his eyes was a little wrong these days.

  Furthermore, this kind of gaze does not distinguish between men and women, regardless of class or college, which is a bit illusory.

  Originally, Lu Fei didn't care much about everything around him. He only had painting in his eyes. This kind of pursuit of art and the degree of concentration is what the teacher likes the most.

  But in the last few days, even the teacher's eyes are a little wrong when looking at him.

  Lu Fei was not in a state where he just wanted to paint before. After realizing something was wrong, he took the initiative to ask his brother in the same bedroom.

   "Bun, what is going on? Why do I feel weird?"

"I said, brother, but it forced me to death. I wanted to ask for a long time, but you kept silent, and I felt embarrassed. Just keep holding back, tell me how you managed Jiang Mu. How did you get along with Feng Xiaoxiao? My buddy, you are too awesome!"

  Lu Fei felt a black line, "What are you talking about? Why is Feng Xiaoxiao also involved? What does it have to do with her?"

   "Feng Xiaoxiao has always liked you, don't you tell me that you don't know?" Baozi was also shocked. It's a face-saving thing to be liked by school students! But this one didn't care about it at all.

   "I don't like her again, and I have already told her clearly." Lu Fei felt that after he expressed his opinion, this matter had nothing to do with him.

   "But people still like you, she didn't give up, don't you know?" Baozi thought this was a wonderful thing.

  "Is it related to me?" Lu Fei raised his eyebrows.

  The bun was speechless, and gave a thumbs up, "You are really cold-blooded, ruthless, awesome!"

  Lu Fei picked up his schoolbag and didn't want to continue talking with this person. It was a waste of time.

   "No, where are you going? You don't paint anymore? The oil painting contest hasn't been long." Bao Zi reminded.

   "Naturally I am going to prepare for the New Year's Eve party, I am a teaching assistant."

   "Just say you can meet your sweetheart!" Baozi vomited.

  (End of this chapter)

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