Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 564: 564 You have a good vision (updated)

  Chapter 564 564 You have a good vision (updated)

  Lu Fei?

  Jiang Mu is a little dazed, but also a little guilty.

  She seems to have forgotten this person during this period.

   "I said the fourth child, look at you, maybe you haven't contacted our school during this period of time, right?" The king of Ba couldn't bear to ask.

  "Isn’t I too busy? You know, the oil painting contest time is tight. Of course I want to focus on the oil painting contest. I’m so busy I just forget it. Is this understandable?"

   Jiang Mu became more guilty.

   "Oh, I really sympathize with our schoolmates." Ba Wang shook his head with emotion.

   "Fourth old, you are too dick, they are school grass! School grass! Do you know the school grass? There are so many people who like him, don't you have any sense of crisis?"

  Han Yutong also sighed again and again.

   "I think you'd better meet Lu Fei, otherwise I think he might be angry." An Ying softly suggested.

   Jiang Mu nodded, "I'll go after class."

  Fifty minutes of a class, Jiang Mu was thinking about how to explain to Lu Fei, if he was angry, how would she coax people to spend it.

Jiang Mu has never done anything like coaxing people, and she really hasn't lightened this skill.

  This is a very difficult thing for her.

  On the way to the studio, Jiang Mu has been thinking about this issue.

  Lu Fei can be said to be a painting idiot, except for class, basically in the studio, if you find someone during the break, the studio will definitely find someone.

   Jiang Mu guessed right, he did find Lu Fei in the studio.

  It’s just that the studio is very lively. There are not only Lu Fei, but also Feng Xiaoxiao, and a few she doesn’t know, but they have been added a few times when they came to the studio. They are all good students in the teacher's mouth.

  Now everyone is sitting in the studio, not painting, but more chatting.

   "Lu Fei, you will definitely get a place in this oil painting competition! Professors from our school participated in the judging this time. The professors have seen your work and spoke highly of your work."

  Some people are full of envy.

  "Not necessarily. This is a national competition. There are so many people in our country. There are talented painters. There are outsiders, and there are mountains outside the mountains. If you don't talk about others, you can say that our school has many very powerful masters."

  Lu Fei is still very humble.

   "I know, you are talking about our school flowers! You are right, the school flowers are indeed very powerful, and the teacher is very optimistic about her work, maybe you can win the prize together this time."

  "Yes, yes, if you can win prizes, then our school is amazing! The people in Lumei, Zhejiang, and the United States are always jumping around, provoking our status as the number one art academy in China!"

   "No, it makes people angry to say it. I heard that Zhemei is going to change its name. It will be changed to the National Academy of Fine Arts and named directly after the country. It's crazy!"

   "School grass, school flowers, all depend on you! You are the hope of our school!"

  For a time, everyone's attention was focused on Lu Fei and Feng Xiaoxiao.

   "This is not necessarily true." Lu Fei said with a smile, "Jiang Mu also signed up, she is also very talented."

  Everyone looked at each other, and in the end Feng Xiaoxiao took over the conversation.

   "Yeah, listen to what you mean, you have confidence in her."

   "It's natural. We learned to paint together since childhood. I know her level very well." Lu Fei looked proud, "Her paintings always surprise people."

  Feng Xiaoxiao felt sour in her heart and began to be more serious, "Then what you said, compared to Jiang Mu, whose work is better?"

  Said this, Lu Fei's expression became stiff for a moment.

  Jiang Mu is a work submitted on the last day of the competition. No one has seen it, and no one knows the quality of the painting. Naturally, he couldn't have seen it.

  "What do you mean? Is this question so difficult to answer?" Feng Xiaoxiao asked.

  Lu Fei still did not say a word.

   "It's quite rare." Jiang Mu, who was listening outside, walked in slowly, staring at Feng Xiaoxiao, "After all, Lu Fei has never seen the final product."

  Looking at Jiang Mu who came suddenly, Feng Xiaoxiao quickly sorted out his expression, "You have come to school, I thought you would not come anymore!"

   "How is that possible? I took leave and went home to create. Now the list of submissions for the oil painting contest has been closed, and my works have also been submitted, so naturally I don’t need to stay at home."

   Jiang Mu directly ignored the opponent's ridicule and gave a serious explanation.

  Feng Xiaoxiao was speechless.

"Hehe, I thought you were scared. Faced with an opponent like me, you were so scared that you didn't want to be gossiped by the students in the school, or ridiculed by others, so you went straight back home and even face to face. I dare not show it anymore."

Jiang Mu smiled faintly, Xiao Hu's teeth are white and cute, "Is the senior sister too overestimating yourself? For an opponent of your level, it is really nothing to me, and it will not scare me out of my courage. ."

  Feng Xiaoxiao, who was questioned, pursed his lips, “Let’s take a look at this oil painting competition, is it your score or mine?”

   Jiang Mu shrugged his shoulders, “Since it’s a bet, there should be a reward, right?”

   "If I win, I hope you will be more restrained in the future. Don't know nonsense all day, don't be so arrogant, all day long boss, your second child."

  Feng Xiaoxiao is not polite at all, she has full confidence in her work.

   "If I win, don't look up at people with my chin up after trouble, I will find it strange, don't you feel tired?" Jiang Mu also replied mockingly.

  The two stood opposite each other, and no one had any intention of retreating.

   "I said the school grass, do you care about your people? This is too arrogant? The level of the school flower is better than many juniors and seniors!"

   "No, did the awards you got when you were a kid won for nothing? Are your targets too arrogant and a little too self-confident?"

  Lu Fei’s gentle smile, her eyes are full of Jiang Mu’s figure, “She has this talent, this capital, and this confidence. Moreover, this is self-confidence, not arrogance.”

  The answer to him was the eyes of everyone seeing a ghost. Is this still their talented and indifferent school grass?

   "I didn't expect you to have such confidence in me." Jiang Mu was also quite surprised.

  Lu Fei stared at her, "Because I have seen your talents, and you are the person I like, I naturally believe in you."

   Jiang Mu suddenly had a heartbeat, disturbed the frequency, and then the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and the little tiger's teeth were looming, "You have a good vision."

   "I said you two can stop the show? Don't irritate us bachelors! We don't have a match yet."

   "No, you are in pairs, so you have to think about us alone?"

  Everyone started to tease.

"I said the school grass, is it unfair for you to smile like this? I think you are raising Jiang Mu so much because you are your girlfriend! I don't believe that a freshman student can have any talents. !"

  Yang Xing taunted.

  The scene suddenly froze.

  (End of this chapter)

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